
xìn fú
  • be convinced;completely accept
信服 [xìn fú]
  • [be convinced;completely accept] 相信,佩服

信服[xìn fú]
  1. 教师权威是教师在教学过程中形成的、使学生信服的威望和力量,它是教师有效行使教学权力、保障教学有序进行、获得预期教学效能的重要因素之一。

    Teacher authority is prestige and strength , which forms in teaching process and makes students completely accept . It is one of the important factors that makes teachers exercise teaching power effectively , ensures teaching to go on by order and gets the expected teaching efficiency .

  2. 但是,如果你对他们说:“小王子来自的星球就是小行星B612”,那么他们就十分信服,他们就不会提出一大堆问题来和你纠缠。

    But if you said to them : " The planet he came from is Asteroid B-612 , " then they would be convinced , and leave you in peace from their questions .

  3. 她令人信服的胜利显示她已恢复状态。

    She signalled her return to form with a convincing victory .

  4. 要让他们信服你是对的还要费点劲。

    You 'll have a job convincing them that you 're right .

  5. 她对自己行为的解释很难令我信服。

    She gave me an unlikely explanation for her behaviour .

  6. 我还不能完全信服这个计划的优点。

    I am still not fully persuaded of the plan 's merits .

  7. 我不完全信服这一论据。

    I am not altogether convinced by this argument .

  8. 她的解释没有让老师信服。

    Her explanation did not satisfy the teacher .

  9. 她的失踪一直没有得到令人信服的解释。

    Her disappearance has never been satisfactorily explained .

  10. 他们赢得令人信服。

    They won convincingly .

  11. 如果他没能使他们信服,这倒不是由于努力不够。

    If he doesn 't manage to convince them , it won 't be for want of trying .

  12. 这样的分析论证实际上并没有让她信服。

    She was not really convinced by this line of reasoning .

  13. 只有在那内心的愤怒充分表露的时候,他才令人信服。

    He 's only convincing when that inner fury manifests itself .

  14. 他解释说公司会支付一切费用,这个说法有点令人不能信服。

    He explained somewhat unconvincingly that the company was paying for everything

  15. 这部优秀的惊悚片节奏快而且令人信服。

    This excellent thriller is fast paced and believable .

  16. 然而,这个证据难以令人信服,而且有点模棱两可。

    However , the evidence is thin and , to some extent , ambiguous

  17. 我们需要一场令人信服的大胜,以重回正轨。

    We need a convincing win to put us back on the right track

  18. 他认为她的政策没有起到效果,而且理由也不能令人信服。

    He said her policies didn 't work and the excuses didn 't wash

  19. 我父母起初对此心存疑虑,但是我们很快就让他们信服了。

    My parents were dubious about it at first but we soon convinced them .

  20. 在很多读者看来,这很难令人信服。

    To many readers it sounded unconvincing .

  21. 我还是不很信服。

    I 'm not convinced

  22. 我去迪尔伯恩的第二个原因,也是更令人信服的原因,是为了参观亨利·福特博物馆。

    My second and more compelling reason for going to Dearborn was to see the Henry Ford Museum .

  23. 他声称时尚业比电影业更真实,但他的话并不完全令人信服。

    The fashion business , he claims , not altogether convincingly , is more real than the film business

  24. 事实证据和法庭证据使得自杀成为解开他死因之谜的最令人信服的答案。

    Factual and forensic evidence makes a suicide verdict the most compelling answer to the mystery of his death

  25. 他劝服了几个人,但无法让整个团队信服。

    He convinced a few members , but was unable to convince the group as a whole .

  26. 这些论点以事实为根据,令人不得不信服。

    The arguments are founded on facts and compel conviction .

  27. 他的话令人信服。

    His words carried conviction .

  28. 仅此还不足以令人信服。

    As such , it is not completely convincing .

  29. 她的借口不能使人信服,没有一个人相信它。

    Her excuse didn 't go down well , no one believed it .

  30. 它在逻辑上并不是令人信服的理由。

    It is not a logically compelling argument .