
  • 网络plane stress problem
  1. 基于MATLAB的平面应力问题研究

    To solve problem of the plane stress with MATLAB

  2. 正交异性材料在R.Hill屈服准则下平面应力问题的特征场(h>2)

    The characteristic field of plane stress problem for the orthotropic materials under R.Hill yield criterion ( h > 2 )

  3. MVM材料轴对称平面应力问题的弹塑性解

    Elastic-Plastic Solution for an Axisymmetric Plane Stress Problem in MVM Material

  4. 针对平面应力问题,提出了利用状态空间法和微分积分法的混合解法(SSDQM)。

    The state space method coupled with the technique of differential quadrature ( SSDQM ) was presented for plane stress problems .

  5. 钢筋混凝土平面应力问题初探

    A Study on the Problem of Plane Stress of Reinforced Concrete

  6. 正变异性平面应力问题的特征场

    Characteristic Field of Plane Stress Problem for the Orthotropic Materials

  7. 复合材料整体化结构胶合面的出平面应力问题

    Issues About Out-plane Tensile Stress of Adhesive Regions of Composite Integrated Structure

  8. 塑性平面应力问题的统一特征线场理论

    The Unified Characteristic Theory for Plastic Plane Stress Problems

  9. 刚塑性平面应力问题应力间断场的修正

    Amendment to the Discontinuity in Stress Field for Rigid Plastic Plane Stress Problem

  10. 用应变和函数法解平面应力问题

    Method for Solving Plane Stress Problem by Means of Sum Function of Strain

  11. 橡皮类材料平面应力问题的裂尖场

    The Crack Tip Field in a Rubber-Like Thin Sheet

  12. 理想塑性平面应力问题的屈服条件

    Yield conditions in ideal plastic plane stress problems

  13. 理想弹塑性平面应力问题

    Plane stress problems of the elastic perfectly-plastic medium

  14. 平面应力问题广义滑移线方程的推导

    Deduction of generalized slip-line equation for plane-stress problem

  15. 正交异性理想塑性材料平面应力问题的裂纹尖端应力场

    Plane-Stress Crack-Tip Stress Fields for Orthotropic Perfectly-Plastic Materials

  16. 不同方向载荷作用下含圆孔正交各向异性平面应力问题的弹性解

    Elastic solution of plane stress of orthotropic plate with circular holes under different direction loads

  17. 由按平面应力问题算出的数据回归出了计算抗挤强度的模型,用于套管强度校核。

    The model was regressed from the data obtained by calculations as plane stress problem .

  18. 轴对称平面应力问题的塑性解及其在板料冲压中的应用

    An analysis for axisymmetric plane stress problem and its application to sheet metal forming process

  19. 域外奇点法分析薄板的弯曲和平面应力问题

    Analysis of thin-plate bending and plane stress problems by method of singular points exterior to domain

  20. 求解矩形域弹性力学平面应力问题的有限积分法

    A New Method for Solving the Coupled Field Equations of Elasticity Plane Problem with Rectangular Region

  21. 以弹性力学平面应力问题为例,谈对应用有限元素法的几点建议

    Suggestions on the application of finite element method with examples of plane stress problems in elasticity

  22. 用直接散斑法对平面应力问题进行全场应变分布测定的实验与分析

    Experiment and analysis for measuring whole field surface strain distribution by speckle correlation in reflection hologram

  23. 若干塑性平面应力问题的统一解

    Solutions to Plastic Plane Stress Problems

  24. 引用复变量伪应力函数来解幂硬化材料平面应力问题

    Solution of the Plane Stress Problems of Strain-Hardening Materials Described by Power-Law Using the Complex Pseudo-Stress Function

  25. 基于弹性力学的平面应力问题,分析了圆环状岩块的旋转应力场;

    By means of elasticity theory , the rotation stress field of the circled layered rocks is deduced .

  26. 对磁电弹性材料构成的两端简支梁,在均布荷载作用下的弯曲问题按平面应力问题进行了研究。

    The bending of simply supported magnetoelectroelastic beam under uniform load treated as plane stress problem is investigated .

  27. 针对均布载荷作用下的各向异性梁在两端固支条件下的平面应力问题,给出了一个求解应力和位移解析解的方法。

    The analytical solutions of the stresses and displacements were obtained for fixed-fixed anisotropic beams subjected to uniform load .

  28. 本文从弹性波理论出发。导出了微正交各向异性材料平面应力问题的应力&声关系。

    In this paper , the stress-acoustic relations of slightly orthotropic materials have been derived according to elastic waves theory .

  29. 按平面应力问题,直接从压电物理方程出发,导出了压电梁的状态方程。

    The state equation of Pieoelectric beam is deduced directly from a piezoelectric physical equation in terms of a plane stress problem .

  30. 算例为平面应力问题算例。此外,广义逆力法在结构并行计算方面具有不同于传统的子结构并行计算的新特点。

    In addition , LIM is of intrinsic parallel-calculating characteristics , which are different from the traditional sub-structural algorithm based on displacement method .