
  • 网络flat area hydrology
  1. 土壤水动力学在平原水文模拟中的应用

    Application of Soil Moisture Dynamics to Hydrologic Modeling for Plain Areas

  2. 本研究就屏东平原之水文变量及边界条件等已知资料,利用MODFLOW模式计算屏东平原之地下水水位与水力传导系数之相关性。

    In this study , the MODFLOW model was used to calculate the relation between hydraulic head and hydraulic conductivity in Pingtung Plain .

  3. 松辽平原西部水文地质空间数据库工作方法

    A discussion on the procedure of the space database of hydrogeology in Western Song-Liao plain

  4. 天山北麓前山带对平原区水文过程的影响

    Effect of foothill belt on hydro-process of plain area in the northern slope of Tianshan Mountains

  5. 豫北平原咸水水文地质特征及开发利用

    The salt water hydrogeological characteristics and its exploration and utilization in the plain of North Henan

  6. 基于条件模拟技术的平原区水文地质结构三维建模研究

    Study on the 3D modeling for hydrogeological structure of sediment plain based on the technique of conditional simulation

  7. 12&13世纪嘉湖平原的水文生态与围田景观

    Hydrological Environment and Landscape of Wei Fields in Jiaxing and Huzhou Plain in the 12th and 13th Century

  8. 平原河网地区水文计算及洪水影响评价方法的探讨

    Methods Discussion on Hydrology Calculation and Flood Influence Evaluation in Plain River Network Region

  9. 摘要平原区的水文计算在当前生态重建环境中具有重要意义。

    The hydrologic calculation in the plain area is of great significance under the present condition of the ecological environment reconstruction .

  10. 本文系统地阐述了冲湖积平原水源地水文勘测工作方法及要求,结合小杨庄水源地指出了水文勘测工作的重要性。

    The working method and requirement of the hydrologic reconnaissance for the wellhead field of the alluvial lacustrine plain are systematically expounded in this paper .

  11. 通过对华北平原地质及水文地质条件、可供三维建模的信息进行分析后,提出一种基于剖面数据的多源信息建模方法,以此来建立华北平原三维水文地质模型。

    Through the analysis of the geological conditions hydrogeological conditions , the available information for 3D modeling of North China Plain , put forward which called multiple source information modeling that based on the geological section information .

  12. 鲁西南平原高氟地下水水文地球化学特征

    Hydro-geochemical Characteristics of Underground Water with High-fluorine in Southwest of Shandong Province

  13. 冲湖积平原水源地的水文勘测

    The hydrologic reconnaissance for the wellhead field of the alluvial lacustrine plain Lake Biwa

  14. 论文首先阐述了平原河网地区及其水文特性,以及该地区设计水位计算的研究现状。

    At first , plain river network region and its hydrologic characteristics and the current situation of design water research are elaborated .

  15. 本文对无实测水文资料的平原水网区使用水文比拟法进行环境水文条件分析并提出有效的处理方法及合理的成果。

    Analyze hydrologic conditions for environmental protection by hydrologic analogy method for the region of plain waterways & network without any hydrologic data . And an effective treatment method with reasonable results is presented .

  16. 由于平原区特有的水文地质条件,在平原区地下取水建设项目水资源论证中,单纯以完整和独立的水文地质单元来确定论证范围,往往不易做到。

    It is very difficult to take a closed and independent hydro-geologic area as a range of water resources demonstration for underground water intake projects in plain areas due to the specific hydro-geologic features of plain areas .

  17. 确定了平原区土壤水资源的计算模型,分析计算了保定平原区不同水文年土壤蓄水量的周年动态变化情况和土壤水资源的资源量;

    Confirmed the calculating model of soil water resources , analysed the dynamic variety of soil moisture and the amount of soil water resources in the year of different frequency ;