
  • 网络rock pressure
  1. 利用ANSYS的参数化高级设计语言,编制了适合任意三心圆拱衬砌断面和不同围岩压力分布形式的隧道衬砌内力和偏心距的通用计算程序。

    A general program using APDL ( ANSYS parametric design language ), which is applicable to arbitrary lining sections of the three-centered circular arch with different surrounding rock pressure distributions , was developed for the calculation of the tunnel inner forces and eccentricities .

  2. 所得到的塑性区应力、塑性区半径、围岩压力和硐室周边位移等研究结果,与基于理想弹塑性体的Fenner解答相比,要更接近实际硐室围岩中的对应量值。

    The research results of plastic zone stress , plastic zone radius , surrounding rock pressure , and surrounding rock displacement are more nearly actual correspondence values of cavern surrounding rock with Fenner solution based on ideal elastoplastic materials .

  3. 以大型通用软件ANSYS为平台,采用静力等效原则,把压力转化为相应的节点荷载,解决了隧道围岩压力与节点位置相关又不与衬砌结构垂直的输入问题。

    Based on the large-scale universal software ANSYS , the input problem that surrounding rock pressures of tunnel are associated with node location but not perpendicular to the lining was solved using static equivalent principle to transform the pressures into corresponding nodal loads .

  4. 深部坑道围岩压力与变形分析

    Analysis of pressure and deformation of wall rock near deep tunnel

  5. 各种形状洞室的围岩压力分析

    Analysis on Pressure of Surrounding Rock of Tunnel with Different Shapes

  6. 围岩压力下套管承载能力的研究

    A Study on the Load-Carrying Ability of Casings Under Confining Pressure

  7. 可考虑任意围岩压力分布形式的隧道衬砌计算分析

    Calculation analysis of tunnel lining considering arbitrary surrounding rock pressure distribution

  8. 盾构隧道围岩压力的现场监测试验研究

    Experimental Study on In-situ Monitoring of Ground Pressures Acting on Shield-driven Tunnels

  9. 秦岭Ⅰ号隧道围岩压力的理想弹塑性分析

    Unearthly elastic-plastic analysis of No. 1 Qinling tunnel 's country rock pressure

  10. 小间距浅埋隧道围岩压力的探讨

    Study on the rock pressure acting on shallow tunnels with small spacing

  11. 超深立井围岩压力测试与分析

    The Measurement and Analysis of Surrounding Rock Pressure for Extra Deep Shaft

  12. 浅埋洞室围岩压力若干问题研究

    Research on Some Problems of Rock Pressure of Caverns at Shallow Depth

  13. 深埋隧道围岩压力与跨度的关系研究

    Study on the Relationship between Support Pressure of Deep-buried Tunnel and Span

  14. 应力路径对特大断面隧道围岩压力的影响

    Effect of stress path on surrounding rock pressure of super large-section tunnel

  15. 硐室形变围岩压力弹塑性分析的统一解

    Unified solution of elastic-plastic analysis for surrounding rock mass stress under cave deformation

  16. 隧道围岩压力的弹塑性新解

    New Elasto-plastic Analytic Solution of Tunnel Surrounding Rock Pressure

  17. 连拱隧道围岩压力的释放率分析

    Rock Mass Pressure Release Rate Analysis for Double-Arch Tunnel

  18. 软岩隧道围岩压力的位移直接反演方法的研究

    Study on reverse displacement method of ground pressure for tunnels in soft rock

  19. 围岩压力的弹塑性理论研究也从未间断。

    The study of rock pressure based on elasto-plastic theory has been ongoing .

  20. 地下工程围岩压力计算的反算法

    Counter & calculated method of the pressure of around rock in the underground engineering

  21. 实测二衬围岩压力荷载分担比例与规范基本相符。

    The load sharing ratio of the secondary lining is consistent with the code .

  22. 立井井壁厚度的围岩压力最大值确定法

    The Maximum Value Method for Determining the Pressures in Surrounding Rocks of Vertical Shaft Walls

  23. 深埋小净距隧道围岩压力计算方法研究

    A Study on Calculation Method of Surrounding Rock Pressure About Deep-Buried Tunnel with Small Spacing

  24. 隧洞围岩压力位移反分析原理和方法

    Principles and Methods of Inverse Analysis for the Displacement from the Pressure of Tunnel Rock

  25. 渗水膨胀粘弹塑性围岩压力隧洞的耦合蠕变效应

    The Coupled-Creep Effect of Pressure Tunnels Interacted with Its Water-Osmotic Swelling Viscous Elasto-Plastic Surrounding Rocks

  26. 研究不同跨度、不同计算理论下作用在支护结构上的围岩压力。

    Study the rock pressure on the supporting structure by different span and different computing theory .

  27. 结合累进算法,对浙江某新建隧道围岩压力进行时间序列预测。

    Combined with a progression arithmetic , time series analysis of rock pressure in a tunnel i.

  28. 公路隧道围岩压力与应力计算方法新探

    A New Exploration on Calculation Method of Pressure and Stress of the Surrounding Rocks of Highway Tunnel

  29. 隧道围岩压力与衬砌体受力特性原位测试

    Site testing of the pressure of surrounding rock mass and the mechanics property of tunnel shoring system

  30. 综放采场围岩压力分布规律数值模拟研究

    Numerical simulation analysis and study on the abutment pressure distribution laws at the fully mechanized caving face