
  • 网络Watershed hydrological model;hydrologic model of basin
  1. 目前,基于GIS的分布式流域水文模型的研究已成为水文学研究的热点。

    Presently the research on the model based on GIS has become a hot pot in hydrology .

  2. 这一特点为地理信息系统(GIS)在分布式流域水文模型的研究与应用提供了可能,反过来又推动水文模型的发展。

    This characteristic should be provided with possibility of research and application of GIS into the watershed-scale distributed hydrological model .

  3. 指出数值计算、GIS、雷达测雨和卫星云图等技术的进步为分布式流域水文模型的发展及实际应用提供了条件。

    The development of numerical calculation , GIS , rain detection with radar , and satellite cloud image promotes the development of the distributed watershed hydrologic model .

  4. 以月水量平衡模型为基础,应用地理信息系统(GIS)技术,探讨模型参数的地区分布规律,建立分布式流域水文模型,模拟大尺度流域的土壤湿度和径流过程。

    On the basis of the GIS technique , a distributed two parameters monthly water balance model is developed and applied to the Hangsui and Ganjiang Rivers in the Changjiang ( Yangtze ) River Basins .

  5. 本文总结了分布式流域水文模型的优越性,综述了GIS在分布式流域水文模型中的应用及二者集成方式研究与应用的进展,讨论了当前研究中存在的问题,指出了今后的研究方向。

    This paper summarized the advantages of the watershed scale distributed hydrological model and the progress of research and application of GIS to this model , discussed the problem in the present research and pointed out the research direction for the future .

  6. SWAT模型是一种具有良好物理基础的分布式流域水文模型,大量研究表明模型在径流模拟方面有较好的效果。

    SWAT model is a distributed hydrological model which is based on good physical processes . Lots of studies suggest that SWAT can be better used in runoff simulation .

  7. 地理信息系统(GIS)、遥感(RS)技术,计算机技术的快速发展,使得分布式流域水文模型的应用成为现实,并体现出对于传统水文模型的强大优势。

    With the fast development of geographical information system ( GIS ), technology of remote sensing ( RS ) and the technology of the computer , its application has become reality , and it has embodied stronger advantage than the traditional hydrology model .

  8. 数字高程模型(DEM)已在分布式流域水文模型中得到了越来越广泛的应用,但DEM中的闭合洼地和平坦区域影响着流域河网的自动提取。

    Digital elevation model ( DEM ) has become widely used in distributed hydrological models . It is found that the automatic detection of drainage networks from digital elevation models is affected by flat areas and closed depressions .

  9. 在假设月蒸发系数和年蒸发系数具有相同函数表达式的基础上,对黑河干流地区设计了TANK流域水文模型。

    In this paper , it is assumed that the monthly evaporation coefficient has the same function format with the annual evaporation coefficient . Based on this assumption , a kind of TANK Model is designed to simulate the monthly runoff processes for mountainous region of Heihe Mainstream River .

  10. TOPMODEL模型是以地形为基础的半分布式流域水文模型,被广泛地应用于流域水文模拟中。

    TOPMODEL model is a semi-distributed physically watershed hydrological model based on geography , and it has been applied in many hydrological modeling problems .

  11. 以深圳市为例,应用SCS流域水文模型对该市部分流域进行降雨径流过程的模拟,分析了土地利用变化对流域降雨径流关系的影响。

    Taking up Shenzhen city as a case study area , SCS model is applied to study the rainfall runoff process of some rivers in Shenzhen city , then the effect of land use on rainfall runoff relationship is analyzed .

  12. 探讨了流域水文模型中存在的参数不确定性问题。

    The uncertainty of parameters in these hydrological models was discussed .

  13. 集合卡尔曼滤波在流域水文模型流量预报中的应用

    Application of Ensemble Kalman filter to streamflow forecasting on hydrological model

  14. 基于数字化平台的分布式流域水文模型和流域汇流研究

    Distributed Watershed Hydrological Model and Flow Concentration Based on Digital Technique

  15. 半干旱半湿润地区流域水文模型分析比较研究

    Comparative study on hydrological models in semi-dry and semi-humid region

  16. 三层耦合流域水文模型&(Ⅱ)应用比较与评价

    Three Layers Coupled Watershed Hydrological Model (ⅱ) Application and Comparison

  17. 基于二元演化模式的流域水文模型

    Basin hydrology model based on the Dual Water Evolvement Mode

  18. 概念性流域水文模型参数优选技术研究

    Review and research of calibration techniques for conceptual hydrological model

  19. 考虑人类活动影响的流域水文模型参数的确定

    Determination of parameters of hydrologic model considering effect of human activity on runoff

  20. 流域水文模型参数优化问题研究

    Study on Automatic Optimization of Hydrologic Models ' Parameters

  21. 干旱、半干旱地区暴雨洪水流域水文模型

    Storm Flow Modelling for Arid and Semi Arid Catchment

  22. 物理性流域水文模型研究新进展

    Advancement in research of physically based watershed hydrological model

  23. 数字流域水文模型在柘溪水电站洪水预报中的应用

    Application of Digital Hydrological Model to the Flood Forecast of Zhexi Hydropower Station

  24. 几种典型流域水文模型类比分析

    Several typical watershed hydrological models and their comparisons

  25. 流域水文模型中面雨量的空间插值

    The Interpolation of Sub-basin-averaged Precipitation in Hydrological Models

  26. 广西岩溶流域水文模型研究

    The Watershed Model Study on Guangxi Karst Basins

  27. 遥感和地理信息系统在分布式流域水文模型研制中的应用

    Application of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System in Research of Distributed Hydrological Model

  28. 流域水文模型的研制是水文科学中最重要的分支之一。

    Hydrological modeling is one of the most important branches in the hydrology science .

  29. 流域水文模型研究中的若干问题

    Some Problems in Research of Watershed Hydrology Model

  30. 流域水文模型与卡尔曼滤波耦合实时洪水预报研究

    Study on the Real-time Flood Forecast by Watershed Hydrological Model Coupled with Kalman Filter Technique