
wén zì ɡǎi ɡé
  • reform of the writing system;script reform
文字改革 [wén zì gǎi gé]
  • [reform of a writing system] 一个国家或民族对于其通用文字的改革,在我国主要指对于汉字的改革(有些少数民族也有文字改革问题)

  1. 第三部分介绍了中国的文字改革和语言规划。

    The third part has recommended the reforms of writing systems and language planning .

  2. 同音词问题是在中国文字改革的过程中提出来的。

    Homonym problem was put forward in the course of Chinese reform of a writing system .

  3. 土耳其语言文字改革与中国维、哈语文字改革的比较

    A Comparison Between the Reform of Turkish and That of Uygur and Kazakh Writing Systems in China

  4. “文字改革”包括语言,“语言计划”包括文字。

    The reform of a writing system includes language , and the " language project " includes characters .

  5. 文字改革是20世纪中国文化领域最重大的运动。

    The Reforms of Chinese Characters is the greatest movement in the field of Chinese culture in the20th century .

  6. 语文现代化、语言规划和文字改革含义辨

    On Three Concepts of " Chinese Language Modernization "," Language Planning " and " Reform of Writing System "

  7. 总结和审视文字改革的争辩,可以获得许多有益的历史经验和教训。

    After researching into the reforms of Chinese characters , we will earn a lot of lessons and experiences from history .

  8. 本文论述了日语表记法的诸问题,并大胆地提出了日本文字改革的新途径。

    This paper discusses the problems in Japanese written sign system and proposes a new way for the reform of Japanese writing system .

  9. 文字改革运动是以“汉字落后论”为前提的,因此必然伴随着对于汉字评价的不同意见的争论。

    It regarded " the theory of the backward Chinese characters " as its prerequisite , so it is likely to develop with the debate of the appraisal on Chinese characters .

  10. 语言文字改革是语言规划中较为复杂的一个组成部分,它涉及到政治、宗教、民族心理、民族文化等诸多因素。

    Reform of a language and its writing system is a quite complex part of language planning . It involves many factors such as politics , religion , national consciousness and culture , etc.

  11. 第二部分至第四部分则是从新闻出版、近代文字改革运动、文学思想等三个方面论述了胡愈之所取得的成就。

    The second part to the fourth part , respectively discuss Hu Yuzhi ' contributions in 3 issues , the news and publishing cause , reform of writing system movement , literature thought .

  12. 在我国,“语文现代化”、“语言规划”和“文字改革”这三个概念名称不同,实质是一样的。

    In our country , three concepts of " Chinese language modernization "," language planning " and " reform of writing system " mean virtually the same thing , though express in different words .

  13. 现在,文字改革的提法不再使用,语言规划和语文现代化两个名称被广泛接受并使用,它们经常交替使用。

    And now , the concept of " reform of writing system " is no longer used while the concepts of " language planning " and " Chinese language modernization " are widely and interchangeably used .

  14. 特别是在语言文字改革方面,一大批先进的高素质知识分子作为《新青年》的主撰,为之贡献了智慧和灵感,使其呈现了不可逆转的强大势头。

    Especially in the reform of the language , a large number of advanced high-quality intellectuals as the main essays of the " New Youth ", whom contributed to the wisdom and inspiration , presents a powerful and irreversible momentum .

  15. 国家近年来非常重视文字改革和文字规划工作,这对社会发展、科技进步和文化教育水平的提高都具有非常重要的意义。

    This course is inevitable . China pays much attention to reform of writing systems and characters planning in recent years , which have a very important meaning to improvement of social development , scientific and technological progress , culture and education level .

  16. 语文现代化是指语言文字不断改革、完善以适应现代社会生活需要的进程。

    The modernization of Chinese refers to the process of continuous reform and perfection of the language and the writing in order to suit needs of the modern social life .

  17. 广西师范学院现代汉语课程文字部分教学改革刍议

    The Reform of Chinese Characters Teaching in Modern Chinese Course in Guangxi Teachers Education University

  18. 论高师汉语言文字学课程的改革

    On the Course Reform of Chinese Philology in Teachers College

  19. 秦始皇在建国之初,鉴于当时文字使用混乱的状况,颁布了文字改革的政策,对文字进行了巨大改革。

    During the primary stage of Qing dynasty , aiming at the confused usages of characters , the emperor enacted a policy to have the character reform .

  20. 苏联时期,中亚各民族的文字在上个世纪前半期都曾经历过拉丁字母化和基里尔字母化两次较大的文字改革。

    In the first half of the20 century , each nation of Central Asia once used the Latin alphabet , and used Russian alphabet later .