
ɡōnɡ dú
  • Work-study;study through work;reform through work and study
工读 [gōng dú]
  • [part-work and part-study] 过去指以本人劳动所得供自己读书,现在多指有违法行为的青少年边劳动改造边学习文化

  1. 下学期我想申请学校的工读。我想买个MP3的随身听和数位相机。

    A : I 'm thinking of applying for work-study next semester . I would like to buy an MP3 player and a digital camera .

  2. 生活指导:工读学校矫正教育的基础

    Life Guiding & the Basis for Righting Education in Reform Schools

  3. 工读学校学生孤独感的特点及其与依恋风格的关系

    Relationship between Loneliness and Attachment Style of Students in Reform School

  4. 工读学生攻击性行为社会认知特点的研究

    Studies on Character of Gong-du Students ' Social Cognition on Aggressive Behavior

  5. 工读学生心理健康水平和其他三者之间的关系。

    The relationship between the psychological health and the other three factors .

  6. 上海市工读学校心理健康教育现状调查研究

    An Investigation Research on Mental Health Education of Reform Schools in Shanghai

  7. 你现在工读的地方,有没有中国人?

    Are there any Chinese where you 're now studying and working ?

  8. 第三、工读教育是社会综合治理的重要组成部分。

    Reform education is an important composing part of social comprehensive management .

  9. 预防未成年人犯罪应尽快恢复和完善工读教育

    Prevention of Delinquency : Resuming and Improving our Country 's Reform Education

  10. 工读学校学生欺负行为特点及其影响因素研究

    Studies on Bullying and Its Influence Factors of Students in Gong-du School

  11. 谈工读教育的重要性与对策

    Discussion on the Importance and Countermeasures of Study-plus-work Education

  12. 目前对于工读学校学生欺负行为的研究还不多见。

    Presently , there are few studies on bullying behavior of Gong-du students .

  13. 第三章在工读类学校开展数学实验室式教学模式的依据。

    The third chapter work-study schools carry out mathematical laboratory teaching model theory .

  14. 第二,工读教育是预防未成年人违法犯罪体系中的重要坏节。

    Reform education is an important part of rectifying system of juvenile delinquency .

  15. 工读学生的人格特点;

    The personality of YunNan province Reform School students ;

  16. 工读学生的情绪智力和内隐社会认知特点研究

    A Study on Emotional Intelligence and Implicit Social Cognition of Students in Gong-du Schools

  17. 研究涉及到上海市七所工读学校的学生,共198人。

    It was investigated in 7 Gong - du schools setting among 198 students .

  18. 全纳教育背景下对我国工读教育的思考

    Pondering about the Work-study Education in our Country in the Background of Inclusive Education

  19. 工读学校的学生均能对欺负行为作出正确的道德判断,但是在具体情境中,他们的道德判断往往与行为产生偏差。

    All the students made moral judgment correctly , but their behaviors were reverse .

  20. 工读教育是具有中国特色的社会主义教育体系的一个组成部分。

    The Correctional Education with Chinese characteristics is an integral part of socialist education system .

  21. 工读学校学生心理健康水平不容乐观,在综合因子上总检出率为59.6%,但都是轻度或中度水平,无偏重和严重心理问题学生。

    The situation of psychological well-being level of Reform School students is not so optimistic ;

  22. 工读学校学生比普通学校学生表现出更多的攻击行为。

    The students in work-study correctional schools had more aggression than those in regular schools .

  23. 父母养育方式对工读学生的影响;

    The influence of parental raising patterns ;

  24. 是否在纽约也会举行像美国暑期工读旅游计划一样的新生训练?

    Is there an orientation in New York like the Work & Travel J-1 program ?

  25. 第二章采取文献法研究工读学生的性格特点和学习特点。

    The second chapter literature research of reform school students ' character and learning characteristics .

  26. 他说他是半工读的学生。

    He calls himself a part-time student .

  27. 工读学校是矫治未成年人严重不良行为的特殊教育部门。

    The study-plus-work school is a special education department which rescues minor 's serious bad behavior .

  28. 工读学校学生欺负情境的不同角色主要有欺负者、被欺负者以及旁观者(亲欺负者、局外人)等角色。

    There are three roles assigned to the Gong-du students which were bullies , victims outsiders .

  29. 心理行为训练对工读学生积极自我评价的影响研究

    The Search on the Effect of Psychological Training to the Positive Self-Evaluation of Correctional School Students

  30. 本文针对工读学校学生自我同一性培养进行了探索。

    This paper focus on the cultivation of the students ' self-identity in the reform school .