
  • 网络Elongation;elongation at break;ultimate elongation
  1. 随着Zn(MAA)2用量的增大,EPDM硫化胶的邵尔A型硬度逐渐增大,拉伸强度和扯断伸长率都是先升高再下降。

    And at the same time the Shore A hardness of EPDM vulcanizate increased gradually and its tensile strength and elongation at break increased at first , and then decreased .

  2. 结果表明,随轻质碳酸钙用量的增大,EPDM硫化胶的硬度增大,拉伸强度和扯断伸长率等性能下降;

    The results showed that the hardness of the EPDM vulcanizate increased , and its tensile strength and elongation at break decreased , as the loading level of light calcium carbonate increased ;

  3. 结果表明,PBA相对分子质量大,PU扯断伸长率和冲击弹性好。

    The results showed that when the molecular weight of PBA increased , the elongation at break and resilience of PU increased .

  4. 结果表明,用过氧化物交联后,POE的拉伸强度、扯断伸长率和扯断永久变形大幅度下降。

    The results showed that the tensile strength , elongation at break and permanent set at break of POE decreased greatly after crosslinking .

  5. 实验结果表明,随着充油量的增加,生胶ML值,屈服强度和拉伸强度均下降,可塑性增加,扯断伸长率变大,混炼行为变佳,胶料挤出性能由劣等转变为中等。

    The experimental results showed that the Mooney viscosity value , yield and tensile strength of raw rubber decreased , but plasticity and elongation at break increased with increasing the oil loading .

  6. 扯断伸长率增加了30%.用改性后的硅氧烷聚合物材料封装光纤Bragg光栅(FBG)压力传感器,可有效改善封装材料与光纤光栅的耦联性能;

    Adopting property-improved siloxane polymer material to coat the optical fibre Bragg grating pressure sensor , the coupling behavior between coated material and optical fibre Bragg grating can be effectively upgraded .

  7. 结果表明,随酚醛树脂用量增加,硫化胶硬度、100%定伸应力、动态弹性模量增加,而扯断伸长率、撕裂强度及动态力学损耗(tanδ)下降。

    The results showed that hardness , 100 % modulus and dynamic elastic modulus increase with increasing of phenolic resin while break elongation , tear strength and loss tangent ( tan δ) decreasing .

  8. 当TMPTA用量为0.5份时,EPDM硫化胶的拉伸强度保持率和扯断伸长率保持率达到最大值;

    The maximum tensile strength retension and elongation ultimate retension of EPDM vulcanizate after aging were obtained by adding 0.5 phr of TMPTA ;

  9. 与未改性轻质碳酸钙相比,JZ改性轻质碳酸钙填充丁苯硫化胶的拉伸强度及扯断伸长率有较明显的提高。

    The results showed that the tensile strength and elongation at break of styrene-butadiene rubber filled with JZ modifying agent modified LCC increased obviously .

  10. 结果显示:Parylene涂敷后两种硅橡胶的撕裂强度、拉伸强度、扯断伸长率及邵氏硬度高于涂敷前,但数值仍在理想值范围内。

    Results show that the tear strength , tensile strength , elongation and Shore hardness of silicone elastomer increase in ideal value range after Parylene coating .

  11. 研究表明,随着CPE用量的增加,封套材料的透湿率和拉伸强度降低,扯断伸长率提高,但CPE的用量应控制在20.2%(质量百分数,下同)以下。

    It was showed that with the increase of CPE content , the moisture permeability and tensile strength decreased , while the elongation at break increased , but the content of CPE should be controlled less than 35 shares .

  12. 随纳米CaCO3含量增多,拉伸强度下降,扯断伸长率单调下降,体系100%定伸应力和硬度增大,回弹性降低。

    With the content of CaCO_3 increasing , tensile strength first increased and then dropped , elongation at break decreased , 100 % tensile modulus and Shore A hardness increased and impact resilience got weaker .

  13. 共混物经150℃×5d热氧老化后,拉伸强度保持率与扯断伸长率保持率分别大于97%和70%。

    After thermal aging at 150 ° C for 5 d , the retention ratios of tensile strength and elongation at break of the blend were greater than 97 % and 70 % , respectively .

  14. 对EPDM胶料撕裂强度、扯断伸长率和拉伸强度的试验和三元二次回归方程分析表明,均匀设计法可大大减少橡胶配方试验次数且试验效果好;

    The test results and the regression analysis of the tear strength , elongation at break and tensile strength of EPDM compound show that the number of formulation experiment is significantly reduced and the higher experimental efficiency are obtained by using the uniform design method ;

  15. 在100t/a装置上进行了放大试验,产品的邵尔A型硬度为88度,拉伸强度为17.9MPa,扯断伸长率为1112%。

    The scale up test was carried out in a 100 t / a plant , the product had Shore A hardness 88 , tensile strength 17.9 MPa , and elongation at break 1 112 % .

  16. 当氧化铁红的用量为10份时,RTV-1硅橡胶经260℃×24h热老化后,其拉伸强度、扯断伸长率及硬度的变化率均小于10%;

    When 10 parts iron oxide red was added and 260 ℃ × 24 h heat aging on RTV-1 silicone rubber , the tensile strength , tensile elongation and hardness change of the rubber were less than 10 % .

  17. 实验结果表明:MOCA-PU的硬度、模量和强度均大于E-300-PU,E-300-PU的扯断伸长率略高于MOCA-PU。

    The results show that the hardness and modulus of MOCA-PUis higher and the elongation at break is slightly lower than those of E-300-PU .

  18. 结果表明,采用NA22硫化体系硫化的CO/ECO共混胶,在合适的二段硫化条件下,可增加硫化胶的拉伸强度,但降低了其扯断伸长率;

    The results showed that with the proper time of post vulcanization , the tensile strength of the blends cured with NA-22 increased and elongation at break decreased ;

  19. 结果表明,POEs具有良好的物理机械性能,加入炭黑有较好的增强作用,拉伸强度、撕裂强度、100%定伸应力和邵尔A型硬度提高,冲击弹性和扯断伸长率下降;

    The results showed that POEs had good mechanical properties . Addition of carbon black had effect of reinforcing , 100 % modulus , tensile strength , Shore A hardness and tear strength increased drastically while impact resilience and elongation at break decreased .

  20. 乳液共沉胶的拉伸强度、撕裂强度、硬度、回弹性等与SBR1502基本相当,扯断伸长率和压缩永久变形有所增大,耐磨耗性能大幅度提高;

    The SBR / OMMT nanocomposites had similar tensile strength , tear strength , hardness and resilience to SBR1502 , while the elongation at break , compression set and abrasion properties were higher .

  21. 用CTBN/BPA为增韧剂不仅可以大幅度提高材料的冲击强度和扯断伸长率,而且可以提高弯曲强度与模量,克服了CTBN单一增韧导致材料强度下降的不足。

    When epoxy resin modified with CTBN / BPA , the impact strength and the elongation at break increased dramatically , as well as other mechanical properties enhanced to a certain extent , and it was overcome the disadvantages of CTBN toughened epoxy resin singly .

  22. 选用CPE100,废油渣35,红泥200,其拉伸强度为12MPa,扯断伸长率为300%,邵A硬度为90。

    When the blend composition were CPE 100 , waste oil 35 , and Red mud 200 , the mechanical properties of the composite were 12 MPa of the tensile strength , 300 % of elongation at break and 90 A of Shore hardness .

  23. GB/T1701-1982硬质橡胶抗张强度和扯断伸长率的测定

    Ebonite & Determination of tensile strength and elongation at break

  24. 单根纱线断裂强力和断裂伸长率的测定精纺纱的断裂强力和扯断伸长率试验方法

    Test method for tensile strength and elongation of spun yarns

  25. GB/T6037-1985硫化橡胶高温拉伸强度和扯断伸长率的测定

    Vulcanized rubber & Determination of tensile strength and ultimate elongation at high temperatures

  26. 随着芳纶用量的增大,复合材料的扯断伸长率降低;

    The elongation at break of NBR composites decreased with increasing aramid fiber content .

  27. 棉纤维断裂强力和扯断伸长率的试验方法:平束法

    Testing method for breaking strength and elongation of cotton fibers : flat bundle method

  28. 拉伸强度14.316.6MPa;扯断伸长率420%500%;

    Tensile strength 14.3 - 16.6 MPa , elongation at break 420 % - 500 % .

  29. 活性碳酸钙的加入使共混物的拉伸强度、扯断伸长率和流动性下降;

    The tensile strength , the elongation at break and the flow property decreased by the addition of active calcium carbonate ;

  30. 与相应的纯胶相比,OC/NR纳米复合材料的定伸应力提高,拉伸强度和扯断伸长率有所下降;

    Compared to the pure rubbers , OC / NR exhibited higher modules and lower tensile strength and elongation at break ;