
  1. 新增备件流动资金占用软件的开发

    The Development of Software for Circulating Fund 's Occupying for Newly Added Spare Parts

  2. 然而,过剩的备件库存,又将影响流动资金占用。

    However , the excess inventory of spare parts will affect the use of current fund .

  3. 流动资金占用成本在物流成本中的比重不断增大,构成了企业隐性物流成本的主要部分。

    With the proportion rising in total logistics cost , liquidity occupation cost is becoming a main part of implicit logistics cost .

  4. 通用半导体(中国)有限公司成为保税工厂后,每天减少流动资金占用五十万美元。

    After GE Semiconductors ( China ) Co. , Ltd. became a bonded factory , its circulation capital decreased daily by 500,000 US dollars .

  5. A公司在生产过程中存在大量的在制品库存,不仅造成了大量的流动资金占用,也浪费了车间生产场地。

    The massive WIP in the production line of A company , not only ties up huge amount of liquid capital , but also wastes large space the workshop .

  6. 备件管理的核心可概括为:保证生产运作的前提下,最低的流动资金占用,最低的备件库存规模。

    The core of spare parts management can be summarized as : Minimum liquidity , Minimum scale of spare parts inventory , under the premise of normal production and operation .

  7. 简要介绍新增备件流动资金占用软件的设计思想及其实现算法,分析了系统功能、特点等。

    This article describes the design concept and its realization calculating method , system function and characteristics of the software for circulating fund 's occupying for newly added spare parts .

  8. 固定资产投入高、流动资金占用多、生产过程中原料费和设备折旧费占较大的比重。

    In this industry , the investment in fixed assets is high ; liquidity occupies too much , the material cost and depreciation of machinery take up a large proportion during the production process .

  9. 钽铌制品企业生产具有产品多、工艺流程长、生产进度控制难、生产中物料积压、库存繁乱、流动资金占用大等特点。

    But columbium goods have the characteristic of much-manufacture 、 long technical flow 、 hard to control production schedule 、 material overstock in production 、 chaos stock 、 great tie up of money and so on .

  10. 煤炭企业存储资金占用、周转关系到流动资金的占用、周转,影响煤炭企业的经济效益及竞争力。

    The use and turnover of store funds in the coal enterprise are concerned with the use and turnover of current funds , which influences the economic performance and competition of coal enterprise .

  11. 与此同时,原材料、半成品、组件及零部件及备品备件等库存量也相应增加,造成大量流动资金被各种库存占用。

    At the same time , the inventory of raw materials , semi-finished products , components , parts , spare parts , etc are also corresponding increase , caused a lot of liquidity has been occupied by a variety of stocks .