
  • 网络Information roles;informational role
  1. 企业内部社会网络的市场机遇信息角色研究

    Study on Market Opportunity Information Roles in Enterprise Internal Social Network

  2. 获取XML文件中描述的相关插座信息(角色等)。

    Retrieve the related socket information ( role , * ) described in the XML file .

  3. OA信息模板角色定制及安全登录措施

    The Implement of Information Template and Customized Role of OA with Security for Logging in

  4. 基于RBAC的信息网格角色表示及矛盾冗余处理

    Role representation and contradiction redundancy treatment of RBAC-based information grid

  5. 身份与权限管理模块,是一个Web应用程序,主要提供用户信息、角色信息、资源信息以及包括ACL、RBAC和ABAC在内的多种访问控制策略的创建和管理功能。

    The identity and access management module is a web application that mainly gives the solution to support creation and management information of users , roles , resources and a variety of access control policies of the ACL , RBAC and ABAC .

  6. 用上面表格中的信息进行角色对话。

    Role play the conversations using the information in the chart above .

  7. 经用户实际测试,表明本文所实现的数据库安全保护系统在保护数据库信息和角色权限信息等方面具有较好的安全性。

    After user testing , it is indicated that SDPS presented in this paper do well at protecting database information and role permission information .

  8. 然而,有时候您可能想要在您不在的工作站上显示某些信息,角色可能会颠倒。

    However , once in a while , you might want something to get displayed at a workstation you are not at , and the roles could be reversed .

  9. 信息的角色,这个词暗示,涉及的个人和团体之间的交流,但是管理者也必须在收集和使用信息,帮助制定有效的决策娴熟。

    Informational roles , as the term implied , involve communication among individuals and groups , but managers must also be adept at gathering and using information to help make effective decisions .

  10. 我们认为,证券分析师不仅充当了信息传递角色,保证会计信息有效到达最终使用者,而且还提供了关于盈利预测的增量信息;

    It 's found that security analysts not only play an important role in transmitting accounting information , they also work as the transmitter of the incremental information on earnings forecast and promote a positive circulation of accounting information .

  11. 用代言人为产品(或企业)作宣传是目前商业广告中常用的表现形式,广告代言人在广告的传播过程中扮演着重要的信息来源角色,并且以其所具有的说服力对消费者产生影响。

    It is a commonly form of using the spokesmen to publicize for the product ( or business ) in commercial advertising . Ads spokespeople played an important role of information sources for the spread of advertisement , and to which they have a persuasive impact on consumers .

  12. WAI-ARIA充当AT和Web用户界面之间的协议,这为Web页面用户界面带来了更加丰富的信息,比如角色和状态。

    WAI-ARIA acts like a contract between the ATs and the Web user interface , which brings more rich information such as roles and states to the Web page user interface .

  13. 通过对系统的需求分析、功能模块设计,确定了系统所要实现的功能,并编程实现了新闻管理、用户信息管理、角色管理、权限管理、系统日志管理、IP管理以及信息发布等功能。

    Through system requirements and model design , make sure the functions . The system implements news management , user management , access management , system log management , IP management , reporting information and so on .

  14. 苹果上月为自己的iWatch夯实了基础。它宣布推出一款健身应用,该应用将扮演用户健康信息中心的角色——这些信息有很大一部分是由嵌入可穿戴设备的传感器从用户身体各处收集的。

    Apple laid the ground last month for its own iWatch , with the announcement of a fitness app that would act as a hub for a user 's health information , much of it collected from around the body by sensors embedded in wearable gadgets .

  15. 信息时代教师角色的定位

    The Orientation of Teacher 's Roles in the Era of Information

  16. 信息主管的角色、职责与素质

    The Roles , Responsibilities and Quality of CIO

  17. 第一阶段是验证全词词义信息对语义角色标注的影响。

    The first stage is to verify the information of all word sense on the Semantic Role Labeling .

  18. 传统上,英语听力一直被认为是个被动学习的过程,学生在听力学习中处于被动的信息接受者的角色。

    English listening has traditionally been regarded as a passive process and students are often viewed as passive information receivers .

  19. 如果此类信息对于支持角色切换非常重要,则应该在镜像站点重复此信息。

    If such information is important to supporting role switching , the information should be duplicated at the mirrored site .

  20. 不过随着云计算和移动技术这两项关键技术的兴起,如今首席信息官的角色又在经历新一轮的转变。

    Yet another shift is now redefining the role of CIO , driven by two key technologies : cloud and mobile .

  21. 谓词词义信息对语义角色标注是有帮助的,但全词词义信息对语义角色标注是否有帮助一直没有定论。

    Predicate sense on Semantic Role Labeling is useful , but whether all word sense information on Semantic Role Labeling is useful has been inconclusive .

  22. 此外,该策略还借助相关节点的信誉信息更新各角色节点的信誉,通过路由重构解决恶意节点在数据转发过程中的攻击问题。

    The reputation information of nodes is updated with different character . This scheme can reconstruct the route to solve attack problems in transmitting packets .

  23. 把关人已由传统的单向传播与控制信息向多元角色转换,成为集传播与接受、调整与变革为一体的新型网络信息调控者。

    The censors ' role has changed from the traditional one-way circulator and information controller into the new information manager , whose role covers circulation and receival , adjustment and reform .

  24. 包括:演示示范、善用信息技术、角色扮演、擅用感情语言、借用事件、巧设疑问策略。

    The strategies include : demonstration of a model , make the best use of information technology , role playing , unauthorized use of emotional language , using cases , clever strategy for doubt .

  25. 角色动画生成系统是文景转换系统的可视化模块中的十分重要的模块,它负责将文本分析所得到的角色动画信息,以角色动画的形式显示出来。

    Character animation generation system which is responsible for visualization of animation information obtained from the analysis of the text in the form of animation is one of most important modules of Text-to-Scene system .

  26. 本研究的实验结果表明:(1)大学生、高中生和初中生在遇到动词时,都能够及时地利用动词信息进行主题角色指派。

    The results are the followings : ( 1 ) Middle school students , high school students and college students could use verb information and assign thematic roles at verb when they met verb .

  27. 谷歌作为全球相当大部分在线信息看门人的角色,让其处在了这场辩论的中心。该公司显然已得出结论,是时候划出一条更清晰的界限了。

    Google , whose role as gatekeeper for much of the world 's online information puts it at the centre of the debate , has apparently decided it is time to stake out a clearer line .

  28. 第二阶段是如果全词词义信息对语义角色标注有帮助,我们通过马尔可夫逻辑网络将全词词义消歧与语义角色标注进行融合,将级联方式和融合方式的实验结果对比,进行分析。

    The second stage is to joint the Word Sense Disambiguation and Semantic Role Labeling with Markov Logic Networks based on that all word sense is useful for Semantic Role Labeling , and analyze the experimental results .

  29. 人脸作为人类区别于其他生物的关键特征之一,在人际交往及社会活动中扮演着主要信息载体的角色,因而对其进行全面而深入的研究具有十分重要的理论和现实意义。

    As an essential feature to distinguish human from other animals , human face plays the role of main information carrier in interpersonal communication and social activities . For this reason , studies on human face are of great theoretical and practical significance .

  30. 同时,由于互联网自身信息开放、角色虚拟、平等交互的特性,导致如信息安全、隐私保护、知识产权等问题随之产生。

    At the same time , due to the equality of the internet itself , as the openness of the information , the virtual of the role and the equal interaction , the issues of information security , privacy protection , and intellectual property have emerged .