
  • 网络cultural production;culture production;cultural products
  1. 文化生产是经济进步的新现象。

    Cultural production is a new phenomeon indicative of economic progress .

  2. 商业体育健身俱乐部的文化生产与消费异化

    Cultural Production and Consumption Alienation of Commercial Sports Health Club

  3. 文化生产是社会生产的特殊形式。

    Culture production is the special form of social production .

  4. 这导致大众文化生产的标准化以及对个性的扼杀;

    This causes standardization of mass culture production and strangling to characteristics .

  5. 论当下港台言情小说的大众文化生产体制

    Research on Nowadays Romance Novels ' Popular Culture Production System

  6. 作为一种新型的媒体,它为文化生产提供了新的公共空间。

    As a new media , it provides new public space for cultural production .

  7. 论产业化时代的精神文化生产

    On culture production in the age of industrialization

  8. 文化生产的双重控制

    Culture The Double Control of Cultural Production

  9. 红色经典是中国五十年代至六十年代以革命为主题的文化生产。

    " Red Classics " was revolution culture in the 1950s and 1960s in China .

  10. 媒介文化生产中的偶像制造与消费及其媒体责任

    Making and Consuming of the Idol in Mass Media Production and Obligation of Mass Media

  11. 随着经济一体化,文化生产的全球化正日益成为不可抵挡的趋势。

    With the economic integration , the globalization of cultural industry is becoming an irresistible trend .

  12. 文化生产与经济资源

    Cultural production and economic resources

  13. 文化生产的控制植根于文化产业所关联的政治、经济的利益动力中。

    The control of cultural production roots in political and economical interest motivity related with cultural enterprises .

  14. 本研究揭示出政府和开发公司在旅游地文化生产中所面临的一个困境。

    The study reveals that the government and the company are facing a dilemma in developing tourism .

  15. 第二部分是当下港台言情小说的大众文化生产体制。

    The second part is the nowadays Hong Kong and Taiwan love stories ' popular culture production system .

  16. 但是,文化生产通常只是指通过现代产业形式组织开展的生产性文化生产。

    But cultural production usually refers to productive production of culture engaged in the organization of modern industrial form .

  17. 文化生产场域中符号权力的形成&以文学艺术场域的分析为例

    The Forming of Symbolic Power in the Field of Cultural Production & to Take the Artistic Field for Example

  18. 在现阶段我国正处于社会转型关键时期,文化生产具有了一些新的特征。

    For our country now is in the process of social transition , cultural production bears some new characteristics .

  19. 他的思想极具批判锋芒,他以否定的哲学观审视现实,深刻地道出了资本主义大众文化生产的弊端,并对此进行了无情的揭露。

    He contemplated reality with negative philosophy , deeply expressed and discovered abuses that resulted from the capitalist Popular Culture .

  20. 对文化生产双重控制的分析,揭示了文化生产作为一个社会过程所产生的深刻关联性。

    The analysis of double control over cultural production reveals the profound relativity produced by cultural production as social process .

  21. 文化生产这一相对狭窄的定义,使其无法被用来统摄整体性的人类文化生产活动。

    The comparatively narrow definition of cultural production could not be applied to the whole activity of human cultural production .

  22. 北京城区广场分布、辐射及其文化生产空间差异浅析

    Research on the Allocation , the Radiation Area of Squares and Their Differences as Space of Culture Production in Beijing City

  23. 它是由文化生产要素即资源因素、需求因素、创新因素、市场因素等综合作用的结果。

    It is produced by the cultural element of the resource factors , demand factors , innovation , market factors combined result .

  24. 电视知识分子可以参与大众文化生产,但应保持品格。

    TV intellectuals could participate the production of " mass culture ", but their character and morals were supposed to be maintained ; 4 .

  25. 视觉消费是当代消费社会的一个最重要特征,它直接影响着当代社会的文化生产。

    Vision consumption is one of the most important features in the contemporary consumed society , which directly influence the cultural production in the contemporary society .

  26. 也就是说,当代社会中的养生文化生产和再生产,更多地发生在由科学技术所创造的人为环境中。

    In other words , in contemporary society , health and cultural production and reproduction , occur in the artificial environment created by science and technology .

  27. 文化生产的赞助者所具有的商业属性使得它的文化生产具有了浓厚的商业氛围,服从于收回投资的商业需要。

    The commercial traits of the culture production sponsors cause the marked commercial atmosphere of the culture production , for the commercial needs to recover their investments .

  28. 本文从文化生产目的、文化经营实践和意识等方面研究阐释李渔是中国现代文化产业的先驱者。

    The thesis interprets that Li Yu is the pioneer of the Chinese modern cultural estate from the aspects of the practice and consciousness of cultural management .

  29. 现代传媒改变了传统的文化生产和传播方式,被称为印刷资本主义的早期现代传媒逐渐被电子媒介所替代。

    Modern media have changed the traditional way of production and dissemination of culture . Print-capitalism , the early modern media have been gradually replaced by electronic media .

  30. 总体看,我国已步入了演艺、影视、出版、艺术品、动漫游戏和网络文化生产及消费大国的行列。

    Generally speaking , China has entered the performing arts , film , publishing , art , cartoon network games and cultural production and consumption power of the ranks .