
zhí wù fàn zuì
  • Duty crime;crime by taking advantage of duty
  1. 会计职务犯罪的心理学分析

    Psychology analysis of the accountant crime by taking advantage of duty

  2. 简论职务犯罪的演变趋势

    Inquiries into the Trend of Crime by Taking Advantage of Duty

  3. DNA证据技术在反职务犯罪领域有着可以开发应用的广阔前景,加强其在反职务犯罪中的应用研究,也是当务之急。

    It is believed that there exists a broad prospect of DNA evidence technique being used into the anti-corruption field and it is imperative to strengthen its practical research now .

  4. 职务犯罪的经济学诠释

    Presentation of the Crime by Taking Advantage of Dutys in Economics

  5. 二是我国机关工作人员职务犯罪的现状。

    Second , the staff of authority status of job-related crimes .

  6. 国际社会预防职务犯罪的立法检视

    Review on Legislation of Prevention of Official Crime of International Society

  7. 食品监管中的职务犯罪及其预防

    Prevention of Crime Related to Public Service in Supervision of Food

  8. 第三、高级干部职务犯罪问题突出;

    Thirdly , high class staff crime of duty is outstanding ;

  9. 高校职务犯罪及其预防问题的研究

    Studies on Job Crimes in Higher Educational Institutions and the Prevention

  10. 简论职务犯罪控制的几种模式

    Expounding Briefly on the Several Models Related to Occupational Crime Control

  11. 村官职务犯罪现状、成因分析及对策

    The Current Situation , Original Analysis and Countermeasures of Official Crimes

  12. 职务犯罪案件隐蔽性强,犯罪线索发现难。

    Hidden crimes committed and strong , crime leads found difficult .

  13. 工程建设领域职务犯罪的特点和预防措施

    On Characteristic and Precautionary Measures of Career Criminals in Engineering Construction Field

  14. 论我国预防职务犯罪工作机制的整体建构

    Discussion on Construction of the Precaution System of Service Crime

  15. 论职务犯罪与相关犯罪的区别

    Duty Crime and the Difference between Duty Crime and Other Relevant Crime

  16. 宋代司法官吏职务犯罪研究

    The Study on the Criminal Offence of Judicial Officials in Song Dynasty

  17. 试论职务犯罪及其防范对策

    Tries to Discuss the Duty Crime and the Preventive Measure

  18. 检察机关职务犯罪预防工作研究

    On the Work of Procuratorial Organs to Prevent Official Crimes

  19. 职务犯罪预防的刑事政策意义

    On the Criminal Policy Value of the Prevention of the Official Crimes

  20. 不过,这并不能彻底预防职务犯罪。

    This , however , cannot prevent post crime completely .

  21. 在内外化机制中,职务犯罪心理主要呈现两种发展趋势。

    In the internalized-externalized mechanism , jobbery crime psychology shows two tendencies .

  22. 创新职务犯罪案件的初查制度刍议

    Innovation the System of Beginning on Inspection Duty Crime Case

  23. 试论司法人员职务犯罪经济原因及预防对策

    Judicial personnel 's duty crime of and the prevention countermeasures

  24. 职务犯罪是在病态心理支配下所进行的行为。

    Duty criminal is a behavior under the control of morbid psychology .

  25. 析预防职务犯罪工作中的道德渗透

    Analysis of " moral " infiltration in preventing job-related crimes

  26. 职务犯罪案件中强制措施存在的问题及完善

    Analysis About Problems & Improvement Of Compulsory Measures In Professional Crime Cases

  27. 职务犯罪是刑法理论中有争议的一个概念。

    Official crime is a disputed concept of criminal theory .

  28. 涉农职务犯罪的特点、原因和预防对策

    The Features Reasons and Preventive Measures of Rural Job-Related Crimes

  29. 主要分成三个大的部分。第一,从教育上预防职务犯罪。

    There are three parts : Firstly , crime prevention education tips .

  30. 电子党务与预防职务犯罪

    Electronic Affairs of Party and Prevention of Official Crime