
shuǐ wén diào chá
  • Hydrological survey;hydrogeologic investigation;hydrogeologic survey
  1. 西德基尔大学应用物理所的常规水文调查

    Conventional Hydrological Survey at the Institute of Applied Physics , Kiel University of West Germany

  2. 西南季风不同阶段南海北部珠江口外断面水文调查分析

    Analysis of hydrologic section off Zhujiang River Estuary in northern South China Sea during various southwest monsoon phases

  3. 通过对抚生松花江大桥水文调查分析和设计计算,拟定出较符合实际的桥梁孔径、桥高与桥梁总长。

    By hydrological analysis and calculation of Fushen Songhua River Bridge , this paper gave the hole diameter of bridge , bridge height and total length .

  4. 电磁法是目前最主要的地球物理方法之一,广泛应用于资源勘探、环境与工程勘察,水文调查,地质构造研究等领域。

    Electromagnetic method is one of the most important geophysical methods , which is widely used in resource exploration , environmental and engineering investigation , hydrographic survey and geological structure research .

  5. 在矿区水文地质调查中应用手持GPS接收机

    Use GPS receiver in hydrogeologic investigation of gold mining area

  6. 经参数校准后,手持式GPS接收机单点定位精度优于±5m,可满足矿区1∶1万及更小比例尺水文地质调查对工程点位的精度要求。

    After parameter correction , the point orientation precision of GPS receiver is within ± 5 m and could satisfied the engineering drop precision require of 1 ∶ 10 000 or smaller scale hydrogeologic investigation .

  7. 野外试验场浅层水文地质调查

    Hydrogeological survey of shallow groundwater at cirp 's field test site

  8. 美国水文地质调查发展历程及启示

    History and illumination of hydrogeological survey in the Unites States

  9. 模式勘查及其在水文地质调查中的应用

    Modelling exploration and its application to the hydrogeologic investigation

  10. 中子活化分析在公路交通燧洞水文地质调查中的应用

    The application of neutron activation analysis to the hydrogeological survey in highway channel

  11. 哈思山林区森林植被水文效应调查研究

    Investigation and Study on Hydrological Effect of Forestry Vegetation of Mountainous Area in Hasi

  12. 本文介绍了模式勘查在水文地质调查中的作用。

    This paper presents the role of the modelling exploration in the hydrogeo-logic investigation .

  13. 利用核磁共振方法可以用来进行区域性水文地质调查,确定找水远景区;

    With the instruments based on NMR method , we can investigate regional hydro-geology condition ;

  14. 以青云山隧道为例,介绍了高山隧道水文地质调查及涌水量预测的基本方法。

    The basic method for hydrogeological research and flowing yield forecast is introduced according to Qingyunshan tunnel .

  15. 海洋水文气象调查船

    Marine hydrometeorological research vessel

  16. 航片在陕西省秦巴山区南部岩溶水文地质调查中的应用

    The application of aerial images to karst hydrogeological investigation in southern qingling ~ - Bashan mountain area of Shanxi Province

  17. 金川二矿贫矿工程地质与水文地质调查研究

    The Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology Investigations of the Lean Ore Zone in the NO.2 Mining District of Jinchuan Non-ferrous Metals Corporation

  18. 该文在唐山中西部地区水文地质调查基础上,分析了不同水文地质单元的地下水动态特征。

    On the basis of hydrogeological investigation in the middle west of Tangshan city , the characteristics of groundwater regime for different groundwater system are analyzed .

  19. 从水文地质调查,井巷工程布置,设备选择,防水预案等方面总结了防治水经验。

    The experiences of the preventing and curing water were summarized from the hydrogeological research , the entry arrangement , the equipment selection , and the water-prevention reserve plan .

  20. 本文通过采用水文地质调查和水文物探测量相结合的综合找水方法,在严重缺水的山区找到了较好的地下水,解决了当地群众的生活用水问题。

    In that case , the writer has put forward a comprehensive method of combining hydro-geography survey with hydro-geophysical prospecting , which can source better groundwater resources so as to supply water for local dwellers .

  21. 大多煤田水文地质调查的任务是查明区内工业煤层围岩的赋水性、主要断层的含水及导水性等问题。

    The purpose of most of the hydrogeological survey in coalfield is to prospect the water content of the industrial coal bed adjacent rock and the water content and permeability of main fault and so on .

  22. 近年来,通过开展水文地质调查,在地下河、表层岩溶水和蓄水构造岩溶水打井开采方面均取得重要进展,产生了显著的经济和生态环境效应。

    In recent years , with the performance of the hydrogeological survey , the exploitation of the underground river , epi-karst water and karst water in storing water tectonics has made an important advance and created evident economic and ecological effects .

  23. 论文运用地质-水文地质调查、水文地球化学方法、稳定同位素分析等多种方法,系统分析了研究区天然水化学特征、氢氧稳定同位素组成特征,水体循环系统特征。

    Many methods are used such as geology-hydrogeology survey , hydrogeochemical technique , stable isotope analysis and so on . The paper uses these methods to investigate the characters of natural Hydrochemistry , Oxygen - Hydrogen stable isotope composition and water circulating systems .

  24. 该项目进行了矿床地质及水文地质调查、矿石矿物学研究、矿石可浸性试验、原地破碎浸出萃取电积全流程试验以及技术经济分析等工作。

    In this project , the geologic survey of ore deposit , hydrogeologic investigation , the mineralogical study , the experiment of ore 's leachability , the complete flowsheet experiment of in situ crushing leaching extracting electrowinning and technical analysis were all carried out .

  25. 进行数值模拟前首先对黄河三角洲湿地地区进行了水文地质调查工作,建立黄河三角洲湿地系统的浅层地下水运动概念模型,进而构建代表该地区地下水运动的数学模型。

    Before the numerical simulation , we carried on the hydrologic geological prospecting work to the Yellow River delta wetland , then established the shallow layer groundwater movement conceptual model in order to make a mathematical model which could represent this local groundwater movement .

  26. 本文在青藏铁路区域水文地质调查工作的基础上,以系统理论的基本原理为出发点,利用地下水系统数值模型的运行,来对拉萨城市地下水系统可开采资源进行评价,取得了比较理想的结果。

    Based on the regional hydrogeologic investigation of the Qin-Zang railway , taking the systematic theory as the basic principle , by means of the groundwater system numerical model to evaluating the exploitable resources of groundwater system in La-sa urban area and achieves better effect .

  27. 临川市垃圾填埋场根据所选用的改良厌氧卫生填埋结构对工程地质条件的基本要求,在拟建场区开展1:2000水文地质调查与工程地质勘察的基础上,进行工程地质特征研究。

    In the light of the basic demand of this structure , the life sanitary landfill site adopted an anaerobic filling structure in Linchuan city based on ( 1:2000 ) hydrogeological investigating and engineering geological prospecting the engineering geological featrue of planning establish field is studied .

  28. 煤田开采过程中坑道涌水严重威胁着矿山财产和人身安全,煤田水文地质调查是煤田地质勘探工作中的一项重要地质任务,瞬变电磁测深是目前煤田水文地质调查的主要方法。

    It is a serious threat to mine wealth and personal safety that water gushes from gallery in coalfield exploitation process , so hydrogeological survey is important in coalfield geology exploration . At present , transient electromagnetic sounding is the main method of hydrogeological survey in coalfield .

  29. 在医院局域网上管理医疗仪器说明书对现用海洋水文气象要素调查规范的改进意见

    Managing the instrumental instruction manual by using hospital LAN Suggestions on the Instruction Manual for Obtaining Oceanographic and Meteorological Data

  30. 分析了山岭重丘区公路排水系统设计的重要性和必要性,提出了测设前要充分做好水文地质情况调查和选择经济合理的排水结构型式。

    The paper analyzed the importance and necessity of highway drainage system design in mountain heavy hilly area , and proposed some advice .