
  1. 所以我觉得可以稳妥地说,在我们进入2009年之际,企业家,自然上升到了位列,五大职业生涯选择的地位。

    So I think it could be safe to say that as we are moving in2009 , entrepreneurship is certainly risen to the ranks of being above the five career choice as true profession .

  2. 但是根据专家的观察,现在越来越多的人开始选择在职业生涯的后期选择休长假。

    But the number of people taking lengthysabbaticals later in life is increasing , according to experts .

  3. 就像我前面所提高的,艾弗森整个职业生涯的投篮选择都不太好。

    As I mentioned earlier , Iverson throughout his career has constantly taken shots that are ill advised .

  4. 有一笔至少维持6个月生活的存款能让你摆脱恐惧,让你有足够多的信心去对职业生涯做出仔细选择。

    Having a stash of cash -- at least six months of living expenses -- can make you breathe easier in scary times and give you the confidence you need to make careful choices about your professional life .

  5. 这一专业是我将来职业生涯的唯一正确选择吗?

    Is this the right – and only – major for my career path ?

  6. 采用Syllabus概念建立课程教学计划制度借鉴了国内外职业指导理论、心理学、教育学的原理与方法,从基本概念、职业生涯选择和发展理论的思考出发。

    Applying the Pedagogics of Syllabus to Guide the Establishment of Course Instruction Systems It uses the theories and methods of vocational guidance , psychology and pedagogics home and abroad for reference ;