
  • 网络Kenton;camden
  1. 为了迎合这种增长的需求,InternationalPaperInc.计划将位于俄亥俄州肯顿(Kenton)的纸杯生产设备规模扩大一倍。

    Hoping to take advantage of the growth in demand , International Paper Inc. plans to double the size of a paper-cup manufacturing facility it runs in Kenton , Ohio .

  2. 担心成为肯顿唯一的企业吗?

    Being the only business out at Kenton ?

  3. 阿拉斯泰尔麦克莱伦(alastairmclellan)6年前开始去基泽肯顿集市店健身,以缓解自己的背部问题。

    Alastair McLellan , who uses the gym in Camden Town , started the workout about six years ago to help with his bad back .

  4. 在运送伤员的时候他一连为肯顿做了20分钟的人工呼吸,

    He then performed CPR for 20 straight minutes during the ground transport

  5. 在两个半小时的时间里为他人工呼吸,直到肯顿接受应急手术。

    and maintained artificial respiration through two-and-a-half hours and through emergency surgery .

  6. 肯顿博士已经担任副局长长达五年。

    Doctor Kington has been deputy director for the last five years .

  7. 目前的代理局长是瑞纳德•肯顿。

    For now the acting director is Raynard Kington .

  8. 他压紧肯顿的伤口,用管子充当呼吸道。

    He applied pressure to the wound and inserted a tube to reopen an airway .

  9. 男:当其他公司意识到肯顿有多便宜的时候,他们很快也会加入我们的行列。

    Man : Other firms " ll soon join us when they see how cheap it is in Kenton .

  10. 橡山公园赢得了2006年的肯顿设计大赏,其评价为“混然天成的建筑模范”。

    Oak Hill Park won the London Camden Design Award , 2006.The development was praised as a'great example of non-pastiche architecture .

  11. 男:不会这样的,我们不会搬得太远,只搬去肯顿……

    Man : You won 't have to . We 're not moving far away . We 're only going to Kenton ...

  12. 麻省理工学院的名为Nexi3月在生命的机器人领域的研究小组5日,面对2010年的机器人技术研究生肯顿威廉姆斯检查。

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate student Kenton Williams checks on the face of a robot named Nexi in an area of the Robotic Life Research Group on March5th , 2010 .