
  1. 全带宽PCI接口卡总线峰值传输速率为132MBytes/s,光信号传输速率可达1Gbps以上。

    PCI has interface peak transmission rate is 132 M bytes / s. Optical signal transmission rate can be more than 1 Gbps .

  2. 光信号传输速率达1Gbits/s以上。

    Optical signal transmission rate can reach more than 1 Gbits / s.

  3. 合理选择线路码型有利于提高信号传输速率,减少误码率。

    It is good to raise transmissibility of signal to select reasonable line code , and to reduce error code .

  4. 在正确选择编码方式后,波特率设置为大于数字信号传输速率,可保证语音通信质量。

    When the right coding mode is chosen , baud rate should be set more than digital signals transmission velocity , and the speech communication quality can be guaranteed .

  5. 光纤色散是限制光信号传输速率和传输距离的关键因素之一,是目前高速光通信系统中迫切需要解决的问题。高速光通信系统时钟数据恢复模块

    Fiber dispersion is one of the key factors that limit the transmission rate and transmission distance of optical signal . Date and Clock Recovery Module Used in High Speed Optical Fiber Communication System

  6. 由于中间增添了两级光/电转换,使信号传输速率也受到影响,这正是光通信网络中数据传输的瓶颈之一。

    The speed of the signal transfers has been affected by the twice light-electricity exchange in the course , which is one of the choke points of the data transmission in optical communication network .

  7. 如今,网络通信对信号传输速率的要求越来越高,也就意味着移动终端无线收发系统对信息处理的速度需要逐年提升。

    Nowadays , the requirement for signal transmission rate gets more and more strict in network communication , which means that the speed of information processing of wireless transceiver system in mobile terminal gets faster year by year .

  8. 信号传输速率达到40Mb/s,当定义外推算法为8阶时,数据吞吐量达到1Mb/s。本文所做工作对准连续波雷达走向实际应用具有较大意义。

    Data transmission rate can reach 40Mb / s and data handling capacity arrives at IMb / s when the order of algorithm is 8 . Researches this paper made will promote QCW radar from theory to application .

  9. 光纤信道具有比传统电缆信道更高的信号传输速率和更大的带宽,当采用光纤调制解调器进行电光信号转换时,可以使用具有较多冗余位的编码方式来保证信号传输的准确性和可靠性。

    Fiber channel possesses wider bandwidth and higher signal transmission speed than traditional cable channel , which permits the encoder adding more redundant bits in encoding process when the electric signals convert into optical signals by an optic modem to guarantee the reliability and veracity of the communication system .

  10. 语音压缩编码技术是多媒体通信中一种非常重要的技术,它可以大幅度降低语音信号的传输速率,提高网络带宽利用率。

    Speech signal compression technique is an important technique in multimedia communication . It can reduce speech signal transformation rate and improve the utilizing efficiency of network bandwidth .

  11. 在此,我们根据信号传输的速率要求,将智能家居网络分为两部分:智能家居控制网络和智能家居信息网络。

    According to the requirement of transmiting baud rate , we can divide home network into two parts , one part is intelligence home control network , another is intelligence home information network .

  12. 协议芯片HS-3282完成数据发送、缓存和转换,驱动芯片HS-3182完成系统内部逻辑与差分信号转换及传输速率调节。

    Chip HS-3182 performs data sending , delay saving and conversion . Chip HS-3182 performs conversion between internal logic of system and differential signal , and regulates transmission rate .

  13. 信号的高传输速率和高密度使得高速连接器中的信号完整性日益严重,必须对其进行研究。

    Because of high transmission rate and high density of the signal , signal integrity problems of the high-speed connector became increasingly serious .

  14. 其中在采集部分首先讨论了该系统的采集对象,然后分析了各采集点信号格式、传输速率、电平的不同,并提出了在采集前统一采集信号格式的方法;

    In the collection part , the objections to collect are discussed first , and then provide the solution to unite the information format before collection to solve the difference in format , rate and voltage ;

  15. 相关编码信号比AMI或HDB3编码的信号的数据传输速率可以提高一倍,从而提高地震勘探的效率。

    The data transmission rate with correlative coding can be twice as high as that with AMI or HDB3 , thus may improving the efficiency of seismic exploration .

  16. 本文分析了延迟线法解调光PSK信号时的量子噪声谱,讨论了检测条件、信号传输速率等对量子噪声的影响。

    The quantum noise spectrum in demodulating optical PSK signal by delay line is presented . The effects of bit rate and detection condition on the quantum noise are discussed .