
  • 网络system
  1. 在内径为300mm的填料塔中,以空气-水为物系,研究了塑料孔板波纹填料的结构参数对其流体力学性能的影响。

    The influence of structural parameters of plastics porous corrugated plate packing on its hydrodynamic performance was investigated in a Φ 300 mm packing tower with air-H 2O system .

  2. 大观霉素初级成核的过饱和度水平较高,属于第Ⅰ类物系。

    High supersaturation level for nucleation indicated that spectinomycin belongs to class I system .

  3. 自适应预测PID控制在理想物系内部热耦合精馏塔上的应用

    Application of Adaptive Predictive PID Control to Ideal Internal Thermally Coupled Distillation Columns

  4. N-甲基吡咯烷酮、α-吡咯烷酮合成物系气相色谱分析

    Application of Gas Chromatographic ( GC ) Analysis in the Synthesis of N-Methyl Pyrrolidone or α - Pyrrolidone

  5. 用microsoftexcel计算二元理想物系复杂精馏塔的回流比和理论板数

    A Method for the Reflux Ratio and the Number of Theory Plates of Binary Ideal Solution Complex Distillation Tower by Using Microsoft Excel

  6. AMP方程的基团贡献法预测含氧物系的蒸气压

    The estimation of oxygenated hydrocarbons ' vapor pressure by group contribution of AMP equation

  7. 烃与DMF物系UNIFAC参数的修订和应用

    Revision and application of UNIFAC parameters for hydrocarbon-dmf system

  8. 复杂物系的介观结构和DPD模拟

    Meso-structures of complex systems and dissipative particle dynamics simulations

  9. 采用UNIFAC方程回归同分异构体物系的固液相平衡

    Regression of Solid & Liquid Equilibrium of Isomers by Using UNIFAC Equation

  10. 通过全回流模型确定间歇精馏的初值,使用Matlab软件实现间歇精馏的动态模型,不同物系可选用合适算法进行模拟运算。

    The appropriate arithmetic can be selected in different systems to do its simulative operation through fixing the initial value of batch distillation and using Matlab software to create a dynamic batch distillation model .

  11. 在计算中用非理想物系NRTL方程计算气&液相平衡数据;

    The vapour-liquid equilibrium data are calculated by NRTL equation of the non-ideal system .

  12. 用大量包括非极性、极性、含缔合物系及含共沸物在内的典型多元汽液平衡实验数据,比较了由T、P、x数据推算y的模型法和无模型法。

    Comparison between the model and model free methods for predicting y from T , P , x data at vapor liquid equilibrium for many typical multicomponent systems including nonpolar , polar , associated components or azeotropic components are given .

  13. 以牛血清白蛋白(BAS)和牛血清红蛋白(HG)为物系,在制备型高效液相色谱(HPLC)分离装置上,考察了柱尺寸对柱效和分离度的影响。

    The effect of column dimension on column efficiency and resolution was investigated by using the preparative HPLC with the mixture of bovine serum albumin and bovine blood hemoglobin .

  14. 缔合物系(醋酸甲酸水)汽液相平衡的研究UNIFAC模型与Wilson模型的比较

    A study on the Vapor Liquid Equilibrium for Associated System ( Acetic Acid-Formic Acid Water ) A Comparision Between UNIFAC Model and Wilson Model

  15. 对圆柱形液池内的均匀内热源液体进行了温度分布特性实验,物系为4%的NaCl溶液与空气气泡。

    This article processed experimental studies on the temperature distributing characteristic of uniform inner heat source liquor in a column-form pool . The type of matter is air-4 % NaCl solution .

  16. 以物系一组有代表性的几个组成点的临界性质作为训练样本对改进的BP网络进行训练,然后应用训练好的网络来预测该物系其它组成点的临界性质。

    A group of critical properties of certain mixture as train examples are used to train the BP network , then the trained network is applied to predict the critical properties of other component points of this mixture .

  17. 文中采用SIMPLER方法,以苯乙烯-聚苯乙烯物系为例,对高粘假塑性流体管内传热进行了仿真计算。

    In this article , we adopt SIMPLER method , take styrene-polystyrene as an example and make a simulating calculation of heat transfer of a high viscosity pseudo - plastic fluid in the tube .

  18. 应用空气-水-CO2物系,测定了导向浮阀塔板的效率,并与F1型浮阀塔板进行了比较。

    The plate efficiency of the directed floating valve trays was determined using air water CO 2 system . Both the hydrodynamics and plate efficiency were compared with type F1 floating valve trays .

  19. 耗散粒子动力学(DPD)模拟方法是研究复杂物系介观结构的一种重要手段。

    Dissipative particle dynamics ( DPD ) simulation is one of the most important methods for the study of the meso-structure of complex systems .

  20. 文章对用DMF为溶剂,六组分物系,47块理论板的丁二烯萃取精馏塔进行了动态特性的研究。

    The dynamic behavior of an extractive distillation column with 6 components and 47 ideal plates for extracting Butadiene by using Dimethylformamide ( DMF ) as solvent has been studied .

  21. 并以乙醇/水和氯仿/水物系为研究对象,着重考察了料液浓度、料液温度、膜下侧压力、PTFE的含量对硅橡胶复合膜分离性能影响。

    And further the effects of feed temperature , feed concentration , vacuum degree , content of PTFE on the pervaporation performance of ethanol / water and chloroform / water solutions were also examined .

  22. Lee-Kesler状态方程在含极性组分物系粘度计算中的应用

    Application of Lee-Kesler Equation of State in Viscosity Calculation of Mixture contains Polar Compositions

  23. 采用DDHI物系对新型高效降膜结晶技术的分离提纯机制进行了实验研究;

    This experimental study on the following film crystallization process is carried out by using a binary system of DDHI .

  24. 为了证实本模型的适用性,以CH3COOHH2OCH3COOCH3三元物系为例做了泡点计算,并将计算结果与文献实验值进行了比较。

    This model has definite commercial value . For confirming the applicability of this model , trimer CH_3COOH-H_2O - CH_3COOCH_3 was taken as example for making bubble point calculation , and the results were compared with the experimental data in literatures .

  25. 以空气-水为物系,采用热水示踪技术和计算机温度测量系统测试了设置有导流板的DJ型塔板上的液体等停留时间分布,研究了导流板对液体流动的作用。

    Liquid equal residence time distributions on DJ type tray with guide plate were measured in air-water system by using hot-water tracer technique and computerized multipass thermometer . Effect of guide plate on liquid flow was studied .

  26. 在300mm×200mm的矩形有机玻璃塔内,以空气&水为物系,对系统的温度测量精度、动态误差、重复性、分辨能力以及测试结果的可靠准确性进行测试。

    The purposes of the debugging experiments were to measure the temperature measuring precision , dynamic errors , recurrence , resolving power , veracity and reliability of its measuring results .

  27. 经DBP-DBS物系数值模拟,系统研究分段冷凝和分段蒸发对分子蒸馏过程的影响。

    ( 2 ) Influences of divided evaporator and condenser on MD process were investigated by the simulation of DBP-DBS mixture distillation .

  28. 利用上式,计算了27种二元低共熔物系的固液平衡(t-x)关系,得到令人满意的结果。

    With the above equation , the solid liquid equilibria ( t x ) of 27 binary eutectic systems have been calculated with the satisfactory results .

  29. 将SRK状态方程与PHV、MHV2、WS和SR4种不同的混合规则相结合进行汽液平衡计算,比较了在极性物系、复杂高压体系和多元物系中的计算偏差。

    Four different mixing rules for the SRK-EOS were investigated for vapor-liquid equilibrium calculation The calculation deviations among polar systems , complex high pressure systems and multicomponent systems were compared .

  30. 结果表明,对所研究的含醇和丙酮物系,用TTM法关联的结果一般与用Margules方程相近,比用UNIQUAC,Wilson方程差,但用TTM法计算简单。

    For the systems containing alcohol and ketone investigated , the results show that the results correlated with TTM are as good as those with Margules equation , and worse than those with Wilson and-UNIQU-AC equations , although TTM method is simple .