
  • 网络physical medium
  1. 为了满足WAMS实时决策和紧急控制对实时性和可靠性的要求,本文结合工程思想,从物理媒介、骨干网络、组网技术、协议体系等方面对WAMS通信网络平台进行了分析设计。

    To meet the real-time and reliability requirements of real-time analysis and emergency control of power systems , this paper analyzes and designs the WAMS communication infrastructure which are from physical medium , backbone networks , network technology and communication protocol .

  2. 在大多数RAID配置中,将数据写入到物理媒介中的任务将由多个驱动器共享。

    In most RAID configurations , the task of writing data to the physical media is shared across the multiple drives .

  3. APON系统终端ONT物理媒介层的设计

    The Design Of Physical Layer Of APON System Termination

  4. 原来使用CD、光盘等物理媒介进行存储和销售,数字内容的版权没有得到充分保护,内容提供者的合法权益无形中受到了损坏。

    Use the original CD , CD-ROM and other physical media for storage and sale of copyrighted digital content has not been adequately protected the legitimate rights , and interests of content providers virtually been damaged .

  5. 只有物理媒介终止了,传输环路才会终止。

    The transmit ring is the last stop before the physical media .

  6. 因为电源线路是每个家庭最为普通也是覆盖最为宽广的一种物理媒介,所以利用电力线实现数据通信有着很大的经济效益和应用前景。

    As a kind of universal physical media in every family , the prospect of the PLC communication is bright .

  7. 但这要是跟支持因特网的许多技术比起来根本不算什么,这些技术每种都要求有不同的网络带宽和物理媒介。

    But this is nothing compared to the many technologies supporting the Internet , each with a different bandwidth and physical media .

  8. 对于系统中需要外在的物理媒介来保存的加密密钥,使用基于口令的加密技术对密钥加密,将密钥保存在计算机文件系统中。

    Encrypted cryptographic key , which need to be saved in the extern media , was encrypted with Password-Based Encryption technology and was saved in the computer file system .

  9. 电力网由于覆盖广泛,无需重新布线,永久连接,不存在射频电磁污染等优点,成为构建智能家居网络的首先物理媒介。

    Because of its advantages of extensive coverage , no new line , forever connection and no RF electromagnetic pollution , PLC ( Power Line Communication ) is the first choice for constructing Home Network .

  10. 艺术美中先是分析了构成坡芽歌书的物质媒介包含物理媒介和声音媒介等相关内容,然后论述其美感的特征:形象性。

    In the artistic beauty , the first analysis of the form Poya Folk Songs material medium contains the physical media and sound media and other related content . And then discuss its aesthetic characteristics : image .

  11. 由于不同网关物理接入媒介的不同,在VoIP网关中提供具有通用性的SIP协议栈的实现和相关的SIP协议扩展具有深刻的意义和实用价值。

    A universal resolvent of SIP stack in VoIP gateway will be meaningful in practice usage because of the difference in physical access media .

  12. 也可以对表或物理文件指定媒介首选项,请求将数据本身分配到SSD存储设备。

    Media preference can also be specified on a table or physical file to request that data itself should be allocated on SSD storage .

  13. CAN总线接口采用协议控制芯片SJA1000,配以收发器82C250。以太网接口采用以太网控制器RTL8019AS作为物理层传输媒介。

    CAN-BUS interface adopts protocol control chip SJA1000 plus receiving and sending chip82C250.Ethernet interface adopts Ethernet controller RTL8019AS as physical transmission media .

  14. 这需要我们在物理层和媒介接入层考虑新的频谱分配技术。

    New technology of spectrum allocation needs to be considered in the physical layer and media access layer .

  15. 再次,本文在分析物理层功能的基础上提出了物理层(包括物理媒介层特别是TC层)设计的软硬件实现方案。

    Thirdly , based on the analysis of physical layer 's function , the scheme of software and hardware designing implementation , including physical media layer and the TC layer , is brought forward .