
qún tǐ mù biāo
  • group goal
  1. 个体目标与群体目标的矛盾是管理过程中的一项基本矛盾。

    The contradiction of individual and group objectives is a basic contradiction in the process of management .

  2. 如果你更多地用闪电链来对付群体目标而把熔岩爆裂使用在单体目标上的话,显然不是个坏情况。

    It 's not a bad situation if you favor CL more on group pulls and LB more on single targets .

  3. 世上充满了各种有趣的事物,个个都跟你锁定同一群体目标顾客,竞争者群顾客的亲睐与荷包。

    The world is full of interesting things competing for the attention and pocketbooks of the same consumers you hope to turn into customers .

  4. 群体多目标最优化的Lagrange对偶性

    Lagrange duality for group multiobjective optimization

  5. 本文建立了目标和约束为不对称的群体多目标最优化问题的Lagrange对偶规划。

    Lagrange duality programming is established for Group Multiobjective Optimization which contains the unsymmetrical objective functions and conditions .

  6. 另一款以苹果公司称之为高级用户的群体为目标群体的高端笔记本电脑TheMacPro,将于12月上市,价格为2999美元。

    The Mac Pro , a high-end desktop computer aimed at what Apple calls power users , will be available in December for $ 2,999 .

  7. 群体多目标规划的联合Mond-Weir对偶

    Joint Mond-Weir type duality for group multiobjective programming

  8. 群体多目标决策的综合价值系数法及其应用

    Synthetic Value Coefficient Method and Its Application in Community Multi-objective Decision

  9. 求解群体多目标最优化问题的联合有效数法

    A joint efficient number method for solving group multiobjective optimization problems

  10. 群体多目标决策是群体决策的一个新的研究方向。

    Group multiobjective decision making is a new subject in group decision making .

  11. 群体多目标规划联合锥弱有效解类的稳定性

    Stability of the Joint Cone Weakly Efficient Solution Set in Group Multiobjective Programming

  12. 由于群体运动目标的高密度性,可以被认作流体,用混沌动力学的方法处理。

    Due to the high density , crowd target can be recognized as fluid .

  13. 求解群体多目标决策问题的一种方法

    A Method for Solving Group Multiobjective Decision Problems

  14. 对群体生物目标的定位是实现群体生物目标识别的关键步骤。

    Colony biologic object position is an important step of the colony biologic object recognition .

  15. 通过群体多目标决策,优选出实施方案。

    The optimum implement scheme is obtained by multi objective group decision in the last part .

  16. 对于一个将大学生群体作为目标销售人群的服饰销售商,这一校园代表项目实属天作之合。

    For the retailer , whose clothing targets college students , the ambassador program is an ideal fit .

  17. 预指配适配管理群体的目标是从服务层提供链路容量给客户层。

    The objective of pre-provisioned adaptation management community is to provide link capacity to client-layer ( s ) from a server layer .

  18. 相关内容:这些发现支持一种观点,即减少吸烟最有效的公共健康介入方法就是以群体为目标,而非个人。

    RELEVANCE : These findings support the claim that the most effective means for public health interventions to reduce smoking are through targeting groups , not individuals .

  19. 群体多目标决策α-较多联合有效解类的最优性条件弱凝胶调驱措施有较好的提高采收率效果。

    Several Optimality Conditions for a Class of α - Major Joint Efficient Solutions in Group Multiobjective Decision Making and the weak gel has good effect in EOR .

  20. 研究认为,导致研究不一致的原因主要与凝聚力的测量方式、任务方式、群体的目标设置有关。

    It was considered that the reasons for the inconsistence of the studies relate mainly to the measurement and task of the group cohesiveness as well as the group target setup .

  21. 从数学的角度,运用较新的群体多目标规划理论详细地推导了建立结构维修策略模型的全过程,并在此基础上,解释了如何定量考虑结构的最优可靠度。

    The process of making the model is discussed in detail based on the latest group decision making theory . Meantime , it explained how to choose the structural optimal reliability quantitatively .

  22. 对于群体多目标决策问题,文[1]引进它的联合有效解类的概念,并给出这类解的最优性必要条件。

    In [ 1 ] , the concept of a class joint efficient solution to group multiobjective decision making problem is introduced , as well as some optimality necessary conditions for these solutions .

  23. 对于群体多目标规划问题,文[1]和[2]分别引进了它的联合有效解类和带参数α的α-较多联合有效解类,并且建立了这些解类的最优性条件。

    In [ 1 ] and [ 1 ] , a class of joint efficient solutions and a class of α - major joint effi-cient solutions with parameter α for group multiobjective programming , are introduced respectively .

  24. 对于目标和约束均为不对称的群体多目标规划问题,本文研究它的联合有效解类的Mond&Weir型对偶性,得到了相应的弱对偶定理、直接对偶定理和逆对偶定理。

    This paper is concerned with Mond-Weir type duality about the joint efficient solution in group multiobjective programming , which contains the unsymmetrical objective functions and constraints . The weak duality theorem , the direct duality theorem and the inverse duality theorem are derived .

  25. 引进了群体多目标决策问题的一种新的最优解概念&s-最优平衡解,它的实际意义是对于每个决策者而言在每个目标下都给出一个让步值。

    This paper introduces a new concept called s-optimal coalition solutions for group multiobjective decision problems ( GMDP ), where s is a nonnegative constant . Its practical meaning is to achieve the optimality within a same value in each objective for each decision maker .

  26. 通过大规模回交构建多亲本导入系群体,结合目标性状筛选和分子标记鉴定,在定位抗旱相关QTL的同时培育回交改良株系,可以通过株系间杂交实现异源抗旱QTL的有效聚合。

    A strategy based on the development of multi-parental introgression lines , together with target trait screening and molecular marker survey , was used to map QTLs and develop back-cross deried breeding lines .

  27. 不该把整个群体作为遣返目标。

    It should not be targeting a group as a whole .

  28. 在此模型基础上,研究了移动智能群体联合趋向目标行为的稳定性问题。

    The stability of social foraging behavior of intelligent swarm is studied .

  29. 在教育目标中确定了海洋环境教育的总体目标、具体目标以及面向不同社会群体的层次目标。

    The education goals include collective objective , material objectives and level objectives .

  30. 随班就读使特殊儿童在正常群体中实现目标色角;

    Classroom integration makes children with special needs realize their objective roles in the society ;