
ɡōnɡ yè tǐ zhì
  • industrial system
  1. 中国工业体制的改革与发展(下)

    The Reform and Development of Industrial System in China (ⅱ)

  2. 宁夏工业体制改革与工业发展前景分析

    An Analysis of Ningxia 's Reform on Industrial System and of Industrial Development Prospect

  3. 我国电力工业体制改革中的垄断与管制

    Monopoly and Regulation in the Reform of Electricity Industry in China

  4. 我国造船工业体制的决策问题人才委用中的系统决策运用

    The System and Policy Decision of China 's Shipbuilding Industry

  5. 国防科技工业体制改革刍议

    System reform of the science , technology and industry for national defense

  6. 从世界经验探讨电力工业体制改革的方向

    Reform Direction Inquisition of Power Industry System based on the World Experience

  7. 中国石油工业体制转轨步骤

    System reform steps of china 's petroleum industry

  8. 石油石化工业体制改革使得五矿石油主营业务市场份额下降。

    Minpeco 's market share decreases directly due to the reform of petroleum industry .

  9. 国防工业体制改革对装备价格的影响与对策

    The Affects of Price of Arming Equipments in System Reforms in National Defense Industry and Its Resolutions

  10. 阐述了世界电力工业体制改革与发展的趋势,分析了我国电力工业管制中存在的弊端。

    The orientation of the reform and development of world power industry system is introduced in this paper .

  11. 随着电力工业体制改革的深入,我国电力市场发生了很大的变化。

    With the deepening of reform on power industry system , great changes have taken place in Chinese power market .

  12. 20世纪80年代,世界电力工业体制改革浪潮席卷全球,开始了一系列的市场化改革。

    Since 80s of the 20 century , the electrical power industry reform bandwagon had swept across the world and a series of marketing reform followed naturally .

  13. 这种风险评估方法考虑了电力工业体制变化对系统安全性的影响,对提高电力系统的安全稳定性具有较高的指导意义。

    In electric market mechanism reform , the risk assessment theory proposed in this paper is of great significance to increase the stability and security of power system .

  14. 发电调度模式是随着电力技术的进步、电力工业体制的变革乃至资源与环境约束的渐强而与时俱进的。

    The development of generation dispatch mode is relevant to the power technology advancement , reforming for power industry , as well as increasing resources and environmental constrains .

  15. 航空工业体制改革取得重大进展,中航一、二集团合并重组为中国航空工业集团公司。

    Significant progress was made in restructuring the aviation industry , with the China Aviation Industry Corporations I and II being amalgamated into the Aviation Industry Corporation of China .

  16. 但在我国,由于长期以来电力工业体制未能完全适应社会主义市场经济要求等诸多方面的原因,致使人们至今对抽水蓄能电站的效益及其经济性仍存不同认识。

    But in China , due to the unsuitability of organization of power industry to socialist market economy , there are many disagreed knowledge to pumped storage power plant so far .

  17. 随着我国逐步地对电力市场实施放松管制,在自由的电力市场环境下,电力工业体制发生了较大的变化,用户与供电企业都在追求自己的最大利益。

    With the deregulation of electric power market in China , electric power industrial have taken place dramatic changes in free electric power market condition , and users and power utilities pursue theirs maximum benefits .

  18. 在我国,武器装备采办市场主体行为不规范、武器装备采办体制及国防科技工业体制不完善、武器装备采办的法律法规不健全等,影响着我国武器装备采办委托代理的有效运行。

    In China , there are still many principal-agent problems because of the irregularity of the buyers'and sellers'actions , the immaturity of the defense acquisition system and the defense industrial system as well as the unsoundness of laws .

  19. 解决这些问题,对我国社会主义市场经济下武器装备采办效率和效益的提高、武器装备采办体制和国防科技工业体制创新具有十分重要的意义。

    The successful resolving of these problems will contribute to the efficiency and benefit of the defense acquisition , to the innovation of the defense acquisition system and the defense industrial system in Chinese socialist market economy system .

  20. 而对这些影响,需要我们进一步分析其内在相互关系,找出装备价格变革与国防工业体制改革的差距和条件并制定出与之相适应的对策。

    Further analysis should be made to seek the internal interactive relationships of these influences to find the circumstances and gaps between price changes of arming equipment and system reforms of national defense industry , working out the corresponding resolutions .

  21. 城市工业管理体制必须改革

    Reforming Industrial Mangement System in the City is an Imperative Task

  22. 国外石油工业管理体制的基本情况及其启示

    Introduction of Foreign Petroleum Industry Regulation System and its Inspiration

  23. 对煤炭工业投资体制改革的回顾及思考

    Review and Reflection on Investment System Reform in Coal Industry

  24. 改革中国电讯工业的体制。

    Now we are reforming the system of china 's telecommunications industry .

  25. 有限责任制度是现代企业制度的基础,我国工业经济体制改革、尤其是国有大中型企业的改革正是在此基础上进行的。

    The limited-responsibility is the basis of modem corporation system .

  26. 东北老工业基地体制机制变迁中的路径依赖与锁定效应分析

    Path-depending and Lock-in Effect of Institutional Innovation in the Northeast old Industrial Base

  27. 深化石油工业管理体制改革的探讨

    On Deepening Reform of Oil Industry Management System

  28. 工业管理体制不适应市场经济体制的要求;

    The industrious managing institution is not accommodated to the requirements of the market economic institution ;

  29. 对我国军事工业管理体制改革问题的初步探讨

    Preliminary Probing into the Problem of the Reform of Management System of China 's Defence Industry

  30. 改革国防科技工业管理体制,提升信息化武器装备水平;

    To reform the administration system of the scientific and technical industry for the national defense ;