
  1. 她爸妈肯定认可你了,是吧?

    Her parents really approve of you , don 't they ?

  2. 而它也因有着其他桥梁所无法比拟的优点而受到人们的肯定认可。

    And it is also because it has the incomparable virtues than the other bridges so approved by people .

  3. 技术员工是钻研技术、有良好学历背景、重视心理感受、需要被肯定认可、心思相对单纯的个体。

    Most technical staff like studying technology , and have a good academic background . They pay more attention to psychological feelings , and need to be sure that they are recognized . Besides , their mind is relatively sample .

  4. 毕竟,大多数学生都得到了肯定的认可。

    after all , most students receive sure approval .

  5. 同时与国内外多个相关单位进行合作,并得到充分的肯定和认可。

    Meanwhile , we cooperate with a number of related units and get fully affirmed .

  6. 定向越野运动的健身功能和对我们思维能力的培养以及生活实践的锻炼已经得到很多人的肯定、认可。

    Orienteering in the fitness function and the thinking ability of our practice exercise , and life has certainly been a lot of people , recognized .

  7. 表明上市公司披露社会责任信息的行为在资本市场上得到了肯定和认可,上市公司披露部分具体社会责任信息同样能对资本市场上的股价产生影响,带来良好的市场表现。

    It indicates that the behavior of the enterprise disclosed social responsibility information obtained the affirmation and the approval in the capital market , so does the disclosure of specific social responsibility .

  8. 他写道,在东南亚和东北亚文化中,“个人不是从自我认同、而是从属于某个团体中得到肯定和认可”。

    In both south-east and North-East Asian culture , he writes , " the individual finds affirmation and recognition not in their own individual identity but in being part of a group " .

  9. 我国地方政府官员通过网络开通博客、微博为网民们答疑解难,开放式地与网民进行交流,在一定程度上显示了政府对网络民粹正面影响的肯定和认可。

    Local governent officials in China through the network blog , micro-blog for netizens clarification , open to communicate with users , to a certain extent , shows the government on network populist positive impact of affirmation and recognition .

  10. 问卷评分≤2.5分认为对自杀持肯定、认可、宽容、理解的态度,2.5~3.5分为矛盾或中立态度,≥3.5分认为对自杀持反对、否定、排斥、歧视态度。

    The attitude to suicide of persons with scores ≤ 2.5 was affirming , approving , tolerant and comprehension ; scores of 2.5-3.5 were separated to contradictory and neutrality ; ≥ 3.5 was against , denying , rejecting and discrimination .

  11. 几年前,英国慈善阅读机构就肯定和认可了书籍的作用,该机构出版了医生可以向患者提供的书籍清单,以解决从抑郁症、痴呆症到慢性疼痛的话题。

    The power of books was recognised a few years ago by the British charity Reading Agency , who published a list of books that doctors could offer to patients , tackling topics from depression to dementia to chronic pain .

  12. 如果事情进展顺利,他最终会看到你不化妆的样子,你肯定希望他认可你的本来面目。

    If things go well he will eventually see you without make-up - and you will want him to recognize you at that point .

  13. 那些不仅被其它国家的肯定性经验所认可,并且也与美国习惯相契合的种种安排,必须毫不犹豫地优先从理论上进行完善。

    Arrangements not only sanctioned by conclusive experience elsewhere but also congenial to American habit must be preferred without hesitation to theoretical perfection .

  14. 发现二者所张扬的都是生命力的洋溢,精神的生生不息,情理的统一,都是对人的自由的肯定和尊严的认可。

    And it is also found that both Kant and Croce magnify the spread of life-force , the vitality of mind , the consistency of sense and reason , and the respect for freedom and dignity .

  15. 电子商务网站评估评价体系得到黑龙江省电子商务协会的肯定与推广,被哈尔滨震宇信息技术有限公司等公司应用于实践,得到企业的肯定与认可。

    The evaluation system in evaluating electronic-commerce website has been recognized by electronic-commerce association of Heilongjiang Province , also has been used by Harbin Zhenyu Information Technology Co. , Ltd. and other companies .