
  1. 来自重庆工商大学影视制作专业的周颖(音译)教授说:每个人都幻想着完美的另一半,希望TA是俊男或美女。

    Everyone fancies a perfect partner , handsome or beautiful , says Zhou Ying , professor of TV production at Chongqing Technology and Business University .

  2. 本文通过重庆工商大学计算机技术基础远程辅助教学系统重点科研课题的建设,探讨了基于B/S结构的CAI软件的设计思路和实现方法。

    The thesis discusses the design and implementation of a CAI software based on B / S structure model , through a research work & the base of computer technology .

  3. 方法对浙江工商大学入学1周内的大一新生,在统一培训的医务人员指导下,采用SCL-90症状自评量表进行随机采样分析。

    Methods Conded study was by random sampling and under the guidance of specially trained medical personnel by using the Symptom Checklist 90 ( SCL-90 ) .

  4. 我现在正在浙江工商大学学习汉语。

    I am currently learning the Chinese language at Gong Shang University .

  5. 北京工商大学图书馆建筑设计特点

    The Characteristics of the Library Architectural Design of Beijing Technology and Business University

  6. 重庆工商大学体育专业学生膳食营养状况

    Nutritional Status of Students of Physical Education in Chongqing Technology and Business University

  7. 重庆工商大学教师作品选

    Teachers ' Works from Chongqing Industrial and Commercial University

  8. 北京工商大学体育看台索膜结构设计

    Design of cable-membrane structure for sport stand of Beijing University of industry and Commerce

  9. 学生们能从彼此身上学到那么多的东西,使重庆工商大学学生张旭铸感到惊讶。

    Of greater surprise to Zhang Xuzhu of CTBU was the amount that students learned from one another .

  10. 金老师简介、留言:我今年42岁,大专学历,毕业于北京工商大学。

    Message : I am42 years old lady with college degree , graduated from Beijing Industry And Commerce University .

  11. 这位就读于重庆工商大学金融系、20岁的男生在话剧《收信快乐》中扮演李政国一角。

    The 20-year-old finance major at Chongqing Technology and Business University played the role of Li Zhengguo in Love Letter .

  12. 兹证明重庆工商大学学生小王是老王同志之女。

    We certify that Xiao Wang , a student of Chongqing Technology and Business University , is the daughter of Mr Lao Wang .

  13. 重庆工商大学和重庆项目管理办公室的地方官员也介绍了当地情况。

    Regional development authorities in Chongqing from CTBU and the Chongqing Project Management Office supplemented the national perspective with a briefing on regional conditions .

  14. 市场营销专业创新型人才培养模式研究&以重庆工商大学市场营销特色专业建设为例

    Research on Training Pattern of Innovative Professionals of Marketing specialty & Taking as an Example the Construction of Marketing Characteristic Specialty in Chongqing Technology and Business University

  15. 目的了解重庆工商大学体育专业学生膳食营养状况,为体育专业大学生营养健康教育提供依据。

    Objective To know the nutritional status of students majored physical education in Chongqing Technology and Business University , and to provide bases for their nutrition health education .

  16. 北京工商大学的胡俞越说,这次原油期货贸易的启动有利于实现人民币的国际化。

    Hu Yuyue , with the Beijing Technology and Business University , says the launch of contract futures for oil should ultimately help the Chinese currency 's globalization .

  17. 比如说,重庆工商大学环境研究学生王英为她的队友们提供了一份城市垃圾堆对地下水及附近居民区的影响评估。

    CTBU Environmental Studies student Wang Ying , for example , supplied her teammates with an assessment of a city dump 's impact on groundwater and neighboring residential communities .

  18. 同时他也以副主席的身份服务于博爱国际儿童领养基金会(2006年-2008年);浙江工商大学北美校友会会长(2007年-2009年)。

    He also served as Vice President of Gift of Love International Adoptions ( 2006-2008 ) and President of the Zhejiang Gongshang University North American Alumni Association ( 2007-2009 ) .

  19. 本文主要论述图书馆自动化系统在转换过程中遇到的问题和北京工商大学图书馆在自动化转换过程中取得的经验。

    This article mainly discusses the problems the library automation system is confronted with in its transformation process and the experiences of the library of Beijing Commerce University in the transformation of library automation system .

  20. 在调研北京五所大学新校区的基础上,选择北京工商大学良乡校区和中央财经大学沙河校区两个典型案例进行重点分析。

    The paper chooses Beijing Technology and Business University in Liangxiang and the Central University of Finance and Economics in Shahe as two typical cases to analysis , this is based on the study of five universities in Beijing .

  21. 在北京工商大学良乡新校区图书馆的设计过程中,结合使用功能、消防规范、面积控制,多次推敲调整,逐步形成一个具有一定通用性的功能模块的概念。

    In the library design process about the new school of the Industry and Business university in Beijing , a concept of certainly general function molding , which is combined with using function , fire protection norm , area control and lots of adjustment , is formed gradually .

  22. 你是21岁,去年7月份毕业于工商管理大学。

    I see that you 're twenty-one and graduated from the Business Administration University last july .

  23. 玛丽娜毅然决然地爱上生活,并决心设法在艺术界工作。但她做出了一个不寻常的决定:不是读一个艺术史硕士学位,而是去维也纳经济和工商管理大学读商学院。

    But she made an unusual decision : rather than obtain a master 's degree in art history , she decided to move to Vienna to attend business school at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration .

  24. 我们于1973年设立银行与金融文学硕士,是英国第一所创立此类专业的大学,也是第一所提供银行与金融学工商管理硕士的大学。

    We established the first MA in banking and finance offered by any UK university in1973 and also were the first to offer an MBA in banking and finance .