
  • 网络occupational stress
  1. 此外,除了房子,许多白领还承受职场压力和健康问题。

    In addition , many white-collar workers are suffering from career pressures and health problems .

  2. 这个数据本身并没有太大问题,但把它和职场压力致死的可能性联系到一起时,就令人忧心忡忡了。

    The new data isnt too upsetting in itself , but when combined with the chances that workplace stress could kill you , its worrisome .

  3. 如果职场压力太大,不妨重新考虑一下你对事业和家庭生活的打算。

    If workplace stress is so intense that you can 't endure it , you can re-consider how you want to live your work life and home life .

  4. 职场压力专家说,要想与家人增进感情、触及自己的灵魂、给自己充电,就需要完全脱离工作。

    Taking time off completely , stress experts say , is essential if we are to connect with our families and with our souls and recharge our batteries .

  5. 如果你一直都在为职场压力而苦苦挣扎,那么《哈佛商业评论》里刊登的这篇文章可能能让你振奋一下,因为这篇报道指出人们可以利用工作压力,化压力为动力。

    If you 're struggling to cope with workplace stress , you might be cheered by this Harvard Business Review article , which says you can make your stress work to your advantage .

  6. 下班后查看邮件、最后的截止日期、准备演讲或汇报,以及上司要求过高等都是造成职场压力的原因。

    Checking work emails after hours , last-minute deadlines , having to do a speech or presentation and an overly demanding manager were named as some of the biggest causes of workplace stress .

  7. 一位哈佛商学院毕业生告诉我,他在一家高科技公司工作几周之后便不得不服用抗抑郁药。一位在医疗服务机构工作的资深员工表示,她与同事经常通过酒精和药物来应对职场压力。

    After a Harvard Business School graduate told me about going on antidepressants within a few weeks of starting work at a high-tech company , a senior person who worked at an organization providing health care described how she and colleagues coped with workplace stress by becoming addicted to alcohol and drugs .

  8. 引发离职的原因具有复杂性、动态性的特点,职业稳定性降低、职场竞争压力增大、知识技能更新加快等职业本身和就业环境的变化都是诱发离职的可能因素。

    The professional and employment circumstance change , for example occupational stability decreases , workplace competitive pressure and the update of knowledge and skills , are possible factors .

  9. 经济学家戴维·布兰奇福劳(DavidBlanchflower)和安德鲁·奥斯瓦尔德(AndrewOswald)已经告诉我们,职场的精神压力愈来愈严重。

    The economists David Blanchflower and Andrew Oswald have shown that mental stress in the workplace has only grown worse over the years .

  10. 职场中的压力可能会导致健康上的问题。

    Stress in the work place can lead to health problems .

  11. 这位职场新人在压力之下,已经开始学习工程学,合同法和贸易业务。

    The workplace newbie is already under pressure learning engineering , contract law and business .

  12. 根据一份调查,周二上午11:45分是一周中职场人感觉压力最大的时刻。

    According to a survey , 11:45 on Tuesday is the most stressful time of the week .

  13. 经过几周的职场活动和压力,这个月将给你提供一个温暖有趣的朋友间的社交活动的绿洲!

    After many weeks of career activities and pressures , this month will offer you a lovely oasis of warm and fun social time with friends .

  14. 周二的11:45分就是一天中真正的工作落到职场人头上压力也随之增长的那一刻。

    Tuesday at11:45am seems to be the time in the day when the real workload for the week hits employees and as a result stress levels rise .

  15. 益普索调查公司为路透社开展的调查显示,不管是由职场中的压力、人际矛盾、挫折导致的,还是因为缺乏意见反馈或晋升机会,24个国家中的27%的员工说他们对自己工作环境的精神层面感到不满意。

    Whether it is due to stress , interpersonal conflict , frustration , lack of feedback or promotion , 27 percent of workers in 24 countries said they are not happy with the psychological aspects of their work environment , the survey by research company Ipsos for Reuters showed .

  16. 服务的发起人寺井广树(HirokiTerai)说:“在东京,职场女性承受的压力实在太大了,常常让她们失声痛哭。我们这7个帅哥随叫随到,希望其中一个能安慰她们,帮她们拭去泪水。”

    According to Hiroki Terai , the creator of Ikemeso , " Japanese women are under tremendous stress at the office here in Tokyo , which often ends in tears . We are here to provide a kind word and brush the tears away by one of our seven lovely men on call . "

  17. 通常而言,职场人事在遇到压力大、工作不愉快、缺乏晋升机会等问题时可考虑跳槽。

    Generally speaking , workplace personnel in the face of pressure , unpleasant , lack of promotion opportunities when considering job-hopping problem .

  18. 不断变化的技术和全球化使职场中人备受压力,因此需要创建一个新的指标,同时考量工作岗位的数量和质量。

    For workers under pressure from changing technology and globalisation , a new measure is required , based on job quality as much as job quantity .

  19. 调查有很多有意思的发现,包括:约25%的职场人对极度压力的反应是哭泣。

    Among the many interesting findings : about 25 % of the working population overall is made up of people who respond to extreme stress by crying .

  20. 随着越来越多的职场人事从事着压力极大的职业生涯,政府号召员工们在丢失士气之前一定要关心自己的健康。

    As more and more employees are leading a stressful career life , the Hong Kong government urges employers to take care of employees'well-being before they lose their morale .

  21. 除了协调妈妈的身份与职业之外,调查还发现,职场上的外部压力给女性带来了额外压力,迫使她们选择其他工作类型,例如兼职和非营利性工作。

    Beyond reconciling motherhood and careers , the survey suggests that external forces in the workplace are putting extra stress on women and steering them toward alternative work options , such as part-time and non-profit work .

  22. 最后通过相关和回归分析得出以下结果:第一,职场新人的角色压力水平处于中等偏上的水平,角色压力水平在不同的性别、单位性质、岗位性质上存在显著的差异。

    By using the correlation and regression analysis , we get the following results : First , the role stress of the newcomers in workplace is on the Upper-middle level , significant difference exists in role stress , owing to difference in ender , enterprise , position .