
  • 网络lifetime employment
  1. 当时,这种做法彻底背离了日本按资排辈和终身雇用的传统就业体制。

    At the time this was a radical departure from the traditional seniority and lifetime employment system in Japan .

  2. 过去的国有企业是实行终身雇用制的。现在,各类雇主均已转用合同制。

    The lifetime employment system for the State-owned enterprises has been replaced by the contract employment system for all types of employers .

  3. 虽然没有一家公司可以提供一刀切“不裁员”在这个年龄段的保证,管理人员能够被保证的“终身雇用”的态度。

    Although no company can offer a blanket " no-layoff " guarantee in this age , managers can communicate a " lifetime employment without guarantees " attitude .

  4. 飞特族和啃老族的发展表明,日本的终身雇用制度已经在经济压力和全球化面前瓦解了。在这种形势下,个人必须具备创造性和跨文化交际能力,死板地工作是无法生存的。

    The development of freeters and NEETs in Japan shows that the system of lifetime employment has disintegrated in the face of economic pressures together with globalization , where individuals are expected to innovate and communicate across cultures , and where a defined employee role may not exist .

  5. 那些寻求终身聘用的雇用教师被认为是走一条“不升即离”的道路。助理教授就是这条路上的第一份工作。

    Those hired with the understanding they will seek tenure are said to be " on the tenure track . " Assistant professor is the first job on this path .