
jìnɡ shuǐ qì
  • water purifier
  1. 野战班用净水器的研制

    Development of the field drinking water purifier for squad

  2. 一种用柔质材料制成的,可折叠便携充气成型飘浮式太阳能净水器。

    A floating type foldable and portable solar energy water purifier is molded by inflating and is made of flexible material .

  3. J.T型净水器的性能与效果观察

    The performance of type j.t. Water-purifier and observation on the effect of it

  4. 方法采用MCR水处理新工艺、按照一体化、小型化、智能化思路设计中空纤维膜净水器。

    Methods A new integrative membrane water purifier which was a small scale and intelligent pilot with a new process ( membrane coagulation reactor , MCR ) was developed .

  5. 通过比较多种密封剂在弱酸性介质中浸泡后的拉伸强度、伸长率、硬度及与聚乙烯渗透膜的剥离强度,选择了RTV硅橡胶G585作为净水器用耐酸性介质密封剂;

    S : RTV silicone rubber G 585 was used as anti-acid sealant for cleaning-water machine by comparing the tensile strength , elongation , hardness , and tear strength of sealants in acidity medium .

  6. PJ-M10多功能净水器剖析

    PJ-M10 Multi-functional Clean Water Device

  7. 本文针对某造纸研究所造纸车间的白水,采用絮凝HK型净水器净化技术进行了研究,通过一系列条件试验,取得了最经济可行的絮凝处理配方;

    The treatment of the white water from a paper making research institute has been investigated by flocculation and purification ( using HK water purifier ) technique . A series of condition tests have led to a most economical and practical formulation for flocculation treatment of wastewater .

  8. 该净水器对两个水源中放射性污染物的净化效果表明,对试验水样中污染物的放射性强度均能净化(20L)达到99%以上;

    The effect of Purification on these two radioactivity-contaminated water sources by using the purifier has shown that 99 % ( 20L ) of the intensity of the radioactivity has been purified .

  9. 目前的合作伙伴包括惠而浦洗衣机(再订购洗衣用品)、兄弟打印机(墨水和碳粉)、Brita净水器和Quirky手冲咖啡机等产品。

    Listed on that page are partners such as Whirlpool ( re-order laundry supplies ) , Brother ( ink and toner ) , Brita ( water filters ) and Quirky ( which is launching a line of appliances including a fancy pour-ver coffee machine ) .

  10. 不同类型家用净水器安全性与功能性影响因素分析

    Influencing Factors for Safety and Function of Household Water Treatment Units

  11. 个人净水器及其前置处理系统的研究报告

    Research Report of the Personal Water Purification System and Preprocess System

  12. 快速检测净水器中活性炭的吸附效果

    Rapid Test on Adsorption Effect of Activated Carbon in Water Purifier

  13. 中空纤维超滤净水器的微机测量和控制系统

    Microcomputer Test and Control System for Hollow Fiber Ultrafiltering Water Purifier

  14. 家用除铁净水器的研制

    Study on domestic filter for removing iron in drinking water

  15. 自动反冲活性炭净水器处理饮用水的实验研究

    Study on Potable Water Treatment with Automatic Back Washing Activated Carbon Filter

  16. 净水器滤芯材料的制备与性能测试

    Preparation and Performance Test of Filter Materials of Water Clarifier

  17. 相对而言,制造家用净水器的行业有著严格规范。

    In contrast , the home-water treatment industry is very heavily regulated .

  18. 一体化净水器处理矿井水工程改造实践

    The reconstructive practice of mine drainage treatment station with integrated water purifier

  19. 903立袋式班排便携净水器的研制

    903 Vertical portable water purifier for squad or platoon

  20. 自制电化学净水器净化饮用水中氟化物

    Application of the Electrochemical Water Purification Device for Removing Fluoride in Drinking Water

  21. 野外便携净水器净水消毒工艺试验研究

    The Experimental Studies for Water Treatment of Field Portable Water - purifying Equipment

  22. 家用净水器去除有机物效果和工艺特点

    Organics Removal Efficiency and Process of Household Water Purifiers

  23. 综合净水器在供水工程中的应用

    Application of Integral Water Cleaner in Water Supply Works

  24. 南通市售净水器、饮水机卫生现状调查结果

    Hygienic Status of Saled Water Purification and Drinking Water Dispensers in Nantong City

  25. 活性炭净水器净水效率的研究

    Study on the efficiency of activated carbon filters

  26. 这个水箱有内置净水器。

    The sink has a built-in water purifier .

  27. 活性炭净水器的现状与展望

    Present situation and Prospect of activated carbon filters in prevalence of pure water for drinking

  28. 介绍一体化净水器在处理酸洗废水工程的应用。

    This paper introduces the application of integrative wastewater treatment equipment in acid washing wastewater .

  29. 中空纤维膜净水器的研制

    Development of an integrative membrane water purifier

  30. 对碘树脂型净水器产品结构与杀菌效果关系的探讨

    A Study on Relationship between Product Structure of Purifier with Iodine Resin and Germicidal Effect