
  • 网络culture productivity;Cultural productive forces
  1. 文化生产力既具有整体生产力的共性,同时又具有自己鲜明的个性。

    Culture productivity has both self distinct individuality and the common for all kinds of productivity .

  2. 解放和发展文化生产力是衡量党执政能力的重要标尺

    Liberating and Developing the Culture Productivity is the Important Standard of Measuring the Chinese Communist Party 's Administrative Ability

  3. 简论文化生产力理论认定的价值地位

    On the Value Position of the Theory of Cultural Productive Force

  4. 21世纪生产力发展方针的热力学思考&兼论广义文化生产力

    Reflection on Thermodynamics Development Policy of Productivity in the 21st Century

  5. 浅论文化生产力及其理论来源和历史形态

    On Cultural Productivity , Its Theory Source and Historical Shape

  6. 文化生产力理论与我国文化转型

    The Theory of Cultural Productivity and the Cultural Transformation in Our Country

  7. 文化生产力的丰富内涵和基本要求简述

    On Rich Connotation of Cultural Productivity of and Basic Requirements

  8. 文化生产力的崛起与发展

    On the Rise and Growth of Cultural Productive Forces

  9. 论媒介融合格局下的文化生产力发展

    The Development Of Cultural Productivity In Media Integration Age

  10. 解放和发展文化生产力科学理论形成的探索历程

    The Liberation and the Development Culture Productive Forces Scientific Theory Forms Exploration Course

  11. 当代中国发展文化生产力的理论轨迹

    The Changes of Theories on the Development of Cultural Productivity in Contemporary China

  12. 文化生产力的主体是现实的、对象性存在的个人,而不是文化。

    Its subject is the individuals who is objective existence , rather than culture .

  13. 文化生产力,即生产文化产品、提供文化服务的一种能力。

    Cultral productive force is the capacity of providing cultural product and providing cultural service .

  14. 发展文化生产力的十项措施

    Ten measures to develop cultural productivity

  15. 关于发展文化生产力的思考

    Thinking about Developing Cultural Productive Force

  16. 文化生产力作为一种新兴的生产力,在社会发展中占据越来越重要的地位。

    Cultural productivity , as a new productivity , is more and more important in the social development .

  17. 文化生产力是综合文化因素在企业生产中的影响和应用而产生的效力;

    Cultural productivity is effectiveness produced by influence and using of comprehensive cultural factors in enterprises ' production .

  18. 21世纪将是文化生产力占主导地位的世纪,文化生产力的高低将决定一个国家的综合国力。

    In the 21st century , the cultural productive force will assume a dominating role and determine the comprehensive national power .

  19. 随着知识的不断更新和科学技术的飞速发展,文化生产力和文化产业更是快速发展。

    With the update of knowledge and rapid development of science and technology , cultural programs and cultural industries are accelerated .

  20. 中国正致力于解放和发展文化生产力,激发创造激情和创造精神;

    China is committed to the liberation and development of culture and productivity , stimulate the creation of passion and creative spirit ;

  21. 它的发展,意味着文化生产力在高新技术和市场化条件下的极大解放。

    The development of cultural industry means in the high technology and market under the conditions of the cultural productivity great liberation .

  22. 构建和谐社会,高校必须大力发展文化生产力,为和谐社会创造丰富的文化条件;

    The college must develop the culture productivity vigorously to set up harmonious society , and to create abundant culture for harmonious society .

  23. 发展文化生产力是现实社会发展的客观要求和时代的呼唤,是中国不可不为、不得不为的事情。

    The cultural productivity development is the objective requirement of the social development in present age and China has to take it into consideration .

  24. 当前我国文化生产力发展的现状不容乐观,这与我国原有文化体制的弊端密切相关。

    The current our country culture productive forces development present situation is unoptimistic , this and our country original culture system malpractice close correlation .

  25. 此文认为,马克思的大生产力观和关于精神生产力的思想是文化生产力思想的理论来源。

    This paper argues that Marx 's great productivity view and thought about spiritual productivity are the theory source of the cultural productivity thought .

  26. 马克思提出的文化生产力概念包含着正确把握现代社会智能生产力的指导性原则。

    The idea of cultural productive forces put forward by Max contains the guiding principle of grasping correctly the intellect productive forces of modern society .

  27. 解放和发展文化生产力,繁荣文化事业,发展文化产业是我们党提高建设先进文化能力的具体要求。

    Thus , said from this specific angle , in the construction socialism advanced culture ability essence is the liberation and development culture productive forces ability .

  28. 文化生产力物的特性和意识形态性的关系反映了文化生产力的运行方式和发展规律;

    The connection between the material attribute of cultural productivity and the ideological attribute of that reflects the movement method and development law of cultural productivity .

  29. 随着文化生产力的不断解放发展,必然会进一步发掘文化资源创新文化成果,形成文化的时代坐标。

    With the continuous development of cultural productivity liberation , will further explore innovative cultural achievements of cultural resources , the formation of cultural era coordinates .

  30. 大力解放和发展文化生产力对于促进经济发展、提高公民智力水平和道德素质、加强社会主义和谐社会的建设具有重要作用。

    Vigorously liberating and developing cultural productive force is important for promoting the social economy , improving citizens intelligence level and moral quality and constructing the socialism harmonious society .