
  • 网络renaissance art
  1. 在文艺复兴时期美术复兴了。

    The fine arts revived during the Renaissance .

  2. 本文主要论述意大利文艺复兴时期的美术理论中的模仿论。

    This paper focus on the imitation theory in Italian Renaissance art theory .

  3. 古希腊美术成熟期和文艺复兴时期的美术,人文思想集中表现在对人性的歌颂和赞扬;

    Of the arts in the mature period of ancient Greece and in the Renaissance period , humanism thoughts was focused on expressing the praise to human nature .

  4. 同时文艺复兴时期的美术成就也是非常突出的,尤其是以宗教题材反映时代世俗精神的作品最常见,绘制圣母子的作品更是不计其数。

    Meanwhile , art achievements at that period were extremely outstanding , especially , the most commonest works were those which reflected the era secular spirit with religious subjects , and the Virgin and Child works were countless .

  5. 百家争鸣和文艺复兴时期的工艺美术

    Arts and Crafts in the Period of Renaissance and Hundred Schools of Thought Contend in China

  6. 这里从西方美术历史中各个不同时期的具体美术作品出发,探讨原始美术、古希腊罗马美术、中世纪美术、文艺复兴至19世纪美术、现代美术几个阶段中线是否作为独立艺术表现手段存在。

    This thesis discusses whether the lines were the independent expressional means in Prehistoric Art , Ancient Greek and Roman Art , Art of the Middle Ages , Renaissance Art , Nineteenth century Art and Modern Art .

  7. 十九世纪,一场巨大的变革在悄然兴起,它可以说是自文艺复兴以来,欧洲美术史上最具革命性的运动,是美术史上一颗璀璨的明珠,那就是印象派。

    In the nineteenth century , a great change , the Impressionism , took place quietly , which has been one of the most revolutionary movements since the Renaissance happened . The Impressionism is a shining pearl in art history .

  8. 从文艺复兴的科学与美术的结合到包豪斯的艺术与技术的统一,所反映的不仅仅是审美意识的演变也是绘画艺术与设计艺术交互发展的内在要求。

    From a combination of science and art in Renaissance to the unity of art and technology in Bauhaus , it reflects not only the evolution of aesthetic consciousness but also the requirements of the interaction developing between Painting art and design art .