
  1. GIS在三峡流域水文模拟中的应用

    Application of GIS in simulation of river basin hydrology in Three Gorges Project reservoir

  2. 数值地形图(DEM)是利用地理信息系统(GIS)进行流域水文模拟的基础,其精度直接影响模拟结果。

    Digital elevation model ( DEM ) is the basis for catchment hydrological modeling which utilizing geographical information system ( GIS ) .

  3. 上述指标可应用于流域水文模拟中,但应用时需考虑地形的起伏程度和DEM网格的大小。

    The above indexes can be used for hydrological modeling of river basins , but the undulation of topography and the grid-size of the DEMs should be taken into account in practical application .

  4. 数字化流域水文模拟研究

    The Research of Hydrological Simulation on the Basis of Digital Basin

  5. 数字流域水文模拟在增江流域中的应用

    Application of Hydrological Simulation of Digital Watershed in Zeng River Watershed

  6. 逆高斯分布在流域水文模拟中应用初探

    Application of the inverse Gaussian distribution in catchment hydrological modelling

  7. 水文网络模型在分布式流域水文模拟中的应用

    Application of the Hydro-network Model in the Distributed Hydrological Modeling

  8. 应用地理信息进行无资料地区流域水文模拟研究

    Study on Runoff Modeling in Non Data Watershed Using Geo Referenced Data

  9. 流域水文模拟已从集总式模型发展到分布式模型。

    In the lumped hydrological model the hydrological variables and parameters are assumed as uniform in the whole basin .

  10. SCS模型在流域尺度水文模拟中的应用整数系列与零头系列

    Application of SCS model to hydrological simulation at an agricultural watershed scale

  11. 水箱模型在小流域水文水质模拟中的应用研究

    Study on the simulation of hydrological and water quality of model tank in small-basin

  12. 简要分析流域水文过程模拟方法;

    An introduction is given to the method for simulation of watershed hydrological processes .

  13. 陇西黄土高原祖厉河流域分布式水文模拟研究

    Research of Distributed Hydrologic Modeling in a Typical Large Scale Watershed in Longxi Loess Plateau of China

  14. 该文综述了流域水文数值模拟模型与遥感、地理信息系统集成技术的发展和研究现状,讨论了四种类型集成技术特点、应用和存在的问题。

    This paper presents a review of the integration of watershed hydrological model with Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing techniques . Four scenarios of integration are discussed with emphasis on their characteristics , applications as well as the problems .

  15. 基于DEM的涑水河流域地表水文特征模拟与分析

    The Simulation and Analysis of Land Surface Hydrological Characteristics Based On The DEM in Sushui River Drainage Area

  16. IBIS改进及其多尺度流域分布式生态水文模拟

    Modification of IBIS and Distributed Simulation of Eco-hydrological Progress with it in Multi-scale Watersheds

  17. 以月水量平衡模型为基础,应用地理信息系统(GIS)技术,探讨模型参数的地区分布规律,建立分布式流域水文模型,模拟大尺度流域的土壤湿度和径流过程。

    On the basis of the GIS technique , a distributed two parameters monthly water balance model is developed and applied to the Hangsui and Ganjiang Rivers in the Changjiang ( Yangtze ) River Basins .

  18. 基于GIS/RS的流域水文过程分布式模拟&Ⅱ模型的校检与应用

    GIS / RS based distributed hydrological modeling , 2 , model test and application

  19. 地理信息系统在流域生态水文过程模拟研究中的应用

    Applications of GIS in the Simulation of Eco-hydrological Process Research in the Watershed Scale

  20. GIS/RS是流域水文过程分布式模拟的重要技术支撑。

    GIS / RS is an important technology support for distributed hydrological modeling in a watershed .

  21. 太湖地区水质污染问题比较严重,西部丘陵区是主要来水区,部分丘陵区水库已成为饮用水源地,选择太湖地区典型小流域开展水文水质模拟具有重要意义。

    Water pollution problems in Taihu Lake region are comparison serious , and the western hilly region is main runoff-producing area .

  22. 呼玛河流域水文特性及水文模拟

    Hydrological Characteristics and Simulation in Huma River Basin

  23. 在计算机、空间观测等相关学科发展的推动下,物理性流域水文模型目前己成为流域水文模拟研究的重要发展方向。

    With the great advancement in space observation and computer technology , the physically based watershed hydrological model has become a promising means for hydrological simulation and prediction .

  24. 数字河网自动提取是流域水系网络结构研究、分布式流域水文模拟中的重要内容。

    The automated extraction of the digital river network from digital elevation models is very important for the researches on both the river network structure analysis and the distributed watershed hydrological modeling .

  25. 地形状况决定流域基本特征,因此在进行流域水文过程模拟时,DEM分辨率会影响流域特征参数的提取,进而影响模拟结果。

    Hydrological model simulations are affected by parameters derived from DEMs with different resolutions , which describes the watershed features .

  26. TOPMODEL模型是以地形为基础的半分布式流域水文模型,被广泛地应用于流域水文模拟中。

    TOPMODEL model is a semi-distributed physically watershed hydrological model based on geography , and it has been applied in many hydrological modeling problems .

  27. 数字流域模型定位于大范围、全流域级的水文过程模拟,是一个具有多层空间分辨率的、模型参数可以容易获取的、能够实现并行计算的全流域级整体模型。

    Digital river basin model is an integrated model of multi-layer spatial resolution , easily obtained model parameters and doing calculations and simulating the hydrograph of a large area or the whole river basin .