
  • 网络clean surface
  1. 用热脱附谱研究氢在Si(100)清洁表面的吸附

    The thermal desorption spectra study of Hydrogen Chemisorption on si ( 100 ) clean surface

  2. InP清洁表面上电子感应吸附氧的研究

    Electron stimulated adsorption study of oxygen on InP clean surface

  3. 用湿布清洁表面。

    Clean the surface with a damp cloth .

  4. Si(111)7×7清洁表面的总电流谱

    Total current spectroscopy study on clean si ( 111 ) 7 × 7 surface

  5. H2O在Cu(110)清洁表面上吸附的TDS研究

    A TDS study on the adsorption of h_2o on clean Cu ( 110 ) surface

  6. 970K时,恢复Si的清洁表面,表明氧被完全脱附。

    970 K , the photoemission spectra show the recovery of the clean sur-face , indicating the desorption of oxygen .

  7. 用X射线光电子能谱测定InP(100)清洁表面的原子浓度比

    Determination of the atomic concentration ratio on InP ( 100 ) clean surfaces by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

  8. In清洁表面氧吸附及早期氧化的CLS和AES研究

    CLS and AES studies of oxygen adsorption and initial oxidation on clean in surface

  9. 并设计制造了一个简易的表面清洗装置,可得到较大面积的清洁表面,实验结果表明,采用本文所提出的方法处理标样可以满足做Auger定量分析的需要。

    The results show that this standard sample preparation process is satisfactory for quantitative Auger analysis .

  10. 通过对Fe原子在不同位置的吸附能,吸附体系与清洁表面的层投影态密度以及电子转移情况进行计算。

    Energies of adsorption systems of aFe atom on different sites are calculated , and the layer project density of states ( LPDOS ), the charge transfer are investigated .

  11. InAs和InSb(111)清洁表面存在In岛的实验证据

    Experimental Evidence of Indium Islands Formation on the Clean InAs and InSb ( 111 ) Surfaces

  12. 采用X射线光电子能谱(XPS)原位分析研究了298K时烧结UC的清洁表面在O2气氛中的初始氧化过程。

    The initial oxidation of sintered UC samples in oxygen atmosphere at 298 K has been investi-gated in situ by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy ( XPS ) .

  13. 采用X射线光电子能谱对Bi2Sr2CaCu(2-x)Lix,Oy体系在真空中获得的清洁表面进行了研究。

    The XPS ( X-ray photoelectron spectroscope ) measurements of the 80K phase Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-Li-O ceramics were carried out on surfaces obtained by polishing in ultrahigh vacuum .

  14. 为提高烤瓷材料与牙科合金之间的结合强度,采用Ar+离子轰击溅射清洁表面处理和等离子体刻蚀活化处理,并在牙科合金表面沉积纳米Al2O3膜,进行纳米表面处理。

    In order to increase the bond strength between porcelains and alloy , Ar ion was used to attack the surface of alloy firstly and then a film of nano-Al_2O_3 was deposited on the surface of alloy .

  15. 镍清洁表面制备中去除碳的一种简便方法

    A simple method of removing residual carbon for preparing clean nickel surface

  16. 这种催化作用因氧在表面的存在而丧失,活化过程就是清除氧的污染而形成清洁表面的过程。

    The activation process is removal of the pollution by oxygen and thereby forms a clean surface .

  17. 再将这个表面加热到360℃保温45分钟,获得了一个无碳的原子级清洁表面。

    Heating this surface at 360 ℃ for 45 minutes , we could obtain an atomically clean surface without carbon .

  18. 用小苏打清洁表面,然后用湿布或海绵擦拭。

    Dust the surface to be cleaned with baking soda , and scrub it with a damp cloth or sponge .

  19. 研究结果表明:清洁表面铌和铀的体等离子体振荡所造成的电子能量损失的实验值与理论计算值较为符合;

    It is showed that experimental results of surface and bulk plasmon losses of clear surface uranium agreed with theoretical calculations .

  20. 在端面的齿都参与切削,在侧面的齿用于清洁表面。

    The teeth on the face do most of the machining while those on the side are used for cleaning the surface .

  21. 使用方法:本品数滴在被清洁表面,用擦布反复擦拭即可使铜器恢复光亮如新。

    Usage : drop the product on the surface needs to be cleaned . Wipe the surface for several times and can keep the copper clean .

  22. 纳米颗粒膜由于其在气体传感器、自清洁表面、磁记录器件和光电器件等领域中的潜在应用价值,越来越受到人们的关注。

    Nanoparticle films have attracted plenty of attention in recent years due to their potential applications in magnetic records , electronic devices , catalysts and self-cleaning surfaces .

  23. 纽约伦斯勒理工学院的科学家们最近发现了新方法,与其不断地清洁表面,不如应用一种杀菌涂料。

    Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York have come up with a new approach , instead of constantly cleaning surfaces , that would apply a coat of bacterial-killing paints .

  24. 氧化钛作为功能材料被应用于颜料、气敏、光伏、光催化、光电器件和自清洁表面诸多领域。

    Titanium oxide is widely investigated and employed as a functional material in a number of applications such as pigments , gas sensing , photovoltaics , photocatalytic and photo-electrochromic devices and self-cleaning surfaces .

  25. Si(111)(2×1)清洁重构表面

    Si ( 111 )( 2 × 1 ) reconstructed clean surface

  26. 防雾、自清洁玻璃表面纳米TiO2薄膜的研究进展

    Study on Nano-titanium Dioxide Thin Film Coated on Self-cleaning Glass Surface

  27. AFM剖析纳米TiO2自清洁玻璃表面形貌

    AFM Analysis of Surface Morphology of Nano-TiO_2 Glass with Self-cleaning

  28. 在仅考虑清洁合金表面偏析的情况下,Pt在合金表面的偏析导致化学吸附能较大幅度地增加,使化学吸附不稳定;

    When only clean surface segregation is considered , the surface segregation of Pt at the alloy surface layer leads to an larger increase in chemisorption energy .

  29. 研究了Si(111)(2×1)清洁重构表面,计算了此表面的弯曲模型和修正的π&键链模型的能带结构。

    The energy structure of Si ( 111 )( 2 × 1 ) surface is studied . The models used are the revised π - bonded Chain model given by R. M. Tromp and the buckling model by D.

  30. US-PP势总能计算表明:对于Si体系,清洁Si表面的(111)面最稳定;

    The total energy computation with US-PP shows that the ideal Si ( 111 ) surface is the most stable of the different Si surfaces , and with the different hydrogen chemical potential , the stability of hydrogen-adsorbed surfaces is distinct .