
  1. 去年,互联网集团腾讯(Tencent)购入58同城20%股权,而58同城上月宣布,已通过大约2.67亿美元的现金加股票交易,收购总部位于上海的房地产租售信息平台安居客(AnjukeInc)。

    Last year , internet group Tencent bought a 20 per cent stake in 58.com , and the online marketplace announced last month it had acquired Shanghai-based property-listing platform Anjuke Inc for about $ 267m in cash and shares .

  2. 该报告由在线市场58同城和住房信息平台安居客共同编制。

    The report was jointly compiled by online marketplace 58.com and housing information platform anjuke.com .