
  • 网络Theory of Plate and Shell;shell theory;plate theory
  1. 板壳理论当前的研究进展

    The recent advance in research for theory of plates and shells

  2. 用板壳理论的方法求解出应力和位移分布.并编制了FOPTRAN语言计算程序。

    By making use of the theory of plates and shells , the stress and displacement distribution are calculated , and a corresponding FORTRAN program has been compiled .

  3. 基于板壳理论,采用Rayleigh方法,通过选取恰当的振型函数,建立了次镜支撑结构的动力学模型。

    A dynamic model has been established by selecting mode functions using the plate and shell theory and Rayleigh method .

  4. 提出了一种压电层合板壳的一阶剪切变形理论.采用Hamilton原理、压电理论和层合板壳的一阶剪切变形板壳理论,推导了压电层合板壳系统的运动方程。

    A first order shear deformation theory of piezoelectric shell was proposed , which is based on Hamilton 's principal , linear piezoelectricity theory and first order shear deformation laminated shell theory .

  5. 从弹性力学的板壳理论出发,对不同参数的凸型板结构形变膜受压后的应力分布作了近似计算,为高线性度SOI压力传感器的芯片设计提供了理论指导。

    The stress distribution on the convex plate of different sizes under uniform pressure was calculated approximately by plate-shell theory of elastic-mechanics . It could provide a theoretical guide for chip design of high linearity pressure sensor .

  6. 本文将经典板壳理论的Navier解法应用于起重机箱形主梁上盖板局部弯曲应力计算。

    This article deals with the application of the Navier method of finding the local bending stress in plate shell structure to the computation of the local bending stress in the top plate of the box-type main girder .

  7. 膜板壳理论及其在结构分析软件中的应用

    The Theory of Membrane , Plate and Shell and Its Applications in Structural Analysis Software

  8. 根据弹性板壳理论,提出大口径光学元件的几种理论模型。

    According to elastic shell theory , the paper presents several theoretical models of large aperture optical cell .

  9. 本文在前人研究成果和查阅国内外文献的基础上,结合超声波声弹性原理以及板壳理论,提出了基于反射纵波的压力容器压力测量方法。

    On the basis of previous research , a new method for pressure measurement using reflected longitudinal wave is proposed .

  10. 负重轮轮盘强度和刚度的板壳理论分析

    Analysis of the Intensity and Stiffness of Wheel Disc of Road wheel s Using the Theory of Board and Hull

  11. 这些曲线表明在两端刚性固支的情况下,经典板壳理论即使对薄壳的计算也是难以适用的。

    They indicate the inadequacy of the classical shell theory in the case of fixed-end condition even for shells of moderate thickness .

  12. 本文阐明由三维薄弹性体的渐近分析导出各级精度板壳理论的基本方法。

    The basic method of deriving higher order theories of plates and shells was illustrated by asymptotic analysis for three dimensional thin elastic body .

  13. 在动力学建模方面,由于机电耦合效应的引入,使得压电层合壳的分析问题有别于常规弹性板壳理论。

    In the aspect of dynamic modeling , there are great difference between analytical approaches of piezoelectric laminated shell and common elastic plate / shell because of mechanical-electrical coupling mechanisms .

  14. 本文应用板壳理论,对渤海绥中36&1J区丛式井表层无钻井时间固作业方案进行了研究。

    The paper , based on shell theory , studies the surface cementing operation scheme without drilling rig during cluster drilling in SZ 36 - 1 J Area in Bohai Sea .

  15. 分析了通用板壳理论中的公式特点,根据刚度等效原理,给出了三层板的刚度等效计算过程,推导出了三层板的等效弹性模量和等效厚度的计算公式。

    After analyzing the characteristics of those adopted formulas and using the principle of stiffness equivalence , the calculating process was given out ; the formulas of the equivalent elastic module and the equivalent thickness were deduced .

  16. 据天然心脏解剖学,板壳理论及心脏瓣膜最佳流场条件,提出了人工生物瓣膜造型设计的结构参数,及各参数值的计算方程式。

    In this paper , the structure parameters and the equations to calculate these parameters are presented for the model design of the artificial bio-valve on the basis of heart anatomy , shell theory and the optimal flow of heart valve .

  17. 本文利用板壳理论,分析在硅与玻璃静电封接时,硅与玻璃界面间的静电力与硅片弯曲应力的关系;

    The theory of plate and shell is used to analyze the problem of electrostatic bonding of glass with silicon plate . This problem is to find Out the relation between the bending stress of silicon plate and the electrostatic force of interface .

  18. 在此基础上本文主要作了以下几方面的研究工作:(1)提出一种基于板壳理论的半解析半数值的数学方法,即通过测量桩身应变反算出桩侧压力和摩阻力的分布。

    Based on this the main research is as follows : A semi-analytical - numerical method based on theory of plate and shell was put forward , that is to inverse calculate the lateral pressure and frictional resistance of jacked plies by the strains .

  19. 基于板壳理论,将产品视为平板单元的组合,并采用有限元法来求解,这种方法可以象全三维计算一样一层层地计算残余应力,非常适合复杂形状的薄压制成型产品。

    The finite element method employed was based on the theory of shells as an assembly of flat elements . This approach calculates residual stresses layer by layer like a truly three-dimensional calculation , which is well suited for thin pressed products of complex shape .

  20. 根据主闸阀结构特点,分别用有限元法和椭圆柱板壳理论公式计算了阀体的强度与刚度,并进行了分析对比,同时对闸板的刚度进行了校核。

    According to the structural feature of parallel single disk gate valve , the strength and rigidity of body will be calculated with finite element method , and with cylindroid shell theory . They are compared each other , then the strength of shell is checked .

  21. 据板壳理论采用高度变位对刚轮和柔轮进行变位,在端面谐波齿轮传动数学模型基础上,用啮合分析软件分析端面谐波齿轮啮合侧隙的变化规律。

    According to plate-shell theory , location of rigid gear and flexible gear was changed with height location . On the basis of the mathematics model of contrate harmonic gear drive , the change law of meshing backlash of contrate harmonic gear was analyzed by meshing analysis software .

  22. 在算例中,直接把三层板的等效弹性模量和等效厚度代入通用板壳理论的公式,计算出了弹性基础上三层圆柱壳体的位移.通过数值计算对刚度等效方法进行了验证。

    In the following example , The equivalent elastic module and the equivalent thickness were taken into the formulas of the general thin-shell theory , and the result of the three-layer column shell based on the elastic condition was obtained , which was further verified by numerical calculation .

  23. 按一次板壳理论,以四边形四节点单元为例,介绍了其数学建模的过程与方法,导出了层合板壳有限元分析模型,并给出了基于软件工程的计算机逻辑模型。

    Based on the first approximation shell theory , the process and method of mathematics modeling for a four-node quadrilateral shell element is described in detail . The finite element analysis model of laminated plates and shells is derived , and the computer model based on software engineering is presented .

  24. 所以作者主要是应用一维弹性波理论及板壳振动理论对局部噪声屏蔽进行理论研究,并用试验来验证理论分析的可靠性。

    So one-dimensional elastic wave and plate vibration response theory are mainly applied to study the structure and experiments are made to verify the validity of the theory .

  25. 一种新的叠层板壳高阶理论

    A New Higher-Order Theory to Laminated Plates and Shells

  26. 多夹层板壳的非线性理论及应用(Ⅱ)&正交异性材料扁壳的基本方程

    Nonlinear Theory of Multilayer Sandwich Shells and Its Application (ⅱ ) - Fundamental Equations for Orthotropic Shallow Shells

  27. 应用板壳有限元理论,考虑整体变形及局部应力效应的影响,构造了提升环梁有限元模型;

    By using the theory of shell finite element and taking the influences of integral distortion and local stress effect , this paper constructs the model of finite element for upgrade ring beam ;

  28. 本文提出了一种新的叠层板壳高阶理论,然后又研究了正交对称叠层板,反对称叠层板,圆柱弯曲和球壳弯曲问题。

    In this paper , a new higher-order theory to laminated plates and shells is presented and then symmetric and antisymmetric cross-ply laminated plates , cylindric bending and bending of spherical shells are also studied .

  29. 平面弹性和板弯曲的相似性是壳体静力几何比拟的特例,所以在总的意义下本文就是研究基于板壳静力几何比拟理论的新型板壳单元列式。语境是事先存在的、静态的;

    Then with the guiding theory of the static-geometric analogy , a new methodology of thin shell element is presented . context is given and static ;

  30. 根据板壳和圆柱壳体理论,以及焊接收缩力模型,推出圆柱壳体类构件环缝焊接残余应力的计算公式。

    According to the theory of plate shells and the welding contraction model , the calculation formulas of the cylinder shell 's welded residual stresses are derived .