
  • 网络ball screw;Ballscrew
  1. 新型滚珠螺杆式启闭机的研究

    Research on A New Type of Ball Screw Hoist

  2. 浅谈全电式注塑成形机的滚珠螺杆

    Ball Screw of Full - electric Controlled Injection Molding Machine

  3. 一种具变转速滚珠螺杆机构之伺服冲床设计

    Design of the Ball-screw Mechanism with Variable Input Speed for a Servo Press

  4. Y轴采用滚珠螺杆传动精度佳,摩擦系数小。

    X axis and Y axis adopt ball spiral rods with excellent precisions and low friction factors .

  5. 采用步进电机精确定位,配合进口高级滚珠螺杆,充分保证排线精度。

    Equip with the stepping motor , ensures the precise winding position , equip with the high quality ball screws , and ensures precise wire guiding .

  6. 讨论了滑动螺旋副和滚动螺旋副螺杆式启闭机的特点及不足,介绍了一种新型滚珠螺杆式启闭机。

    Based on discussion of the screw hoist with moving screw pair and the screw hoist with rolling screw pait , a new type of ball screw hoist is introduced in the paper .

  7. 由结果得知,变转速滚珠螺杆机构之多样化的输出运动特性,确能满足伺服冲床高速下降、等速加工、以及下死点停留时间延长等特性。

    According to the results , the various characteristics of the output motion of the ball-screw mechanism can achieve high speed dropping , uniform processing , and extending the retention period of the lower dead center of servo presses .

  8. 采用双轴同时驱动方式,搭配全伺服滚珠导螺杆驱动,确保元件搭载精度及速度。

    Dual-Synchro-Servo Motors with the high-precision ball screws ensure the placing accuracy and velocity .