
  1. 具有里程碑意义的文化产业振兴规划意味着发展文化产业上升到国家战略高度。

    The developing planning of cultural industries with landmark Significance means the development of cultural industries up to the national strategic level .

  2. 2009年7月国家出台《文化产业振兴规划》以后,文化产业已成为热门话题。

    In July 2009 the State promulgated the " Cultural Industries Promotion Plan " , and the cultural industries have become a hot topic .

  3. 一是国家《文化产业振兴规划》作为纲领性文件对文化产业改革、发展的指引作用将更加突出。

    First , China 's Cultural Industry Promotion Plan , as a programmatic document , will play a vital role in guiding the reform and development of cultural industry .

  4. 随着制播分离的再次提出,以及《文化产业振兴规划》的颁布,电视内容产业已逐渐显示出应有的产业特性和价值增长潜力。

    As " separation with sowing " was put forward again , and the industrial revitalizing planning which adjust to the reinvigorate culture industry was released , the television content industry has gradually shows its nature and potential industrial value .

  5. 文化产业的作用也越来越受到国家的重视,在《文化产业振兴规划纲要》中,国家将其上升为国家战略高度。

    The role of cultural industries becomes more and more national attention , in the " Cultural Industry Promotion Plan ", Cultural industry was promoted to a national strategy height .