
  • 网络Material Realm;material universe
  1. 我赞赏我所处的这个时代在物质界域里的一切变化。

    I appreciate that I live in the era of industry-wide in all material changes .

  2. 你们看,那深度冥想所伸展出来的(爱的)振动正溢出来进入到你们所居住的物质界

    You see the vibrations of this deep meditative expansion is over-flowing into the physical realms that you live in

  3. 在物质界域有一来自结果律的决定,来自因与果之律则的;

    In the material field there is a determinism which comes from the law of consequences , from the law of cause and effect ;

  4. 我们会说在未来的两到三个世纪内,正因地球的【扬升】,将会造成关键性的【物质界的人类扬升】。

    And we tell you it is the Ascension of the Earth that will spawn the critical mass movement of physical humanities Ascension in two to three centuries .

  5. 一个鬼魂生活在第四次元(非物质界),所以他的指导灵也许位于第六次元(精神面)。

    A ghost is living on the fourth dimension ( soul world ), so his spirit guide will be located in the sixth dimension ( mental plane ) .

  6. 如果不快乐,那么,为什么你们在物质界时又是那么期待,争先恐后的,想来到这个充满苦难的世界呢?

    If not , why do you expect it so much when you are in the world of material ? Why do you scramble to come to this world full of hardship ?

  7. 我的生活(生命)不仅在于今天,在于今生,在于这些有形的物质界里,也在我的心中,在灵(界)里,在将来,在天堂。

    My life is not just for today , for this life , for these physical things , but also in my heart , in spirit , in the future , in heaven .

  8. 在前一向度上,诗歌表现出极端的文体自觉,追求不可能的纯粹的审美体验,割断了与物质现象界应有的现实联系;

    In the former dimension , poetry expresses the extreme consciousness of style , pursuing an impossible pure aesthetical experience and disconnecting its link with material world .

  9. 在阿肯色州的白金水晶受独特的编程而成为平行宇宙与反物质的天使界之界面。

    The Platinum Crystal in Arkansas is uniquely programmed to interface with Parallel Universes and the Angelic Ream of anti-matter .

  10. 基膜样物质广泛沉积在界膜和间质中。

    Basement membranoid substance deposits extensively in limiting membrane and intercellular materials .