
  1. 你洁净坛的时候,坛就洁净了;且要用膏抹坛,使坛成圣。

    Purify the altar by making atonement for it , and anoint it to consecrate it .

  2. 26七日内,祭司要为坛遮罪,洁净坛;要这样把坛分别为圣。

    Seven days they shall make expiation for the altar and cleanse it , and so consecrate it .

  3. 七日祭司洁净坛,坛就洁净了。要这样把坛分别为圣。

    For seven days they are to make offerings to take away sin from the altar and to make it clean ; so they are to make it holy .

  4. 次日,要将无残疾的公山羊献为赎罪祭。要洁净坛,像用公牛犊洁净的一样。

    And on the second day thou shalt offer a kid of the goats without blemish for a sin offering ; and they shall cleanse the altar , as they did cleanse it with the bullock .

  5. 你要取些公牛的血,抹在坛的四角和磴台的四拐角,并四围所起的边上。你这样洁净坛,坛就洁净了。

    And thou shalt take of the blood thereof , and put it on the four horns of it , and on the four corners of the settle , and upon the border round about : thus shalt thou cleanse and purge it .