
  1. 一些职业培训机构,包括上海交通大学(ShanghaiJiaoTongUniversity)和武汉纺织大学(WuhanTextileUniversity)的培训机构,都打出了商务礼仪课程的广告。

    And vocational schools , including Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Wuhan Textile University , advertise courses in business etiquette .

  2. 职业培训机构已成为大中专院校与用人企业之间的有效衔接桥梁。

    VT institutes have been bridging colleges and employers effectively .

  3. 陕西工程科技技工学校是陕西职业培训机构的典型代表。

    Shaanxi Engineering and Scientific Technical School is a typical representative of the professional training and education .

  4. 在这种形式下产生了大量的IT职业培训机构。

    - 2 production in rice during chemical plant pathogen interaction . In this case , a lot of IT professional training companies appear .

  5. 分析后,我们得出一个改进的供应链新模型,即通过弱化人才市场的作用同时引入软件工厂策略,加强IT职业培训机构和用人企业的直接联系。

    After analyzing , we propose an improved model , which lower the role of HR market and import a strategy of software manufactory .

  6. 目前多媒体教室已成为各大高校以及各类职业培训机构的主要教学场地,在教学活动中发挥着非常重要的作用。

    Nowadays , multimedia classroom has become major teaching space of universities and various types of vocational training institutions . Multimedia classroom plays a very important role in teaching .

  7. 目前IT职业培训机构之间的竞争已经发展到综合能力的竞争,而学员的就业情况就是IT职业培训机构综合能力最集中的体现。

    At present IT competition among professional training institutions have developed competition of comprehensive ability , and the employment situation of students is the most concentrated expression for it .

  8. 这些主张中包括建立职业培训机构,但是没有一条对小型企业提供贷款,没有一条试着促进旅游业,没有一条是具有开创性的提议。

    But none of the ideas , which included setting up job training initiatives , providing loans to small businesses and trying to increase tourism , contained any groundbreaking proposals .

  9. 大学和职业培训机构都觉得在如今留学市场激烈竞争的氛围之中,现行的签证系统不利于澳洲留学。

    " The university and vocational educational sector have been concerned for some time that the visa system was making them uncompetitive in what is stiff competition among provider nations ," he said .

  10. 面对这样巨大的培训市场,各类职业培训机构不断涌现,但其在师资力量、实训条件、办学规模的方面存在着较大差异,很难满足大规模职业培训的需求。

    Faced with such a huge training market , various types of vocational training institutions continue to emerge . But there are a lot of differences in teacher resource , training conditions and school size , so it is difficult to meet the massive demand for vocational training .

  11. 然后,本文从原材料供应,人才培训,人才流通及用人企业等多个方面分析了目前IT基础人才供应中的问题,并着重讨论了IT职业培训机构与IT用人企业之间的供需矛盾;

    Then , from raw materials supply , IT Manpower production and Manpower circulating to IT companies , this thesis analyzes the problems in current process of IT Basic Manpower supply , and puts emphasis upon the conflict between the IT professional training companies and the IT manpower requirement companies .

  12. “这是非常艰难的。”职业发展培训机构CareerCore的总裁莱斯(AndreaRice)说。

    It 's an uphill battle , ' says Andrea Rice , president of professional development coaching business CareerCore .

  13. 教育与职业培训服务机构卡普兰考试培训学校(KaplanTestPrep)11月对法学院招生办人员进行的一项调查显示,迄今为止,已有51%的法学院缩减了入学新生的班级规模。

    So far , 51 % of law schools have cut the size of their entering classes , according to a November survey of law school admissions officers by Kaplan Test Prep , the education and career services provider .

  14. 世纪之初澳大利亚建立了国家质量培训框架体系,进一步完善并落实了职业教育培训机构的教育与培训质量控制标准,明确了各州(领地)注册/课程认证机构的标准。

    In the early period of this century , national quality training system has been established in Australia , which has perfected quality control standards for vocational education and training , and clarified standards of the registered / curriculum standard organization of various states .

  15. 期货从业人员应当按照有关规定参加后续职业培训,其所在机构应予以支持并提供必要保障。

    Futures practitioners shall participate in the follow-up vocational trainings as required , and the institutions they work shall offer assistance and provide necessary safeguards .

  16. 职业学校和职业培训机构的设立、更和终止,应当按照国家有关规定执行。

    The establishment , modification , and / or termination of a vocational school or a vocational training institution shall be governed by relevant State regulations .

  17. 对目前高职院校校企合作办学问题的新思考第二十二条联合举办职业学校、职业培训机构,举办者应当签订联合办学合同。

    Article 22 For a jointly operated vocational school or vocational training institution , the collaborators shall conclude a contract for the joint establishment and running of such a school or institution .

  18. 根据培训主体不同,主要可分为由政府主导的公共职业培训、由培训机构开展的职业培训、以及由用人单位开展的员工培训等。

    Depending on the training organizations , mainly divided into the grounds of the government-led public vocational training , vocational training undertaken by training institutions , as well as staff training carried out by the employing unit .

  19. 供交通行业教育主管理部门决策和制定规划提供依据,为交通职业教育院校和培训机构制定规划,确定发展方向,改革与发展提供参考。

    Based on the study the charging department can make decision and frame the layout , and the vocational education academies and organizations can set the developing orientation and take it as a reference to the reform and development .

  20. 法律人才培养体制改革的当务之急是:第一,与法律职业部门的教育培训机构共同构建法律职业教育共同体(如组建国家司法学院和省级司法学院);

    The urgent affairs in the reform of cultivating legal talents are as follows . First , co-construct the educational community of legal profession ( such as National Judicial Institute and the Judicial Institute of a Province ) together with the education and training institute of legal profession departments .

  21. 希望能将职业生涯规划指导体系在IT职业培训机构得到切实有效的应用。

    I hope to apply effectively the guidance system of career planning in IT professional training institutions .

  22. 江苏的高等职业教育、中等职业教育以及各类培训机构等构成了江苏职业教育结构体系,并体现了鲜明的特点。

    The vocational education system in Jiangsu Province , which is characterized by its intensification , consists of vocational colleges , secondary vocational schools and various training institutes .

  23. 职业培训信息化建设能够实现全国各级职业培训机构联网,各级基层培训机构通过计算机网络,能及时接收到国家权威培训机构发布的培训课程和信息,从而最大限度实现培训资源共享。

    Informational construction of vocational training will realize online of all vocational training institutions in different levels in our country . All training institutions at the grass-roots levels will be able to timely receive training courses and information published by state authoritative training organizations through computer networks .

  24. 区域职业教育是指以行政管理体制为依托,在一个政治、经济、文化、人口和环境相对独立的区域内所举办的各级各类职业教育培训机构的总和。

    Regional vocation education means the total of running different kinds of levels vocational education training institutions within an area of relatively independent politics , economy , culture , population and environment under the support of the administration and management system .