
  1. 年龄、服务年资及现任职位因素,在整体组织承諾知觉上有显著性差異。

    The organization commitment has significant difference in variables such as age , seniority , duties .

  2. 研究发现,年龄、家庭责任、饮酒习惯、工作职位等个人因素都对安全氛围有影响;安全氛围对安全行为有着非常显著的积极影响。

    The presented case study shows that individual factors such as age , family responsibility , drinking , work position , have influence on safety climate , and safety climate has notable positive influence on safety behavior .

  3. 在公司里抉择职位的首选斟酌因素是什么?

    What did you like most about your last job ?

  4. 现任职位及学校规模因素,在整体组织文化知觉上有显著性差異;

    The organization culture has significant difference in variables such as duties and school size .

  5. 3员工工作绩效和动物意象之间的关系不受工作年限、年龄、职位、学历等因素的影响。

    Employees work performance and animal imagery was not obvious affected with the work experience , age , post and qualification . 4 .

  6. 斯里瓦斯塔瓦表示,当他考虑是否接受这一职位时,关键因素不是薪酬,而是开展创新研究的机会。

    Prof Srivastava says that when considering whether to accept the position , the issue was not remuneration but the opportunity to carry out innovative research .

  7. 影响体制内组织中女性职位晋升的主要因素是女性被提名的困难、社会评价机制的歪曲以及女性自身的主观原因。

    In those system organizations , the difficult is that females have little opportunity to be nominated , always be appraised falsely as well as their own subjective reasons .

  8. 在对造成薪酬差距原因的研究中,部门和职位类别为主要因素,而其余指标对薪酬差距的影响较小。

    In the study of reasons caused the pay gap , department and job type were the main factors , while the other indexes on the pay gap was less affected . 4 .

  9. 本文全面论述了公共部门职位管理的意义,深入分析了影响公共部门职位管理的主要因素,并系统提出了公共部门职位管理的一般程序和方法。

    This paper also elaborates the significance of the post management , presents an in-depth analysis on the factors affecting the post management , and systematically proposes the general procedure and methods for it .

  10. 其次,运用胜任力-绩效建模思路,通过问卷调查,探索职位胜任力结构模型及其与工作绩效的关系。结果发现四类职位胜任力因素,即情绪因素、社交因素、认知因素和业务因素。

    In the competence-performance modeling , the result showed four position competence factors - emotional , social , cognitive , and technical ones .