
jìng yǔ
  • net rainfall
净雨[jìng yǔ]
  1. 对流域产流的物理过程进行了分析,建立了地面及地下净雨划分的数学公式及流域产流的计算方法。

    Based on analyzing the physical process of runoff generation , a method for partition of surface and ground net rainfall and runoff generation is proposed .

  2. 可能最大暴雨采用暴雨移置和时面深概化2种方法4个方案进行估算,并用净雨差值法推算可能最大洪水。

    The possible maximum storm is estimated by 4 schemes with storm transposition method and time depth generalization method , and the possible maximum flood is computed by differential value of net rain depth .

  3. 本文建议运用泰勒展开完成模型的线性化,再用推广的卡尔曼滤波器实现蓄满产流模型预报净雨的实时校正。

    The paper proposes a new algorithm with real-time correction for the Model of Runoff Formation at the Natural Storage Point . It uses the Taylor expansion to linearize the model , and uses the Generalized Kalman Filter .

  4. 本文从坡面流运动波理论的基本方程出发,利用运动波特征线法和分级叠加法,推导出了实验条件下考虑净雨强随时间变化的坡面流运动波方程近似解析解。

    Based on wave theory for overland flow , an approximate analytical solution of kinetic equation of wave considering the variation of the excess rain density was deduced by applying the characteristic method coupled with the classification superposition method .