
ɡōnɡ zuò huì yì
  • working conference
  1. CPCA召开标准化工作会议

    CPCA Convene the Working Conference of Standardization

  2. 文章介绍了大会、学术交流和ASC工作会议等情况。

    Academic Events On Cultural Interflow The authors of this paper give a description of the symposium , academic interflow and the working conference of ASC and so on .

  3. 12月18日闭幕的中央经济工作会议部署了明年经济领域重点任务,“解决好种子和耕地问题”被列为其中之一。

    China will strive to tackle problems related to seeds and farmlands as one of its key economic tasks for 2021 , a key meeting said .

  4. 中央经济工作会议明确,抓紧制定2030年前碳排放达峰行动方案,支持有条件的地方率先达峰。

    China will seize time to formulate before 2030 . The country will support areas with favorable conditions to peak the emissions ahead of the schedule , according to the statement released after the annual Central Economic Work Conference .

  5. 2005年应国家药品监督管理局邀请,参与了药用辅料GMP定稿工作会议和药用辅料管理办法的讨论会;

    In2005 the State Drug Administration should be invited to participate in the conference final GMP pharmaceutical excipients and medicinal material management practices seminars ;

  6. 国网公司市场营销工作会议部署近期重点工作大服装概念下的体验营销

    State Grid Corporation Marketing Work Meeting Disposes Immediate and Major Work

  7. 全国纺织机械器材工业工作会议在苏州召开

    Working Meeting on Nationwide Textile Machinery and Accessories Held in Suzhou

  8. 刘江副主任在全国第五次水土保持工作会议上的总结讲话

    Conclusive Address in the Fifth National Soil and Water Conservation conference

  9. 全面推进素质教育的新阶段&学习全国教育工作会议文件的几点体会

    A New Stage to Promote Quality Education in an All-round Way

  10. 独立国家联合体预警工作会议

    Meeting on Early Warning Work Covering the Commonwealth of Independent States

  11. 汪光焘在全国建设工作会议上强调继续整顿规范建筑市场和房地产市场秩序

    Reorganizing the order of construction market and real estate market Continually

  12. 深化改革整顿,着力结构调整努力提高行业的经济运行质量和效益&在广西机械工业工作会议上的讲话

    Deepening Reformation and Adjustment , concentrating on Structure Adjustment and Making

  13. 大庆石油管理局召开节能工作会议

    Daqing Petroleum Administrative Bureau Held An Energy Saving Working Meeting

  14. 1992年冶金部炼铁工作会议

    1992 ironmaking working meeting of Ministry of metallurgical industry held in Wuhan

  15. 全国水利科技工作会议专家论坛&对南水北调工程的基本认识

    Basic Thinking about the South to North Water Diversion Project

  16. 领导针对计划和进度开发的高层计划工作会议。

    Leads high-level planning work sessions for program plan and schedule development .

  17. 国家电网公司营销工作会议部署全年工作建立需求侧管理长效机制作为8方面重点工作之一

    Annual work disposed on State Grid Corporation marketing work meeting

  18. 全国炼钢、炉外处理和连铸工作会议

    National meeting on steelmaking , secondary refining and continuous casting

  19. 夺取湖南化学工业改革和发展的新胜利&湖南省石油化学工业局郎艺珠局长1998年1月5日在全省化工工作会议上的讲话摘要

    Striving for New Victories of Reform and Development in Hunan Chemical Industry

  20. 构建统一的司法鉴定管理体制&全国司法鉴定管理工作会议综述

    Establishing a Unified System for Judicial Expertise Administration Judicial Execution

  21. 企业要成为保护自有知识产权的主体&在接见全国企事业单位知识产权保护试点工作会议代表时的讲话

    Enterprise : the Major Entity of Protection on Its Own Intellectual Property

  22. 全面推进六大发展战略开创公司金融业务新局面&中国工商银行公司金融业务工作会议在北京召开

    Six Strategies Draw a New Picture for Development of Corporate Banking Business

  23. 努力做好三个服务推进交通事业又好又快发展全国交通工作会议在北京隆重召开

    The National Working Conference of Transportation was Held in Beijing

  24. 第十一届亚洲医疗器械协调工作会议纪要

    Summary of the 11th Asian Harmonization Working Party ( AHWP ) Meeting

  25. 在全区广播影视工作会议上的总结讲话

    The Concluding Report at the Meeting of Inner Mongolia Radio Film and Television

  26. 服务战略全局建设创新型行业&解读交通部建设创新型交通行业工作会议精神

    MOC work meeting on constructing an innovative transport industry

  27. 我们校长去北京参加教育工作会议了。

    Our headmaster has gone to Beijing to attend the conference on education .

  28. 他正忙于筹备教育工作会议。

    He is engaged in making preparations for the conference on educational work .

  29. 本年度的中央经济工作会议落下帷幕。

    This year 's Central Economic Work Conference has come to a conclusion .

  30. 中央经济工作会议制定出2005年经济工作六项任务

    Central Economic Conference Maps Out Six Tasks on the Economic Agenda for 2005