
  1. “完美食欲症”患者花大量时间计划吃什么,抵制诱惑,如果能坚持住饮食计划就会肯定自己。

    Orthorexics spend vast amounts of their time planning their food , resisting temptation , applauding themselves when they stick to their diet .

  2. 唧唧在考虑回到奶酪C站去,看是否能找到哼哼——但首先得肯定自己能找回来的路。

    Haw thought about going back again to Cheese Station C to see if he could find Hem -- assuming that Haw could find his way back there .

  3. 唧唧在考虑回到奶酪C站去,看是否能找到哼哼&但首先得肯定自己能找回来的路。

    Haw thought about going back again to Cheese Station C to see if he could find Hem & assuming that Haw could find his way back there .

  4. 因此,您应该一直启用HAManager,除非您相当肯定自己目前没有依赖项,且以后也不会引入依赖项。

    For this reason , you should leave the HA Manager enabled unless you are absolutely certain that you do not have a dependency now , and will not introduce a dependency in the future .

  5. 布兰森表示:我们分别拥有FI的两只车队,当时真的是很肯定自己会赢的。

    ' We both had Grand Prix teams and I was absolutely certain that I was going to win , ' said the businessman .

  6. 如果不完全肯定自己在做什么,应避免这种捷径而使用适当的XML输出工具(如4Suite的MarkupWriter)。

    If you 're not absolutely sure you know what you 're doing , avoid such a shortcut and use a proper XML output toolkit ( such as4Suite 's MarkupWriter ) .

  7. 如果他们知道的话,肯定自己就会去做。

    If they knew , they would surely do it themselves .

  8. 他不能肯定自己的公民身份是否会被取消。

    He wasn 't sure if his citizenship could be revoked .

  9. 我肯定自己不值得这么多赞扬。

    I 'm sure I don 't deserve so much praise .

  10. 考试还蛮有挑战性的,不过我肯定自己会通过。

    It was challenging but I 'm pretty sure I passed .

  11. 他不能十分肯定自己是不是在这里。

    He was not perfectly sure that he was there himself .

  12. 我肯定自己也在学习。

    I 'm sure I can learn from this as well .

  13. 谁也不能肯定自己的将来是什么样子。

    One can 't say with any certainty about his future .

  14. 自信就是肯定自己以及自己的能力。

    Self-confidence is to be sure of oneself and one 's abilities .

  15. 你肯定自己能胜任这份重要的工作吗?

    Are you sure you 're eligible for such a high-powered job ?

  16. 亦是要有肯定自己价值的触觉。

    It would also mean having a sense of worthiness about ourself .

  17. 他肯定自己会赢得诺贝尔奖,

    He 's sure he is going to get the Noble Price ,

  18. 矫揉造作不可避免的会暴露不能肯定自己的人。

    Affectation is inevitably the mark of one not sure of himself .

  19. 如果你问他们,他们肯定自己也不知道自己的名字。

    They wouldn 't know their own names if you asked them .

  20. 要肯定自己,表明你能胜任此项工作。

    Be positive and show that you are capable of doing the job .

  21. 不能肯定自己是否有如此高的情商?

    Not sure your emotional intelligence is that high ?

  22. 而且收银员很肯定自己可以指认他。

    And the cashier claims he could ID him .

  23. 他肯定自己最终会成功。

    He is sure about his eventual success .

  24. 一旦开始了,你就不能肯定自己能不能走开。

    Once you start , you can 't be sure you 'll walk away .

  25. 这当然是谎话,但参孙的失败却使他们肯定自己的想法。

    They were wrong of course but Samson 's failure made them think that way .

  26. 肯定自己的人生,宛若你己经是自己渴望的面貌。

    Affirm your life as though you already are all that you want to be .

  27. 不要太肯定自己的看法,这样子比较少后悔。

    Do not be too sure that their own views , with such less regret .

  28. 如果你肯定自己想得到那份工作,在信中说明你的兴趣。

    If you are sure you want the job , in ­ dicate your interest .

  29. 渐渐地我越发肯定自己无可替代。

    I came to feel much more sure that no one can ever take my place .

  30. 永远百分之百肯定自己,这样你就不会怀疑自己了。

    Always give a hundred percent , and you will never have to second guess yourself .