
  1. 希伯伦族有哈沙比雅和他弟兄一千七百人,都是壮士,在约旦河西,以色列地办理耶和华与王的事。

    From the Hebronites : Hashabiah and his relatives-seventeen hundred able men-were responsible in Israel west of the Jordan for all the work of the LORD and for the king 's service .

  2. 第17周以后,顶骨内的骨小梁增粗增长,连接成骨小梁网,并有原始哈氏系统形成;

    After 17th week , the bone trabeculae in parietal bones became thicker and longer and connected with one another to form a network of trabeculae in which the primitive Haversian systems were built .

  3. 我国开展的跨境经济合作区主要有中哈霍尔果斯国际边境合作中心、中越凭祥&同登跨境经济合作区以及在云南省开展的中越、中缅、中老跨境经济合作区,并取得了一定成果。

    The cross-border economic cooperation zones carried out in our country are China Kazakstan International Border Cooperation Center , China Vietnam Cross-border Economic Cooperation Zone and Cross-border Economic Cooperation Zones in Yunnan Province which have achieved some achievements .

  4. 这肯定会让法国人有点紧张哈。

    That has got to make the French a little nervous , huh ?

  5. 毗尼拿有儿女,哈拿没有儿女。

    Peninnah had children , but Hannah had none .

  6. 明朝时期,中亚地区主要有撒马尔罕、哈烈等国家。

    In the period of Ming Dynasty , there are some countries in Central Asia area , such as Herat and Samarkand .

  7. 游戏介绍:吃豆豆版游戏,大头妹吃草莓,两个漂亮坏姐姐不准大头妹吃哦,不过大头妹有绝招,哈!

    The game is introduced : eating the beans beans edition game , the major part sister eats strawberries , two beautiful bad elder sisters forbid the major part sister to eat , but the major part sister has unique skills , ha !

  8. 在HBO台首映礼红毯的Facebook流媒体直播视频上,红毯主持人维罗妮卡·贝尔蒙特问这个获得艾美奖的创作团队做到第六季是否有过“啊哈,我们完全做到了”的时刻。

    During HBO 's Facebook Live stream from the event 's red carpet , interviewer Veronica Belmont asked the Emmy-winning team if they had any " ah-ha ... we 've totally made it " moments coming into season 6 .

  9. 你已经有点想法了哈我要把这点子记下来

    So you got some ideas , ha ? I 'm writing some of these stuff down .

  10. 好吧待会再聊“目标先生”我们来谈谈我们有多爱目标先生哈

    Mr. Goal is on later . We 'll talk about how much we love Mr. Goal .

  11. 还有,但愿你不是很在意流媒体,听说确实有网络用户在乎哈。

    I hope you don 't care about streaming video ! God knows not many casual internet users do .

  12. 法勒斯的儿子,属希斯伦的,有希斯伦族。属哈母勒的,有哈母勒族。

    And the sons of Pharez were ; of hezron , the family of the hezronites : of hamul , the family of the hamulites .

  13. 他有两个妻,一名哈拿,一名毗尼拿。毗尼拿有儿女,哈拿没有儿女。

    And he had two wives , one named Hannah and the other peninnah : and Peninnah was the mother of children , but Hannah had no children .

  14. 这两样其实差不多马术赛道就是有马儿驮着你走路有人很了解哈

    which is pretty much the same thing.the horse trials someone rides you and some knows a lot

  15. 属非尼哈的子孙有革顺,属以他玛的子孙有但以理,属大卫的子孙有哈突。

    Of the sons of Phinehas ; Gershom : of the sons of Ithamar ; Daniel : of the sons of David ; Hattush .