
  1. 粘土膏做为水泥混合砂浆掺加料的实验与研究

    On the Experiment and Research to Clay Gypsum as Blend of Cement with Mixed Mortar

  2. 大掺量粉煤灰-水泥混合料及其砂浆的配制

    Preparation and Application of Cementitious Materials Incorporating Large Volume of Fly Ash

  3. 各种建筑物的混凝土、水泥砂浆、混合砂浆、以及砖石表面的装饰与保护。

    Decoration and protection of the concrete , cement mortar , mixed mortar , brick and stone surfaces various buildings .

  4. 砌筑时灰砂砖的最佳含水率为7%~12%,用水泥砂浆或混合砂浆均可。

    Optimum moisture of the sand & lime brick is 7 % ~ 12 % at the bricklaying . The masonry can be built by cement mortar or composite mortar .

  5. 指出粉刷石膏的功能特点,很好的解决了传统的水泥砂浆或混合砂浆室内抹灰存在的空鼓、开裂、脱落等质量通病。

    At last , The paper points out its function and characteristic , Therefore , solves some problems , such as , split open , dropping , which are brought out of traditional cement morter or mixture morter in house plastering .

  6. 因传统的水泥砂浆或混合砂浆抹灰已不能满足用户对其质量的要求,而粉刷石膏以其结构稳定、不开裂、不脱皮等优点则可能成为二者的理想替代品。

    The traditional cement mortar and mixing mortar plastering cannot meet the quality demands of users . The whitewash gypsum has some advantages such as steady structure , no crack and no stripping , so it may become ideal substituted production .