
  1. 植物对重金属元素的吸收及其环境净化效应概述

    Review on Plants Absorbing Heavy Metals and Environmental Purifying Effects

  2. 富营养化水体生物净化效应的研究进展

    Advances in research of biological purification of eutrophic water body

  3. 镉在白骨壤模拟湿地系统中的分布、迁移及净化效应

    Distribution , migration and purifying effect of cadmium in artificial Avicennia marina wetland system

  4. 红树植物人工湿地处理生活污水的净化效应及其机理研究

    Study on the Purifying Effects and Mechanism of Domestic Wastewater in Mangroves Plants Constructed Wetland

  5. 模拟不同抽排水方式对封闭性水域环境净化效应的研究

    The Purification Effects on Closed Water Area by Different Simulating Methods of Water Pumping and Drainage

  6. CD3AK/iNOS细胞对慢性粒细胞原代细胞白血病体外净化效应

    Purging Effects of CD3AK / iNOS in vitro on Primary Leukemic Cells from Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients

  7. 白骨壤模拟湿地系统中氮的分配、循环及其净化效应

    Allocation , circulation and purification effect of nutrient pollutant N in synthetic wastewater in Avicennia marina simulated wetland system

  8. 该文通过在实验室构建小型的水生生态系统,采用水培方法,研究水生植物对富营养化水质的净化效应。

    Based in the laboratory building the small aquatic ecosystem , purification effect of the eutrophication water by aquatic plants is researched .

  9. 自1976年以来,我们对绍兴钢铁厂设置的林带、绿篱、散生树三种结构的空气净化效应进行了测定研究。

    Since 1976 , we have determined the purification effects of air pollution by three structures , namely , forest-belt , hedgerow and scattered tree planted in Shaoxing Iron and Steel Factory .

  10. Ce-Mn-O纳米粉体的性能及VOCs净化催化剂涂层效应研究

    Properties and Coating Effect of Nano-powder of Ce-Mn-O for VOCs Catalysts

  11. 水生植物&根际微生物系统净化水质的效应和机理及其应用研究

    Study on Effect , Mechanism and Application of Aquatic Macrophytes-rhizosphere Microorganisms System on Water Purification