
  • 网络shearer
  1. 滚筒采煤机是综采设备的主要组成部分。

    Drum shearer is the main component of fully mechanized coal-mining equipment .

  2. 滚筒采煤机内喷雾设计中的几个问题

    Some Aspects in Design of Internal Sprays for Shearer

  3. 滚筒采煤机斜切进刀过程截齿受力分析

    Analysis on forced pick while shearer machine oblique cutting and feeding

  4. 计算机模拟在选择滚筒采煤机工作参数中的应用

    The application of computer simulation in choosing the working parameters of shearer

  5. 滚筒采煤机自动调速器的试验

    Experiment on Automatic Speed Regulator of Drum Shearers TESTING

  6. DY&150型单滚筒采煤机在倾斜煤层中的使用

    Application of DY-150 type single-drum shearer at inclined seam

  7. 提高滚筒采煤机截割能力的途径和方法

    Ways to Improve the Cutting Ability of Drum Shearers

  8. 滚筒采煤机截割阻力试验装置的研究

    Development of Drum Shearer Cutting Resistance Testing Stand

  9. 滚筒采煤机液压元件可靠性分析

    Reliability Analysis of Hydraulic Components for Drum Shearer

  10. 外设动力截盘式滚筒采煤机的研究

    Research and discussion for the shearer with a special cutting plate operated by outside power

  11. 滚筒采煤机的湿式除尘

    Wet Dust eliminating of Drum Shearer

  12. 本文介绍一种利用铣床建立的滚筒采煤机截割阻力摸拟试验装置。

    With a miller as a makeshift , a1 / 4 simulation stand is set up for testing cutting resistances of the drum shearer .

  13. 根据螺旋滚筒采煤机工作机构的特点,介绍了螺旋滚筒参数的优选方法。

    Based on the features of the operating mechanism of the shearer , the optimization methods of the parameters of the screw drum are introduced .

  14. 介绍了MG300/700-QWD型滚筒采煤机的主要技术特征、特点、使用情况及效果,可供采煤机设计和选型作参考。

    The paper introduces the main technical features , characteristics , application and results of MG300 / 700-QWD shearer which provides a reference for design and lectotype of shearers .

  15. 本文主要对滚筒采煤机的一些术语,如“行走”和“牵引”、总体结构布置方式的分类等,与业内的科技人员们进行商榷。

    The paper mainly discusses some terms of drum shearers such as'travel ' , 'haulage'as well as the classification of general structural arrangement with scientific and technical personnel of trade .

  16. 本文以滚筒采煤机自动控制滚筒调高系统的控制器为理论模型,采用结构图法数字仿真算法编制计算机仿真程序,验证所设计的数字控制器的合理性。

    In this paper , the controller of automatic vertical steering control system for shearer drum is taken as a theoretical model ; in addition , the structural diagram and digital simulation algorithm are adopted to design the computer simulation program and check the design rationality of the digital controller .

  17. MGD80/120-TBW型滚筒式采煤机在极薄煤层采煤中的运用

    Application of MGD80 / 120-TBW Shearer in Thin Coal Seam

  18. 滚筒式采煤机装煤效果分析及参数优化

    Study and Parameter Optimization on Coal Effectiveness of Shearer Drum

  19. 滚筒式采煤机在煤炭生产过程中引发的问题及其防治措施

    Problems Occurred in the Process of Coal Production of Conventional Dumb Shear and Preventing Measures

  20. 滚筒式采煤机的动力学模型

    Dynamics Models of Drum Shearers

  21. 叙述了滚筒式采煤机的发展过程,分析了电牵引采煤机的结构和技术特征。

    This paper expounds the development history of the drum-type shearer , and analyzes the structure and technical features of electrical haulage shearer .

  22. 采煤机滚筒是采煤机用来截煤、碎煤、落煤、装煤的关键部件。

    The roller of coal mining machine is the key component of coal mining machine which is used to cut coal , break coal a , fall coal and load coal .

  23. 本文首先论述了当前普遍采用的滚筒式采煤机的破煤机理和煤岩切削理论的发展情况,以及这些理论在生产实际应用中存在的问题,简要地介绍了冲击式破煤的落煤方法。

    In this paper , I will firstly discuss the cutting mechanism of cylinder coal cutters which are used widely now days and the development of theory on rock and coal cutting .

  24. 本文讨论滚筒式采煤机截割部行星轮系(单排2K&H负号机构)的优化设计方法。

    This paper deals With The method of optimized design of The ε picydic gear 2K & H negative mechanism method of The Cutting System of Drum Shearer , The end , The author proved The availability .

  25. 滚筒式露天采煤机液压系统的可靠性分析

    Reliability analysis for a hydraulic system of opencast machine with ranging drum

  26. 可调高滚筒式露天采煤机系统可靠性设计

    System reliability design for opencast machine with ranging drum

  27. 单筒振动串联式路碾安德登滚筒式联合采煤机

    Single vibration tandem roller

  28. 螺旋滚筒是滚筒采煤机的工作机构,它兼有截煤和装煤的功能。

    The spiral cutting drums which have some functions such as cutting coal and loading coal serve as a main type of operating mechanism of shearer .

  29. 在滚筒式露天采煤机工作装置的模拟截割试验的基础上,着重论述了模拟工作装置、模拟煤岩试件、信号分析和数据处理等方面的理论和实践。

    On the basis of simulative cutting test of the working unit of shearer for surface mines , the theory and practice on the construction of working unit , mechanical property of the cut block , signal analyses and information processing are discussed .

  30. 滚筒式连续露天采煤机液压系统设计

    Design of hydraulic system of the continuous open-pit miner with cutting drum