
  • 网络cement grouting;cement slurry
  1. 早强型水泥浆液材料的试验研究及在锚固工程中的应用

    Study and Application of the Cement Grouting Material of Increasing Primary Strength for Anchor Engineering

  2. 工程实践证明,这些经改性的水泥浆液应用效果显著。

    And the practice shows that application effect of cement grouting which has been modified is remarkable .

  3. AM-9和超细水泥浆液注浆处理坝体渗漏

    Injection of Dam with AM-9 Grout and Microcement

  4. 对大体积混凝土裂缝和接缝中进行AM9和超细水泥浆液注浆进行研究,分析了浆液的凝胶时间,并应用于回龙大坝坝体裂缝的处理,取得了良好的处理效果。

    This paper investigates the grouting of AM 9 and microcement into joints and cracks of mass concrete , studies solidifying time of the grout and applies the achievements in science to the practice of the grouting project .

  5. 岩体裂隙内稳定水泥浆液扩散范围的理论分析

    Estimation on Penetrating Radius of Stable Cement Grouts in Rock Fractures

  6. 低水灰比水泥浆液搅拌特性试验研究

    Experiment study of mixing quality for low ratio of water-cement grout

  7. 水泥浆液在岩体裂隙中的流动沉积机理

    Flow deposition mechanism of cement slurry in rock ass fractures

  8. 研究水泥浆液比例与注浆压力对浆液扩散范围的影响。

    Mathematical model of high pressure injection cement liquid and its application ;

  9. 水泥浆液粘度随时间变化的试验研究

    Experimental study on effect of time on cement slurry viscosity

  10. 分析了水泥浆液中掺入水玻璃对水泥凝结时间和无侧限抗压强度的影响。

    The paper analyzed the influence of cement-silicate on setting time and compressive strength .

  11. 水泥浆液短拌凝结对封孔质量的影响

    The influence of short - time mixed coagulation for cementing paste on sealing hole quality

  12. 在此试验装置上,进行了一系列的水泥浆液注浆模拟试验。

    In this experiment device , a series of cement grouting experiment have been made .

  13. 本论文对水泥浆液渗透灌注粗砂层工程中浆液的扩散过程进行了理论研究和试验研究。

    In the thesis , the penetration theory of cement grouting in coarse sandy loam is researched .

  14. 结果表明水泥浆液的泛浆性能和结石体强度是搅拌时间和速率的函数。

    The results show that bleeding quality and consolidation strength are a function of mixing time and rotational ratio .

  15. 本文通过材料试验、模型试验及其工业性试验,对粘土&水泥浆液进行了系统的综合研究。

    In the thesis , we research the clay-cement grout , synthetically , through material , mould and industrial experiment .

  16. 分析了水泥浆液结石体的组成和结构,得到了影响水泥结石体孔隙大小分布的因素。

    Composition and structure of cement grout stone is analysed and factors effecting cement grout stone pore distribution is obtained .

  17. 将轻质泡沫水泥浆液作为一种注浆材料用于注浆充填工程目前尚属空白。

    There has been barely any research and experiment on taking lightweight foam cement flurry as a filling material in grouting engineering so far .

  18. 试验结果表明,纯水泥浆液适合于岩溶浅埋段的注浆工程。

    The test results indicate that the pure cement pulp is suitable in the injection project where the karst is burying shallowly under the subgrade .

  19. 通过对不同配比的粘土-水泥浆液结石体的室内无侧限抗压强度试验以及三轴固结不排水试验,揭示了各因素对粘土-水泥浆液结石体性质的影响。

    Through the unconfined compression test and triaxial rigidity test without drain , the authors studied the properties and influence of different formula for the clay-cement grout .

  20. 本文在掌握大量有关文献资料的基础上,以非牛顿流体力学为基础,对水泥浆液的流变特性进行了研究,从而进一步认识其在土体中的运动规律。

    By the theory of continuum medium mechanics of non-Newton fluid , the characteristics of cement liquid and it 's rules of spreading in soil are acquired .

  21. 介绍了细水泥浆液及其结石的物理力学特性(粘度、稳定性、凝结时间、抗压和抗渗强度等)的改性研究成果。

    The study results on mechanical properties of fine cement grout and its calculus , including cohesion , stability , setting time , compressive resistance and impervious strength , etc.

  22. 注浆材料是注浆技术的基础,目前常用的水泥浆液存在析水率大、稳定性差、浆材成本高的缺点。

    Grouting material is the basis of grouting technology ; cement grouting have some disadvantages , such as high bleeding ratio 、 poor stability 、 high cost of grouting materials .

  23. 而粘土水泥浆液虽然在国外特别是在前苏联很早就得到了广泛应用,但在我国将其应用到具体工程实践中的情况还不多见。

    The clay-cement slurry has been widely used abroad , especially in the former Soviet Union , but it was rare to see it being used in concrete engineering practice in China .

  24. 研制的大容量高效制浆机和改进的搅拌工艺已在多个工程中的普通水泥浆液、稳定浆液、膏状浆液和化学材料的灌浆中得到了成功的应用。

    The blender and the improved mixing technique with large capacity and high efficiency have been successfully applied in many grouting projects with common cement , stable slurry , paste slurry and chemicals etc.

  25. 通过研究水泥浆液在裂隙中的流动规律,分析了灌浆压力、浆液的流变参数和灌浆时间对扩散半径的影响。

    With the study of the cement flow rule in the crack , we analyzed the influence to diffusion radius by the grouting pressure , cement rheological parameter and grouting time . 3 .

  26. 考虑到对坝基所用的灌浆材料为水泥浆液,并且凝结后在坝体内形成的结石体改变了既有土坝的均质性,因此,人们总是担心这种坝基灌浆方法是否会对坝体构成新的隐患。

    Considering that the grouting material was cement slurry , it influenced the character of existing earth dam after being congealed ; people were worried about the new hidden dangers due to the grouting .

  27. 研究表明:超细粉煤灰具有较高的表面电位,能提高超细水泥浆液的流变性能,减少浆液的经时流变性损失,改善与高效减水剂的相容性;

    The results show that the superfine ash fly has the higher zeta potential , can enhance flowability of superfine cement paste , decrease flowability loss as time goes on , improve compatibility between superplasticizers and cement ;

  28. 在实验设备、实验材料、实验方法都确定的基础上,设计两轮正交实验,对结石体密度和结石率两个关键实验指标进行极差分析,得出制备轻质泡沫水泥浆液的最佳参数配比。

    Two rounds of orthogonal experiments are afterwards designed to conduct a range analysis on stone density and stone rate , two crucial experiment indicators . Thereafter the best proportion of producing lightweight foam cement flurry is worked out .

  29. 硅酸盐水泥浆液存在凝结时间较长、流动性较低以及早期强度不高的缺陷,在配制浆液时分别选用絮凝剂、减水剂和早强剂对硅酸盐水泥浆液的性能进行改善。

    Presence of portland cement slurry setting time is longer , less liquid , as well as the early strength defects . In the preparation of the slurry , selected flocculant , water reducer and early strength agent to improve performance of portland cement slurry .

  30. 并通过数值模拟进行相应灌注后的渗流和稳定计算,指导工程设计和施工。(1)对比各种灌浆材料的优缺点,尤其是对比粘土固化浆液和纯水泥浆液各种性能。

    Through numerical simulation on the calculation of the transfusion and stable with corresponding perfusion to the stability to guiding engineering design and construction . ( 1 ) By comparing the advantages and disadvantages of various grouting material especially various performance between clay-hardening grouts and pure cement grout .