
  • 网络Information geometry
  1. 针对现有模型选择标准无法对支持向量回归(SVR)模型选择过程给出明确几何意义的弱点,提出了一种基于信息几何理论的模型选择新标准。

    Since the entire extent model selection criterions for Support Vector Regression ( SVR ) were short of clear understanding of geometric significances , a new model selection criterion based on the theory of information geometry was proposed in this paper .

  2. 基于信息几何的统计回馈神经网络非线性自适应预测控制

    Recurrent neural network prediction controller based on the information geometry

  3. 一种基于信息几何的支持向量回归模型选择新标准

    A New Model Selection Criterion for Support Vector Regression Based on Information Geometry

  4. 修剪算法的信息几何分析

    Information Geometric Analysis of Pruning Algorithm

  5. 股票收益率的信息几何

    Information Geometry of Stock Return Process

  6. 本文基于信息几何理论,提出了一种有效的挖掘高阶纯相关词组的启发式算法,并利用滑动窗口、迭代增量等手段,有效地提高了算法的时间效率。

    Based on the theory of information geometry , we present an efficient algorithm employing sliding windows and bottom-up incremental approach for mining the high-order word patterns .

  7. 信息几何是为了研究统计流形的不变性而诞生的,凸分析及其对偶性是其中很特殊但也很重要的一部分。

    Information geometry emerged from studies on invariant properties of a manifold of probability distributions . It includes convex analysis and its duality as a special but important part .

  8. 基于信息几何建立股票收益率满足的概率分布族所构成的微分流形,给出流形的几何结构。

    Constructs the differential manifold of stock return process based on information geometry , and gives its geometric structure such as the Fisher metric matrix and α - connection coefficients .

  9. 信息几何中一个典型的例子就是曲指数族,我们从几何的角度考虑了其经典的统计推断和贝叶斯统计。

    A typical example of information geometry is a curved exponential family . We consider the classical inference of estima-tion and its Bayesian statistics from the geometric point of view .

  10. 在从信息几何角度分析核函数几何结构的基础上,提出一种核函数构建算法,使得核函数能充分利用样本数据的信息,从而提高支持向量回归机的性能;

    Based on the analysis of geometrical structure of kernel from information geometrical viewpoint , an algorithm of kernel function construction is presented , which can make good use of the information of samples and thereby improve the performance of SVR .

  11. 在Web信息以几何级数增长的情况下,如何快速获取所需信息成为研究热点之一。

    How to retrival interesting information rapidly become an attractive research area with the exponential growth of information on the Web .

  12. 在该技术中,工程设计人员可以直接利用CAD系统提供的各种零部件的物理信息及几何信息,在计算机上定义零部件间的连接关系并对系统进行虚拟装配,从而获得系统的虚拟样机。

    In this technology , the engineers may directly use the physical information and the geometry information provided by CAD system to define the connection relations of spare parts and carry on the hypothesized assembly on the computer , thus obtain the virtual Prototype of system .

  13. 介绍了TBSA软件总体信息、几何信息、导荷载各参数的应用心得,分析了参数对计算结果的影响。

    The choosing of parameters , which include the overall information , geometrical information and load transmission , will effect the result greatly when using TBSA software in structure analysis .

  14. 提取了人脸的多种特征,包括人脸图像的数学特征:DCT系数和Gabor滤波响应;物理特征:人脸图像的亮度信息;几何特征:人脸关键特征点等。

    Here different features will be extracted from face images : mathematical features such as DCT coefficients and Gabor filter responses ; physical features such as illumination of face images ; geometrical features such as key points of face and so on .

  15. 利用这种混合方法,对DVDROM光盘、蓝光ROM光盘的光学信号读取过程进行了模拟,并研究了光盘信息层几何结构参数(主要是信息坑的坑角)对读出光信号的影响。

    The readout of a DVD ROM disk and of a BD ROM disk is simulated . The dependence of the readout data signal of a blue-ray ROM disk on the geometry of its information layer ( the slope angle of the pits , in particular ) is analyzed .

  16. 融合颜色和强度先验信息的几何形变模型在医学图像分割中的应用

    Geometric Active Contour Model with Color and Intensity Priors for Medical Image Segmentation

  17. 用毛细管色谱柱分离昆虫性信息素几何异构体的研究

    Study on Resolution of Geometric Isomers of Insect Sex Pheromones with Capillary Column GC

  18. 通过功能分解和结构映射,将功能信息和几何信息集成封装在一个类模板中。

    Functional and geometric information were encapsulated in an UML class template by function decomposition and structure mapping .

  19. 元件的最小信息包括几何信息、物理参数、实时信息、可靠性信息等,由此最小信息可推出元件的可靠、质量、经济性能指标信息值。

    The minimum information of components includes geometry information , physical parameter , real time information and reliability information .

  20. 几种橡胶载体对马尾松毛虫性信息素几何构型异构化的影响

    The influence of rubber substrates on isomerization of the sex pheromone compounds of the pine caterpillar moth in pheromone dispensers

  21. 随着数据信息资源几何级数地增长,存储技术应用面临着严峻的挑战。

    With the explosion of data and information resources , the applications of storage technology are faced with serious challenges .

  22. 利用仪器记录头段信息重构几何库关于记录头标区及人工赋值字符位问题的探讨

    Using information of head block on record to reconstruct geometric library Discussion on MARC Leader Section and Artificial Assignment of Character Position

  23. 系统的输入为一个常见的三角形网格模型,通过系统处理后变成一个在三角形上分布着带有颜色信息的几何点的三维表面。

    This system can take any triangle model as an input and produces an output with colored points on triangles of the model surface .

  24. 当今世界是信息化的世界,科技的发展带来了信息的几何级增长,这一进程推动着人类行为模式的研究。

    Nowadays it is a world of information technology development which has brought the geometric growth . This process promoted the study of human behavior .

  25. 然后对利用图像几何矩抗几何攻击算法进行了研究与实现,使算法能够利用较低阶、较少的图像几何矩信息进行几何变换参数的估计,对估计精确度有一定的提高。

    Then the image moment based geometry transform parameter estimate algorithm is researched and implemented , which make it more effective with less image moment information .

  26. 这是一个知识爆炸的时代,计算机和互联网的迅速发展使得信息成几何倍数的增长。

    As the time that knowledge explode coming , the quantity of information increase more and more quickly for the rapid development of computer and network .

  27. 研究了一种基于融合颜色和强度先验信息的几何形变模型的医学图像分割算法。

    A new algorithm using the geometric active contour model with the fusion of color and intensity priors to segment medical images is presented in this paper .

  28. 最后将物体图像的拓扑结构信息和几何信息与模型库中模型物体的拓扑结构信息和几何信息匹配,从而达到识别的目的。

    At last , match the information of topology and geometry of the object images with that of the model objects in the model base to recognize .

  29. 网络上的各种数据信息以几何级数的方式急剧增长,导致了数据丰富,知识贫乏的奇怪现象。

    All kinds of data and information on the web are growing series of ways , so there " data rich , knowledge poor " strange phenomenon .

  30. 通过建立一个基于层次数据结构的焊接机架表示模型,表示焊接机架的功能信息和几何信息,以支持焊接机架全过程的设计活动。

    In order to support the whole process of design activities , a hierarchical model to represent the functional and geometrical information of welded machine frame is presented .