
  • Andy;Andy Warhol
  1. 或许你有兴趣知道,安迪没有接受这份工作。

    It may interest you to know that Andy didn 't accept the job .

  2. 呀,行啦,安迪!

    Aw , come on , Andy !

  3. 法律问题由安迪负责处理。

    Legal problems are Andy 's territory .

  4. 由于命运的奇特安排,我和安迪乘坐了同一架飞机。

    By a strange twist of fate , Andy and I were on the same plane .

  5. 我打电话告诉安迪,那东西看上去太棒了。

    I called Andie to tell her how spectacular the stuff looked

  6. 安迪是个谦逊而且彬彬有礼的绅士。

    Andy was a humble , courteous and gentle man .

  7. 诺里奇戈特下路14–16号安迪唱片公司

    Andy 's Records , 14-16 Lower Goat La . , Norwich .

  8. 她会如此放松,一部分应该归功于安迪。

    Some of the credit for her relaxed manner must go to Andy .

  9. 安迪的脸色由于失望而变得苍白,也许还掺杂着气愤。

    Andy 's face paled with disappointment ; perhaps with anger as well .

  10. 安迪知道有风险,我不敢相信他竟然甘冒其险。

    Andy knew the risks . I cannot believe he would have chanced it

  11. 你知道安迪的情况,是不是?

    You know about Andy , don 't you ?

  12. 安迪转过身,大步走向克里斯,一拳把他击倒在地。

    Andy turned round , marched over to Chris and just laid him out .

  13. 安迪在桌边落座,询问出了什么问题。

    Andy sat down at the table and inquired as to what the problem was .

  14. 拉里和安迪从一处漂泊到另一处,干点这个又干点那个。

    Larry and Andy had drifted from place to place , worked at this and that .

  15. 其中一张是安迪的照片。

    One of them was a picture of Andy .

  16. 安迪是怎么学英语的?

    How does Andy learn English ?

  17. 没有回头路,安迪钻进下水管开始爬行,塑料袋拖在后面

    No turning back . He wriggles into the pipe and starts crawling , plastic bag dragging behind .

  18. 例句今日小常识官方纪录的最高陆地驾驶速度是763.035英里/小时(1227.985公里/小时)。1997年10月15日,英国人安迪•格林在美国内华达洲的黑岩沙漠里创造了此纪录。

    The official land-speed record measured is 763.035 miles per hour , set by Andy Green on 15 October 1997 in the Black Rock Desert .

  19. Manifest能源投资公司(ManifestEnergy)的安迪•卡斯纳对此表示赞同。

    That sentiment was echoed by Andy karsner , of investment firm manifest energy .

  20. 中药安迪粉针剂对小鼠巨噬细胞cAMP含量的影响

    Effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine Andi on cAMP in murine peritoneal macrophages

  21. 《财富》(Fortune)杂志主编赛安迪采访了这位传奇外交家。

    He spoke with fortune managing editor Andy serwer .

  22. Nest公司和安迪•鲁宾就是最好的例子。

    Nest and Andy Rubin efforts are the biggest examples of this .

  23. 作为其中一位学生家长,笔者的上司、《财富》杂志(Fortune)总编辑赛安迪有幸聆听了当天的演讲。

    My boss , fortune managing editor Andy serwer , was among the proud parents there .

  24. 教室名称也让人们想起迪士尼的影片,比如“安迪的卧室”是以《玩具总动员》(ToyStory)的场景起的。

    Classroom names recall Disney movies , such as'Andy 's Bedroom , 'named for the setting of the'Toy Story'films .

  25. 安迪:我希望他能干一些有趣的事,如挣大钱的演员或网络公司的CEO什么的。

    Andy : I hope something interesting like a highly overpaid actor or a dot-com CEO .

  26. 那时候,安迪还作为拉丁美洲的经济学家为爱滋病AID工作,不过,我们就再也没有在工作中相遇。

    Andy was at that time also working for AID as an economist dealing with Latin America , but we had never met at work .

  27. 如果安迪12539;迪弗瑞恩是大荧幕上的英雄,荧幕外的英雄则是泰德12539;特纳(TedTurner)。他的特纳广播公司(TurnerBroadcastingSystem)于1993年收购了城堡岩石。

    If Andy Dufresne was the movie 's on-screen hero , off screen it was Ted Turner , whose Turner Broadcasting System had acquired Castle Rock in 1993 .

  28. 对此,Android之父安迪•鲁宾在博客中写道:“我们没有,而且也永远不会尝试在单芯片架构上将平台标准化。”

    Writes Rubin : " there are not , and never have been , any efforts to standardize the platform on any single chipset architecture . "

  29. 安迪,始创于1990年,是一家专业生产浸胶手套的私营企业,主要产品为丁腈,天然乳胶,氯丁胶和PU手套。

    Andi founded in1990 , is a privated enterprise of manufacturing working gloves , major products are Nitrile , Nature Latex , Neoprene and PU coated gloves etc.

  30. 安迪•罗迪克在Twitter网站为这对双胞胎留言。在上月温网决赛中,这位美国选手惜败27岁的费德勒,也成就了费德勒夺得第15次大满贯。

    American Andy Roddick , who the27-year-old Federer beat in last month 's Wimbledon final to claim his15th grand slam , sent a message from his Twitter page about the twins .