
  1. 和谐社会呼唤公共信息知情权

    Harmonious Society Calls for the Right to Know

  2. 公民在享受信息知情权的同时,还必须依法履行对个人隐私权的保护的义务。

    On the other hand , we must protect the civic privacy when disclose archival information .

  3. 从科技新闻看公众科技信息知情权之缺失

    Damnify of People 's Right to Public Science and Technology Information in View of Science and Technology News

  4. 有关数据库法律保护的模式和程度一直是一个难题,法律一直在保护数据库制作者的利益和社会公众信息知情权之间两难。

    The model and degree of database legal protection has been a problem . The law has a dilemma between the protection of the interests of database producers and the public information .

  5. 说明了我国技术工人短缺的形势,并揭示了造成我国技术工人短缺的主要原因。从科技新闻看公众科技信息知情权之缺失

    It explains the position of the scarcity of company technical employees , and opens out the reasons . Damnify of People 's Right to Public Science and Technology Information in View of Science and Technology News

  6. 从法律的角度,阐述了知情权作为公民一项重要的法定权利,包括行政知情权、司法知情权、社会知情权以及个人信息知情权等,应该得到尊重。

    With legal view , informed right is a basic legal right of citizen , which including administration informed right , legal informed right , social informed right , personal information informed right , and so on .

  7. 预算公开作为一项关乎公民财政信息知情权和国家预算决策科学有效与否的重要制度,反映着公共财政和现代责任政府建设的内在要求。

    The budget as a financial information concerning civil right to know and the state budget decision-making scientific and effective and it is an important system , reflects the inherent requirement of the public finance and modern responsible government construction .

  8. 预算公开法律制度是我国社会主义法治建设中一项关涉公民预算信息知情权和责任政府建设的重要制度,体现着公共财政的本质要求。

    Legal system on budget disclosure is very important to our construction of socialist rules , which reflect the essential requirements of the public finance , involving the rights of citizens about the government budget information and the construction of a responsible government .

  9. 公众对环境信息享有知情权。

    The public has the right to know the environmental information .

  10. 预算公开、透明,是保证公民对于政府预算信息的知情权的重要体现,同时也是公民所需要拥有的基本政治权利。

    At the same time , it is the basic political rights that the citizens need to own .

  11. 为了保证食品安全,满足消费者对食品安全信息的知情权,各发达国家纷纷要求建立并实施食品安全追溯体系。

    To ensure food grain safety and protect consumers ' right to know , the developed countries has demanded and implemented traceability system of food grain quality and safety .

  12. 美国总统的翻译必须经过安全调查、背景审核,甚至测谎测试,然后才能获准在高层外交当中有对敏感信息的知情权。

    US presidential translators will have passed security clearances , background checks and even sat polygraph tests , before they become privy to sensitive information involved in high-level diplomacy .

  13. 他们要获得信息,要知情权,要参与国家和社区事务的权利。

    They want information and the right to know , and to participate .

  14. 环境信息作为环境知情权的客体,应包括宏观和微观两个层面的信息。

    And environmental information , as the subject of the environmental right to know , should include information both macroscopically and microscopically .

  15. 政府信息公开、知情权等法律制度的出现是信息自由的典型表现。

    The emergence of the law system such as the governmental information openness , the right of getting the truth , etc. is the typical expression of the information freedom .

  16. 档案信息公开是公民知情权在档案领域的体现;

    The disclosure of archival information reflects the right-to - known .

  17. 从信息不对称看消费者知情权

    On Correlation between Consumers ' Right to know and the Information Asymmetry

  18. 享有对政府信息及档案的知情权为什么如此重要?

    Why is the right of access to government proceedings and information important ?

  19. 行政公共信息公开与公民知情权的法律保护

    The Opening Information of the Administrative Public and the Legal Protection of Civil Knowing Rights

  20. 第二部分,政府信息公开制度与知情权、国家秘密的关系。

    The second part , the government information disclosure system and the right to know the relationship between state secrets .

  21. 公民知情权的满足有赖于政府信息公开制度的实施,政府信息公开是公民知情权得以实现的必然要求。

    The accomplishment of this right relies on the fulfillment of government information publicity , which is the necessity to realize the right to know .

  22. 借用信息经济学上的信息不对称理念,论述信息不对称与消费者知情权的关系。

    This article mainly discusses the relation between information asymmetry and consumers ' right to know in light of the notion of information asymmetry .

  23. 个人信息权包括了信息决定权、信息保密权、信息知情权、信息更正权、信息封锁权、信息删除权、信息报酬权和信息维护权等。

    The right of personal information contains the rights of information decision , information secrecy , information consultation , information correction , information blockage , information deletion , information requiring payment , information management etc.

  24. 这不仅给用户带来损失,同时在很大程度上制约了网络信息服务业的发展,例如:作为用户,是否拥有网络信息知情权;

    It brought a great loss to the users and imposed a restrain to the development of internet .

  25. 政府信息公开的提出,是以公民对政府和公共部门拥有的公共信息享有的知情权为基础的。

    Government Information Openness is on a basis that citizens have a right to know the public information shared by the Government and the public departments .

  26. 电视法制节目是法治信息传播的专业性渠道,不仅是法治普及和宣传的重要方式,更是保障公众对法制信息知情权的重要通道。

    The TV legal programs are the professional channels of nomocracy information disseminate , It is not only the important way of nomocracy popularize and Propaganda , and but also important channel of making the public achieve an unprecedented satisfaction for the legal information .