
  • 网络Final set;final setting;final setting time
  1. 膨胀水泥浆主要在终凝后发生体积膨胀,对早期气窜影响很小。

    The volume expansion of expanding cement happens after final set , which has little relation with early gas migration .

  2. 从讨论小体积砼水化热及外加剂的特性入手,提出适时利用砼水化热,保证砼终凝后利用微量热能来提高商板的早强和防止断裂。

    The hydration heat and characteristics of admixtures for small volume concrete are discussed in the paper . The concrete hydration heat and the microscopic heat energy after final set can be used to improve the early strength of the concrete slab and prevent from concrete break .

  3. NaF的速凝效果十分显著,当掺量只有02%时就可以使水泥的初凝时间控制在5分钟,终凝控制在10分钟。

    0.2 % NaF can control the prehardening time in 5 minutes and final setting time in 1 minute .

  4. 随着波纹管内试件的刚度不断增加,其影响程度也随之减小,到终凝10h后这种影响可以忽略不计。

    However , the influence decreases with the hardening process and becomes negligible in10 h after the final set .

  5. 它制浆后,初凝时间为60min,终凝时间210min。

    In slurring , its initial setting time is 60 min and the final , 210 min.

  6. 结果表明:2种骨水泥的凝结时间基本相同,初凝时间为5min左右,终凝时间为19.5min;

    The solidifying time of these bone cements is similar , 5 min initially and 19.5 min finally .

  7. 试验结果表明:(1)当SRA掺量为0.045%时可将终凝时间延长到10h;

    The test proved that : ( 1 ) final setting time delay may be increased to 10h when mixing ratio of SRA at 0.045 % ;

  8. 为满足现场要求,必须加入相配伍的缓凝剂,并控制初、终凝时间在4~10h之内;

    By the request of the field application the compatible retarder should be added and control the initial setting time in the scope of 4-10 h ;

  9. 锚孔钻进时机为旋喷桩固结体终凝初期12~14h;

    The beginning time of anchor hole drilling operation is at best controlled in 12 ~ 14h in initial stage of the end solidification .

  10. 研制一种超效缓凝剂SRA,当掺量为0.045%时可将终凝时间延长到10h;

    A new type of super retarder named SRA is introduced in this paper . When the dosage of it is 0.045 % , the final setting time can be retarded for 10 h.

  11. 采用0.25MNaH2PO4/Na2HPO4调和液调和,其初凝时间为4min,终凝时间为15min,满足临床手术要求。

    The powder were mixed with 0.25M NaH2PO4 / Na2HPO4 solution . Its initial setting time was about 4 min , the final setting time was about 15 min.

  12. 研究结果表明:抛光砖粉作水泥混合材时,水泥的标准稠度用水量增加,初凝时间缩短、终凝时间略有延长;水泥28d胶砂强度活性指数可达82%;

    The results showed that the water requirement for normal consistency of cement increased and the early setting time shortened as well as the final setting time prolonged , the 28d activity index of cement mortar reached 82 % .

  13. 浆体凝结时间较长,水灰质量比(0.7~1.0)∶1.0,粉煤灰掺量质量分数为60%~90%时,初凝一般大于12h,终凝一般大于20h。

    The setting time is quite long , when the water cement ratio is ( 0.7-1.0 )∶ 1 and the proportion of fly ash is 60 % - 90 % , the early setting time is longer than 12 hours and the last setting time is longer than 20 hours .

  14. 水泥的初、终凝时间均有所缩短;

    The initial setting and final setting time are shortened slightly ;

  15. 矿渣微粉对商品混凝土初终凝时间的影响

    Initial Setting Time of Ready-Mixed Concrete Impacted by Slag Micropowder

  16. 初凝时间延缓,终凝时间基本提前;

    The initial setting time is delayed , and the final setting time is ahead of time basically ;

  17. 结果发现:由于加入纤维蛋白胶,复合支架材料在一定程度上延长了磷酸钙骨水泥的初凝时间,但并不影响磷酸钙骨水泥的终凝时间;

    The results show that the FG prolongs initial setting time , but does not influence final setting time .

  18. 两种减水剂对该水泥初凝时间影响不大,而终凝时间明显缩短;

    The influence of the two water reducer on the initial setting time were little but shortened the final setting time remarkably .

  19. 其中丁苯胶乳杂化水泥混凝土对耐久性的提高方面更加显著。偏高岭土杂化水泥混凝土对强度的提高较大,对韧性等也有一定提高,但对混凝土的工作性有所降低,初终凝时间缩短。

    While compressive strength is reduced in styrene-butadiene latex hybrid cement concrete , but the durability , toughness and workability are greatly improved then .

  20. 性能易调节,初终凝时间可根据设计和施工要求任意调整;

    Properties of the slag can be adjusted and initial setting time can be adjusted discretionarily according to the requirements of design and engineering ;

  21. 结果表明:羧基丁苯乳液具有良好的减水作用,使建筑石膏初凝和终凝时间有所提前,并在一定程度上增加了建筑石膏的体积密度;

    Results show that styrene-butadiene emulsion can reduce required content of mixing water , accelerate initial and final setting and increase bulk density of gypsum .

  22. 通过比较凝结期起止时间和实测的凝结时间,发现凝结期开始时间与初凝时间非常吻合,而凝结期终止时间则明显滞后于终凝时间。

    The starting time of setting stage is identical with initial setting time . However , the ending time of setting stage lags behind the final setting time .

  23. 试验结果表明,水泥初,终凝时间有较强的相关性,预示着水化早期水泥凝结结构的发展有着连续性。

    Results of this investigation reveal that pertinence between initial and final setting time is more stronger , indicating the continuity of setting structure development during early hydration period .

  24. 指出了商品砼的优点,详细分析了砼终凝前和砼终凝后出现裂缝的原因,并提出相应的控制措施。

    The article points out the advantage of commercial concrete , expounds the cause of the crack before and after concrete coagulation , and presents the corresponding control measures .

  25. 随着水灰比增大,塑性阶段时间延长,初终凝时间延迟,初凝时体积收缩率增加。

    With the increase of water to cement ratio , the plastic stage time extends , the initial set and final set prolongs , the volume shrinkage before initial set increase .

  26. 在施工中采取了混凝土出模后覆盖塑料布,初凝后用草袋覆盖,终凝后流水或洒水养护等有效的防裂措施,取得良好效果。

    Some anti cracking measures are introduced during construction : first covering plastic film and covering straw bag after initial set of concrete , final sprinkling water after final set of concrete .

  27. 对小颗粒水泥在不同温度、不同密度下的抗压强度、初终凝时间、稠化时间、流变性和稳定性进行了试验研究。

    Study of compressing strength , initial and final solidification time , thickening time , rheology and stability of small particle cement with different density and at different temperature were conducted in lab.

  28. 结果表明:(1)高钙灰的掺入改善了胶砂的工作性,降低了标准稠度用水量,延缓了胶材的初终凝时间;

    The results show : ( 1 ) with high calcium mixing , concrete workability was modified , the water quantity needed for standard consistence decreased , initial and final setting time increased ;

  29. 当粉液比为7.5∶1、粉料占耐火材料的35%时,浆料有较好的流动性和适宜的初终凝时间。

    When water / powder ratio was 7.5 ∶ 1 and the content of fine powder was 35 % , slurry fluidity was better and initial setting time and setting time were appropriate .

  30. 另外,与常规水泥相比,微细水泥的初、终凝时间也有缩短,这对提高低密度水泥体系的防窜能力也是有利的。

    Comparing with conventional cement , the primary and final setting times of the fine cement are shorter , which is favorable to improve the anti-channeling ability of the cement slurry system with low density .