
  • 网络water stability
  1. 掺加SH后,浸水后的无侧限抗压强度和饱和抗剪强度指标明显增大,水稳性得到显著提高。

    The indexes of unconfined compressive strength and saturation shear strength are increased observably after immersion when using the lime-ash with SH , and the water stability is improved effectively .

  2. 通过温室模拟试验,研究人工土壤,经不同分子量和电荷密度PAM处理后团聚体水稳性的变化状况。

    The water stability of soil cluster is studied after the treatment of different molecular weight and charge density PAM of artificial soil by way of simulation test in the hothouse .

  3. 紫色水稻土水稳性团聚体土壤微生物基因组DNA提取方法探讨

    Microbial DNA Extraction Method on Soil Water-stable Aggregates about the Purple Paddy Soil

  4. 单纯添加无机N会引起耕地黑土团聚体水稳性下降。

    Applied inorganic N only resulted in the decline of water stability of aggregates in cultivated black soil .

  5. 粒径分布分形维(D)和表面分形维(P)能更好地反映团聚体的水稳性和抗蚀性,是描述土壤团聚体水稳性和抗蚀性的新指标和新方法。

    Diameter distributing fractal dimension ( D ) and aggregate surface fractal dimension ( P ) may reflect the water stability and erosion resistance of aggregates , which were new indices .

  6. 黑钙土中>0.25mm粒级的水稳性团聚体百分含量增加,阳离子交换量提高,土壤pH值下降。

    The percentage content and cation exchange amount of aggregate stability of chernozem ( > 0 . 25 mm ) increased , but the pH decreased .

  7. 用室内模拟试验研究了有机C、无机N添加对耕地黑土不同粒级团聚体水稳性的影响。

    By the experiment of laboratory simulation , effect of organic C and inorganic N addition on water stability of aggregates with different particle fraction from cultivated black soil were studied .

  8. 菌根菌丝对土壤中5~2mm水稳性大团聚体形成的贡献为100%;

    Two AM fungi contributed 100 % to the formation of 5 ~ 2mm water-stable aggregates .

  9. STW型高分子土壤稳定剂改良粘性土团聚体水稳性实验研究

    Experimental study on the water-stability property of clay aggregates stabilized by STW polymer soil stabilizer

  10. 通过使用ISS土壤稳定剂,提高了道路土基的承载能力和水稳性,解决了道路冻胀及翻浆问题。

    To adopt ISS soil stabilizing agent can raise bearing capacity and water stability of road base , and solve frost boil and mud pumping of road .

  11. 黄绵土表土水稳性大团聚体(0.25mm)粒径越大,其中的有机碳含量越高。

    The larger the water stable macroaggregates , the higher organic carbon content in them .

  12. 免耕对土壤结构破坏少,使0~20cm土层水稳性团粒结构增多。

    The content of water stable aggregate in 0 ~ 20cm layer was increased in no tillage in that the soil structure was less destroyed .

  13. 土壤不同层次水稳性团聚体中POC的来源不同,在0~5cm表层可能主要来源于作物根茬生物量,而在5~15cm土层则可能跟施入的外源有机物有关。

    Regression coefficients showed a possible source of POC in water-stable aggregates from increased crop biomass in topsoil ( 0-5cm ) and organic matter applied in sub-surface layer ( 5-15cm ) .

  14. 结果表明:不同耕作条件下,大于0.25mm水稳性团聚体的含量差异较大。

    The results showed there are great differences in content of water-stable aggregates ( > 0.25 mm ) under different tillages .

  15. 聚丙烯酰胺的适宜用量为0.3~1.2g·m-2。聚丙烯酰胺减少土壤侵蚀量的原因在于能促进土壤沉降,改善土壤结构,提高土壤水稳性。

    Reason of reducing soil erosion with polyacrylamide is that it can accelerate soil sedimentation , improve soil structure , raise soil water stability .

  16. 因为有机质是土壤抵抗各种疲劳症能力的物质基础,有机质含量的增加,不仅可使土壤中0.25~10mm团聚体的含量增加,还使其的水稳性提高。

    Organic matter was substance basis of soil resisting fatigue ability , so the increasing of organic matter content rose 0.25 ~ 10mm aggregate content and its water stability . 6 .

  17. 土壤的容重、毛管孔隙度、0.25mm水稳性团聚体含量及粘粒含量直接影响土壤饱和导水率。

    Soil saturated hydraulic conductivity was directly affected by soil bulk density , capillary porosity , 0.25 mm aggregate content and clay content .

  18. 果树栽培还明显增加了土壤>250μm水稳性团聚体(WSA)的含量,同时减少了土壤粘粒分散率(CDR)。

    Fruit cultivation increased significantly ( p < 0.05 ) the content of soil water-stable aggregate > 250 μ m ( WSA ), as well as decreased soil clay dispersion rate ( CDR ) .

  19. 各种有机肥之间及其与对照相比0.5~0.25mm水稳性团聚体含量都存在不同程度的差异。

    There were difference in some extents among four kinds of organic fertilizers and compared with CK in terms of 0.5 ~ 0.25 mm water stable aggregate content .

  20. 土壤中游离氧化铁铝对提高土壤团聚体稳定性影响也表现显著,但浸泡振荡处理后水稳性团聚体含量的下降大于C-D试剂浸提处理。

    Free Fe and Al oxides have a obvious influence on the water stability of soil aggregates , but the decreases of water-stable aggregate contents treating with drenching and vibrating are bigger than that treating with C-D reagent .

  21. 无论在0-5cm土层还是在5-10cm土层,长期耕种土壤的水稳性大团聚体含量均显著低于种植苜蓿土壤的。

    Both in 0-5 cm and 5-10 cm layer , the water stability macroaggregates content of long-term tillage field was significantly low than that of 30 yrs lucerne field .

  22. 结果表明:随着植被演替,土壤中大粒级水稳性团聚体含量逐步增加,5mm粒级团聚体在土壤团粒结构中占主导地位,含量占50%~80%。

    The results show that : In terms of vegetation succession stages , the contents of big gravel soil water-stable aggregates increased , the 5 mm aggregate is priority in different layers , about 50 % ~ 80 % .

  23. 在各向同性下,土壤特性的相关距离在74~186m之间,最大的为土壤田间持水量,最小的是水稳性团聚体含量。

    Under the assumption of the isotropy , the range of soil properties correlation distance was 74 ~ 186m , the maximum is field capacity and the minimum is soil aggregates .

  24. 结果表明:结晶有机肥处理显著增加土壤0.25~2.0mm粒径水稳性团粒比重;处理后土粒机械强度增大,土粒中微孔增多,淹水后可见大量气泡冒出。

    After the crystal organic fertilizer was applied to those soils , 0 . 25-2 . 0 mm water-stable aggregates , physical strength and micro pore of the soil were increased .

  25. 植物根系提高土壤抗侵蚀性主要通过直径小于1mm的须根起作用.须根通过增加土壤水稳性团聚体的数量与粒径等作用来提高土壤的稳定性,以抵抗水流分散;

    The increase of soil erosion resistance by plant roots was mainly through the actions of fiber roots less than 1 mm in diameter , while fiber roots enhanced the soil stability to resist water dispersion via increasing the number and diameter of soil water-stable aggregates .

  26. 0.25mm水稳性团聚体含量虽然在整体上与团聚体的稳定性具有良好的相关性,但并不是随着0.25mm水稳性团聚体含量的增高,每个径级范围的团聚体稳定性增强。

    There is a good linear relationship between content of more than 0.25 mm water stable aggregate and ASI in a total tendency , but not all size aggregate stability heightenes with 0.25 mm water stable aggregate content increasing .

  27. SEU-1型固化剂使得粉质土的无侧限抗压强度、凝聚力和水稳性得到了很大提高,从而使得粉质土路基边坡抗冲刷能力得到极大提高;

    The laboratory tests and analysis of stabilizer show : The SEU-1 stabilizer advance the unconfined strength and cohesion and water stability of silts . It is successful in the capacity of resisting erosion of subgrade slope .

  28. 通过沥青与石料的粘附性试验和沥青混合料的水稳性试验研究,再结合实体工程使用后的实际效果,对新型沥青抗剥落剂AR-78的性能作出了全面的评价。

    Based on the adhesiveness tests on asphalt adhesion to aggregates , the water stability tests on asphalt mixtures and the results used in the practical pavements , this paper gives a comprehensive evaluation of performance of the new-type asphalt anti-stripping agent AR-78 .

  29. 水泥-石灰土水稳性的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Water Stability of Cement - lime Stabilized Soil

  30. 植物根系提高土壤水稳性团粒含量的研究

    Study on Improving Soil 's Waterstable Aggregates Amounts by Botanic Roots